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  1. Here is the concept of god: Whether you believe there is a god or you do not believe, is a relatively minor problem. And here is why. If we assume the classic idea about god, it is that god is perfect. And that god created all things. That he is eternal, having no starting or ending point, is everywhere all the time, knows all things, and has unlimited absolute power., can and does control everything. (Omnipresent, Omniscient, Omnipotent.) Now, here is where the concept of god to us mortal presents a strange and terrifying contradiction, that you can test (at least using your mind): If God created all things, and he is perfect..then you must ask, why aren't all things perfect. Because they are in fact, not perfect. People suffer, die, children and killed, and people sin. Humans are not perfect. If you believe in evil, which almost all religions describe as a part of this world, such as the satan and his demons, then you must ask, how is it also that imperfect angels, a creation of god, came to be. This creation process from a perfect god, but realizes evil and imperfection presents the contradiction. In this, we must come to realize that this can be only explained with several ideas, and none of them are very good for supporting the classic "god theory". Based solely on what humans "know" about god, and the above unsettling facts about our own existence, an imperfect one, at best, Here are a few ideas that run counter to popular belief models about god: 1. God is not at all what we believe god to be. (How can an imperfect human actually know ANYTHING perfect? name one thing that is perfect, and for that moment in time, you have just performed a god power. Humans are not god, not perfect. We cannot know perfect) 2. God might not exist at all. 3. God exists, but is not perfect. 4. God may have been at one point in time a perfect entity, but at the moment that imperfect events and even thoughts occured, that ended the perfect streak. 5. It is possible that there are (or were) competing gods, very powerful and with a heirarchy (some have more power and influence than others) his helps to explain how we arrive at a god and satan world, where chaos and imperfection is what we experience. Now, I could go on and on and on...the list of different ways to describe and solve this puzzle of how a perfect god could really be given credit for this world is quite endless. But I will leave you all with an interesting question, one that all believers and thinking humans who grapple with the silly ideas defended by "religion", should be compelled to at least be highly critical and skeptical of: it is this: Setup. God is perfect, or was, before all of this universe and humans and angels came into being. When there was only God, alone. There was nothing but God. It was perfect. What possible motivation and what possible benefit or expectations would god have by creating all of this. After all, we are talking about a god who knows everything, has all of the power, can be everywhere all the time. To create a world KNOWING full well that it would be less than perfect, seems insane..the act of a very strange and sad god. If god wanted company, he would have created another clone of himself....perfectly. the fact that god did not do this, and elected to make this world...well, I think that tells us something about a perfect god. I don't know god. I have no idea what perfect is. But I know what perfect IS NOT...and that is humans, sin, and the world that we live in. As fascinating and incredibly complex as my existence is, it is a complete mystery to who I shall call my master. Or what talents I truly believe this god possesses. I think this was the argument made by satan fundamentally. if god had desired to create, he should have done it full on, perfectly. What we witness is that he failed to perform that. He allowed sin, and imperfection. And then has the nerve to insist WE ALL CARRY SIN ON OUR SHOULDERS. I think satan is alot more like humans than we believe. And god...even closer, although what we are told to believe is that god is nothing like us But if god exists, while he has more power than humans, he is ultimately responsible for all the problems he created. that is perhaps the most important fundamental contradiction that all thinking people need to grasp. Summary: we do not know of anything perfect. We cannot even describe a single thing as perfect, as timeless, as all present, all powerful. Humans do not know God.. get used to that fact. It is unfortunately a strange arrangement made exclusive by God. How bout them apples?
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