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IOM/FDA/CDC doctors: Food proteins present in vaccines cause the development of food allergies Nobel Laureate Charles Richet discovered over a hundred years ago that injecting proteins into mammals can cause them to develop an allergy to that protein. http://www.nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/medicine/laureates/1913/richet-lecture.html The US Dept. of Health and Human Services (HHS) charged the Institute of Medicine (IOM) with providing a thorough review of the current medical and scientific evidence on vaccines and vaccine adverse events. The IOM has concluded in its 2011 report that: FOOD PROTEINS PRESENT IN VACCINES CAUSE THE DEVELOPMENT OF FOOD ALLERGIES. https://iom.nationalacademies.org/Reports/2011/Adverse-Effects-of-Vaccines-Evidence-and-Causality.aspx Document Pg. 65 (pdf pg. 94 ): “Adverse events on our list thought to be due to IgE-mediated hypersensitivity reactions Antigens in the vaccines that the committee is charged with reviewing do not typically elicit an immediate hypersensitivity reaction (e.g., hepatitis B surface antigen, toxoids, gelatin, ovalbumin, casamino acids). However, as will be discussed in subsequent chapters, the above-mentioned antigens do occasionally induce IgE-mediated sensitization in some individuals and subsequent hypersensitivity reactions, including anaphylaxis.” For those who may not be familiar, here are the basics of allergy - a two step process: Sensitization: When exposure to an allergen (food protein) occurs for the first time, there are no symptoms. Over a period of a few weeks, the immune system develops antibodies specific to the allergen. The person is now sensitized. In other words, the person has developed allergy to the specific food item. "IgE-mediated sensitization", is the technical description for development of allergy. Elicitation: When a sensitized person is exposed to the same allergen again, they develop an immediate reaction (usually within minutes). Also called hypersensitivity reaction. This is called elicitation. A severe, life-threatening case of elicitation is known as anaphylaxis. So in simple English, the IOM committee has concluded that food proteins such as gelatin, egg (ovalbumin) and milk (casamino acid is derived from milk) that are present in vaccines, cause healthy non-allergic people to develop allergies to those food items upon receiving the vaccine. In 2002, the doctors from the CDC and FDA warned that gelatin-containing vaccines can cause gelatin allergy based on similar findings in Japan. "Nonetheless, our cases with anti-gelatin IgE required some previous exposure to gelatin to become sensitized, and this may have come through ingestion of gelatin-containing food or injection of gelatin-containing vaccines." They wrote: "Efforts should continue to identify less allergenic substitutes for gelatin currently used by vaccine manufacturers.". Authors: Vitali Pool, MD, CDC, M. Miles Braun, MD, MPH, FDA, John M. Kelso, MD, Naval Medical Center, Gina Mootrey, DO, MPH, CDC, Robert T. Chen, MD, MA, CDC, John W. Yunginger, MD, Robert M. Jacobson, MD, Mayo Clinic, Paul M. Gargiullo, PhD, CD. Prevalence of Anti-Gelatin IgE Antibodies in People With Anaphylaxis After Measles-Mumps-Rubella Vaccine in the United States http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/110/6/e71.long Yet today, the CDC table here lists numerous food proteins contained in vaccines, including gelatin, egg, milk (casamino acid), soy, seaweed (agar) and vegetable oils (in Polysorbate 80, sorbitol). http://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/pubs/pinkbook/downloads/appendices/B/excipient-table-2.pdf The result - the food allergy epidemic. And gelatin in vaccines is still making kids sick today: http://acaai.org/resources/connect/ask-allergist/Vaccines Japan removed gelatin from their vaccines in 2000. Kuno-Sakai H, Kimura M. Removal of gelatin from live vaccines and DTaP-an ultimate solution for vaccine-related gelatin allergy.Biologicals 2003;31:245-9 My son developed multiple life-threatening food allergies from these food protein contaminated vaccines. How can this situation ever be justified? Vaccines are among the greatest achievements of modern medicine. Food protein contaminated vaccines causing food allergy, is one of the worst blunders of modern medicine.
If you are a data point, so are the millions of kids who have developed food allergies. Why is the data being ignored? The point is we need data from CONTROLLED studies to set safe limits for allergens in vaccines, which the FDA has never done. Of course all vaccines go through trials before approval. The problem is they only look for efficacy, antibody titers and note headache,fever, malaise, swelling at injection site etc. No one checks to see if patients are developing a food allergy a month later. If you are not even looking for a problem, you are not going to find it. The formaldehyde and other excipients are clearly listed as RESIDUAL amounts. Not the amounts they added. They add way more. The amount listed are the amounts that are still present in the final product. Besides, what patients and doctors care about are how much of the excipient is present in the final product not how much was added in some manufacturing step. The body produces hydrochloric acid. That does not mean you can inject it into your deltoid muscle. The body knows how to handle formaldehyde in the location and quantities it produces. The 100 mcg of formaldehyde injected into your deltoid muscle can sit for 48 hours causing damage there before it gets processed. The amount of acetaminophen your liver can handle depends on how much alcohol you consume. The amount of formaldehyde/mercury your body can handle may depend on what you had for breakfast. One cannot claim that since the body produces formaldehyde, injecting formaldehyde is safe. As Einstein meant, things must be made as simple as possible, no simpler. Broken CFL handling: The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), no less ... http://www2.epa.gov/cfl/cleaning-broken-cfl "Vaccines save millions of lives." Of course. Why do you think I am researching the flu vaccines? I am trying to find the least harmful one for my family. And I posted the findings in the hope that it may be useful for anyone else going through the same exercise.
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The FDA wrote to me: "There is not, as you describe it, an FDA determined safe amount of a potentially allergenic ingredient contained in a vaccine. The FDA reviews vaccine composition in its entirety to ensure the safety and efficacy of the vaccine." Sanofi Pasteur wrote to me: "There is no specification for residual egg protein (expressed as ovalbumin) for influenza vaccines in the United States, nor is testing of the final product required for ovalbumin content." In other words, the FDA has no clue how much allergen protein in a vaccine is safe. There are no studies, no data, no specifications, and there is no enforcement. Folks, when the FDA claims the allergen proteins present in the vaccines are safe for your kids, it is pure SPECULATION! I am not speculating, the FDA is speculating. If they did a better job, we won't have this thread. John, Re. Polysorbate 80: If you are not convinced, that does not mean it's not true! Re.Mercury: If you break a compact fluorescent lamp (CFL) in your house, you are supposed to evacuate the house and ventilate it to avoid breathing the mercury vapors. So why would you inject mercury if you don't have to? Cobra venom is well tolerated when taken orally. Would you take it with your breakfast cereal? Fact: Formaldehyde is a carcinogen. Why list formaldehyde as an excipient in the vaccine package insert, if it has disappeared, as you claim? The body produces formaldehyde, and it has evolved to deal with what it produces. Injected formaldehyde is a different story. What's the harm in choosing a vaccine with no formaldehyde if you can? You like formaldehyde, suit yourself! Over 4 billion years of evolution, we have been drinking water. We have not been injecting Triton X-100 until a few decades ago?. So what? You could become allergic to the damaged cell's proteins and develop autoimmune disorders. Sorry you found the material to be bull, I hope others find it more useful. We are not talking about the ingredients of engine oil. We are injecting this stuff into our kids. Would it hurt to be a little more cautious?
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At least for me, it used to be that you went to a hospital every fall and got a flu shot. Well, it turns out there are not only multiple types of flu shots and methods of administration, they don't quite contain the same stuff. A table with some of the ingredients is attached to get you started on your research. Source: http://www.fda.gov/BiologicsBloodVaccines/Vaccines/ApprovedProducts/ucm094045.htm When viral proteins are injected into the body, the immune system learns to recognize them (sensitization) and then on subsequent exposure to the proteins it begins to attack them (elicitation). Unfortunately, any other proteins injected with the vaccine are treated the same way. Once sensitized to the injected protein, future exposure to the protein elicits an attack known as an allergic reaction. Details and references are here: http://foodallergycauses.wordpress.com/category/food-allergy-causes/ Intranasal: the risk is injecting live viruses on to your olfactory nerve that is millimeters away from your brain. There may also be adventitious agents in the vaccine. In other words, unintentional contamination of the vaccine by viruses/bacteria/amoeba etc.. Intradermal: the risk is skin cells/proteins are torn by the needle and injected along with the vaccine. If your body develops an allergy to these skin proteins, you can develop immune system related skin disorders such as eczema. Intramuscular:the risk is skin and muscle cells/proteins are torn by the needle and injected along with the vaccine. If your body develops an allergy to these muscle proteins (one of which is tropomyosin), you can develop immune system disorders as the immune system attacks any tissue containing tropomyosin. Tropomyosin is present in the brain and the intestines. So disorders can include autism, ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel syndrome etc. and of course seafood allergy. http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/85502-vaccines-allergies-autism-and-autoimmune-disorders/ Polysorbate 80 contains vegetable oils. Depending on the type of vegetable oil used, it can cause the development of allergies to various food items - food allergies. http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/83698-polysorbate-80-vaccines-and-federal-allergen-regulation/ Ovalbumin in vaccines can cause the development of allergy to egg. Formaldehyde is a known carcinogen but your body creates a small amount of it too. Mercury is a well known toxin for which there is no safe amount. Triton X-100 can damage cells. HA is the viral protein. The "active ingredient" of a flu vaccine. Insect proteins when injected into the body can cause the development of allergy to those insect proteins. Flublok uses cells from the Fall Armyworm, a type of moth larvae. If you develop an allergy to such an insect protein, it may be very difficult to avoid exposure. Avoiding exposure to egg for a patient with egg allergies is difficult enough. How would one avoid exposure to a moth/larvae protein? Flucelvax contains dog kidney cell proteins. If you develop an allergy to dog kidney cell protein, your immune system might start attacking your own similar kidney cells. An autoimmune kidney disorder will result. Also the dog kidney cells used to make the vaccine are highly tumorigenic. The cells are supposed to be all killed. But even the tumorigenic DNA residue in the vaccine is considered dangerous and is therefore limited by the FDA to 10 nanogram. Is that low enough? www.fda.gov/ohrms/dockets/ac/05/slides/5-4188S1-1draft.PPT Trivalent vaccines contain three viral strains and quadrivalent contain four viral strains. If you want to perform some probability calculations, flu vaccines work 60% of the time per the CDC. http://www.cdc.gov/flu/about/season/effectivenessqa-2013-14.htm And about 3000-40,000 people are killed by the flu each year. In the old days before vaccines, you had no choice but to suffer the flu. Modern medicine gives you a choice, a choice between the devil and the deep sea ... for a fee. flusum2014.pdf
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We have discussed food proteins in injected vaccines and their association with the development of food allergies. http://www.sciencefo...food-allergies/ http://www.sciencefo...?hl=polysorbate http://foodallergyca...allergy-causes/ We have discussed pollen proteins injected by insects and their association with the development of pollen allergy. http://www.sciencefo...eatment-plants/ We have also discussed the possibility that skin/muscle proteins injected by intramuscular shots resulting in allergies, autism or autoimmune disorders. http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/85502-vaccines-allergies-autism-and-autoimmune-disorders/ Flucelvax is an influenza vaccine made with Madin-Darby Canine Kidney (MDCK) cells. Each vaccine dose can have as much as 8.4 mcg of MDCK proteins. That is more than half as much as the amount of viral hemagglutinin (HA) protein (15 mcg per virus). So in theory, half the patients will be sensitized to MDCK as well as HA protein. Is there a possibility of cross reactivity where anti-MDCK IgE can bind to human kidney cells causing auto immune disorders of the kidney? Then they have 120 mcg, 8X the amount of HA, of other protein and I have no idea what all those IgE are going to do ... Excerpt from package insert: http://www.fda.gov/downloads/BiologicsBloodVaccines/Vaccines/ApprovedProducts/UCM329134.pdf "FLUCELVAX is standardized according to United States Public Health Service requirements for the 2014-2015 influenza season and is formulated to contain a total of 45 micrograms (mcg) hemagglutinin (HA) per 0.5 mL dose in the recommended ratio of 15 mcg HA of each of the following three influenza strains: A/Brisbane/10/2010 (H1N1) (an A/California/7/2009 -like virus); A/Texas/50/2012, NYMC X-223A (H3N2); and B/Massachusetts/2/2012. Each dose of FLUCELVAX may contain residual amounts of MDCK cell protein (8.4 mcg), protein other than HA (? 120 mcg), MDCK cell DNA (? 10 ng), polysorbate 80 (? 1125 mcg), cetyltrimethlyammonium bromide (? 13.5 mcg), and ?-propiolactone (<0.5 mcg), which are used in the manufacturing process." And then apparently, the MDCK cells could be highly tumorigenic ... http://www.fda.gov/ohrms/dockets/ac/05/slides/5-4188s1-1draft.ppt A typical flu shot contains 15 mcg of hemagglutinin (HA) protein per virus type and 0.5 mcg of ovalbumin protein. http://www.fda.gov/downloads/BiologicsBloodVaccines/Vaccines/ApprovedProducts/UCM371815.pdf About 60% of US children who receive a flu shot get sensitized to the HA protein. http://www.cdc.gov/flu/about/season/effectivenessqa-2013-14.htm The result is the immune system attacks HA proteins on subsequent exposure giving protection against the flu virus. One can expect 60/(15/0.5)=2% of those who receive the flu shot to get sensitized to the ovalbumin protein. The result is the immune system attacks the ovalbumin protein on subsequent exposure, giving egg allergy. Indeed the estimated prevalence of egg allergy in children in the US is ~2% of the population. http://www.foodallergy.org/document.doc?id=194 The last document above says: "Although childhood allergies to milk, egg, wheat and soy generally resolve in childhood, they appear to be resolving more slowly than in previous decades, with many children still allergic beyond age 5years." As more vaccines (each with some food protein or the other) are added to the vaccine schedule, we can expect exactly this outcome because the vaccine booster shots act as boosters for the food allergies also as explained in this post. If Flucelvax is an attempt to remove egg proteins from flu vaccines, it looks like what they have done is jump from the frying pan into the fire ...
Vaccines, allergies, autism and autoimmune disorders
vinucube replied to vinucube's topic in Microbiology and Immunology
If oral vaccines are designed to defeat stomach acid and carry intact proteins to the intestine, the body will develop allergies to these intact proteins that were absorbed into the blood. Like intranasal vaccines if the oral vaccines only cause a local infection, then it is unlikely that any protein in the vaccine will cause the development of allergies. I agree that natural selection has been somewhat modified by modern medicine. However, regarding autism and allergies we are talking about their rise over the last 2-3 decades in the US. Infant mortality has improved during this time. Infanticide is irrelevant too. C-section birth have skyrocketed and they are a known risk factor for priming newborns to the formation of IgE mediated allergies. Autism was found to be higher among high socio-economic status areas in Southern California. Probably due to higher prevalence of elective C-section births? So genetics alone does not seem to be able to explain it.- 4 replies
Vaccines, allergies, autism and autoimmune disorders
vinucube replied to vinucube's topic in Microbiology and Immunology
"However, those reactions aren't associated with vaccines (statistically, afaik), so another association might prove more insightful." Kuno-Sakai H, Kimura M. Removal of gelatin from live vaccines and DTaP-an ultimate solution for vaccine-related gelatin allergy.Biologicals 2003;31:245-9. [PubMed] The above article demonstrates that food proteins in vaccines cause the development of food allergies. So it is not a stretch to expect that tropomyosin injected with vaccines can result in development of allergy to tropomyosin. And it need not even be a vaccine. Even the Vitamin K1 shot given at birth could cause the tropomyosin sensitization. The trouble with the genetic angle is how does one explain the huge increase in autism over the last two decades.- 4 replies
We have discussed food proteins in injected vaccines and their association with the development of food allergies. http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/78023-direct-evidence-from-the-cdc-that-vaccines-cause-food-allergies/ http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/83698-polysorbate-80-vaccines-and-federal-allergen-regulation/?hl=polysorbate http://foodallergycauses.wordpress.com/category/food-allergy-causes/ We have also discussed pollen proteins injected by insects and their association with the development of pollen allergy. http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/80120-pollen-allergies-related-to-insect-bites-and-water-treatment-plants/ It is the flu season and I have been researching an ever increasing number of flu vaccine options to chose from. Trivalent/quadrivalent, intramuscular, intradermal, jet injectors, intranasal, canine kidney based, insect based. etc. I also found that various vendors of the flu vaccine have varying amounts of ovalbumin (0-1 mcg), Polysorbate 80, gelatin, antibiotics, mercury, Triton x-100, latex etc. I digress, but do you research and choose the least contaminated flu vaccine? or do you go with the flu vaccine du jour of your provider? In any case, the jet injector got me thinking about the injection process itself. It occurred to me that regardless of jet, intramuscular or intradermal, the jet or needle tears through the skin/muscle and bits of skin/muscle (with skin/muscle proteins) will be deposited into the body along with the vaccine itself. We have been discussing how the adjuvants in vaccines can increase the immune response and result in more effective sensitization to the viral and food proteins in the vaccine. By the same mechanism, one could in theory expect immune system sensitization to the skin/muscle proteins that were also deposited. Once sensitized, on subsequent exposure, the immune system will attack these proteins and the symptoms can include allergic reaction, inflammation or anaphylaxis. With vaccine injections scheduled for a kid increasing to 40-50 shots, the probability is now higher that the immune system is sensitized to skin/muscle proteins. One can therefore expect an increase in immune system related skin disorders such as eczema. Perhaps the increase in eczema over the past 40 years is related to the increasing number of adjuvanted jabs? The major allergen in crustaceans, such as shrimp, is tropomyosin, which is a muscle protein. My understanding is that human muscle also contain this protein - tropomyosin. So an intramuscular vaccine shot could tear muscle cells and deposit some tropomyosin along with the vaccine adjuvants. This can result in immune system sensitization to tropomyosin. Tropomyosin is also present in the intestine and the brain. Maybe immune system sensitization to tropomyosin and subsequent immune system attack on tropomyosin can explain autism and autistic children having intestinal disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome and ulcerative colitis. Of course, sensitization to tropomyosin will also result in seafood allergy. Vaccines are of course a very important tool to protect humans from dangerous diseases. With increasing vaccination, they are beginning to look like a blunt tool that causes a lot of damage. Vaccines are conceptually very simple. It is time to develop a new generation of more sophisticated vaccines that are more precise in their impact and safe.
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Polysorbate 80, Vaccines and Federal Allergen Regulation
vinucube replied to vinucube's topic in Microbiology and Immunology
As I wrote http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1375241/ and the J. Benveniste work are fundamentally flawed. No one has been able to replicate it. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8255290 The papers should have been retracted. So it is best to ignore those results. If basophils degranulate when exposed to distilled water in a lab, they will also degranulate when you drink a glass of water. So every mammal sporting such basophils would have gone extinct by now. Natural selection would have eliminated such basophils. If a test produced the same result whether you used water or a chemical, why would the laboratories continue to perform that test at all? -
Polysorbate 80, Vaccines and Federal Allergen Regulation
vinucube replied to vinucube's topic in Microbiology and Immunology
According to my calculations, if a person weighing 100 kg were made of hydrogen atoms, they would have 6x10^28 atoms. Please verify my calculations ... Since we are of course made of heavier molecules, the number is smaller. So, I don't know how anyone talking about dilutions of 10^60 or 10^120 can be taken seriously. I read that by some estimates, the number of atoms in the universe is ~10^80 ... If Nature published this work, may be it is a serious candidate for retraction? -
Polysorbate 80, Vaccines and Federal Allergen Regulation
vinucube replied to vinucube's topic in Microbiology and Immunology
They are reporting mast cell degranulation that releases histamine. If there was no allergic reaction detected in the animals, I assume the company would have been more than happy to report that. You wrote that the Polysorbate 80 process which includes hydrolysis would remove proteins. The FDA said the same thing about hydrolyzed gelatin in vaccines. The FDA has been proven wrong by the ACAAI report: http://www.acaai.org...theFluShot.aspx Assuming trace quantities of protein in vaccines are safe is costing people their lives. Is it not time for the FDA to study the issue thoroughly and establish safe limits or eliminate food proteins from vaccines/injections? Sorry for bringing up gelatin again but it helps make my point that the FDA seems to be (wittingly or unwittingly) violating federal allergen regulation and endangering people's lives. -
Polysorbate 80, Vaccines and Federal Allergen Regulation
vinucube replied to vinucube's topic in Microbiology and Immunology
http://polysorbate.jp/ Says "Low Allergic Reaction". To me, that is not "does not cause an allergic reaction". In 2003: Kuno-Sakai H, Kimura M. Removal of gelatin from live vaccines and DTaP-an ultimate solution for vaccine-related gelatin allergy.Biologicals 2003;31:245-9. [PubMed] I was told US vaccines contain hydrolyzed gelatin which is free of proteins that can cause allergy. In 2013: http://www.acaai.org/allergist/news/New/Pages/AllergictoGummyBearsBeCautiousGettingtheFluShot.aspx Looks like we are being too careless about what goes into our vaccines even after all the evidence about the dangers. -
Polysorbate 80, Vaccines and Federal Allergen Regulation
vinucube replied to vinucube's topic in Microbiology and Immunology
"What's the evidence for this bit "Corporation's ultra pure injection grade process results in enough allergen concentration to elicit allergic reactions."" Please see http://polysorbate.jp/ I am not an expert in fat metabolism. If as you said, you end up with oleic acid naturally, another possibility is that there are also other chemicals released into the bloodstream simultaneously which may have a protective effect perhaps? For example, taking calcium and oxalate separately increases the risk of calcium oxalate kidney stones. Taken together, calcium and oxalate absorption is reduced, cutting the risk of calcium oxalate kidney stones. -
Polysorbate 80, Vaccines and Federal Allergen Regulation
vinucube replied to vinucube's topic in Microbiology and Immunology
John, I was not ignoring your comments, I was working on a reponse ... As we have discussed, the FDA has not established safe limits for food proteins in vaccines. If there were safety limits and the Polysorbate 80 production process resulted in safe levels of food proteins, I would of course have nothing to complain about. NOF Corporation's ultra pure injection grade process results in enough allergen concentration to elicit allergic reactions. I don't see how that can be considered safe. One would expect by now that vaccine making is a mature engineering discipline with clear specifications, clear test methods and clear enforcement of specifications. However, the FDA's approach to vaccine safety seems more like tinkering than engineering to me and it is putting millions of lives at risk for life-threatening food allergies. It looks like experts who understood the danger of allergens in vaccines ensured that Federal regulations were written to prohibit them. The FDA seems to have decided to ignore those regulations. While we have been discussing food allergies, injecting oleic acid is also known to cause lung injury. Perhaps Polysorbate 80 in vaccines/injections may even be linked to the asthma epidemic in kids. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/3949648 Looks like the FDA has a lot of work to do ... -
Polysorbate 80, Vaccines and Federal Allergen Regulation
vinucube replied to vinucube's topic in Microbiology and Immunology
CharonY, Kuno-Sakai H, Kimura M. Removal of gelatin from live vaccines and DTaP-an ultimate solution for vaccine-related gelatin allergy.Biologicals 2003;31:245-9. [PubMed] Kuno-Sakai et al. have indeed proved beyond doubt that vaccines were the cause for gelatin allergy. As I wrote, the logical next step after this finding would be to examine ALL food proteins in all vaccines, establish and enforce a safe level for food proteins in vaccines/injections if they cannot be eliminated. The FDA has done nothing. Of course there are other food allergy development mechanisms that are possible. You have to look at all mechanisms for which strong evidence exists. The intestine protein absorption hypothesis has flaws: 1. In healthy humans, proteins are denatured by stomach acid and therefore there is not enough protein absorption in the intestine to cause sensitization. The paper below shows that if proton pump inhibitors (PPI) are prescribed to reduce stomach acid, patients develop food allergy. Untersmayr E, Bakos N, Schöll I, Kundi M, Roth-Walter F, Szalai K, Riemer AB, Ankersmit HJ, Scheiner O, Boltz-Nitulescu G, Jensen-Jarolim E. Anti-ulcer drugs promote IgE formation toward dietary antigens in adult patients . FASEB J. 2005;19:656–658. So yes, the mechanism of intestinal protein absorption and sensitization is possible but unless we are feeding PPI to our infants, it does not explain the food allergy epidemic. 2. The most reliable way to induce sensitization and food allergy in laboratory animals is to inject them with food proteins along with adjuvants, the same as human vaccines. They don't use the oral/intestinal route. Birmingham N., Thanesvorakul S., Gangur V. Relative immunogenicity of commonly allergenic food versus rarely allergenic and non-allergenic foods in mice. J. Food Prot. 2002;65:1988–1991. 3. What changed in the intestines of infants in the last few decades? Food allergy was not common before that. 4. All infants are not fed the same type of foods. There are a wide range of food proteins fed to infants. Why only milk, egg, peanuts/treenut are the top food allergies? If the intestinal route was the cause, one would expect widely varying food allergies potentially along ethnic lines. 5. My son is allergic to milk, egg and peanuts/tree nuts including hazel nuts. We never fed him hazel nuts. How did it get to his intestine? The first time in his life that he was fed cow's milk, he developed an allergic reaction. How was sensitization through the intestinal route possible? 6. As you wrote, doctors made one recommendation and then they changed their minds and made the opposite one proves they are looking at a flawed hypothesis. -
Polysorbate 80, Vaccines and Federal Allergen Regulation
vinucube replied to vinucube's topic in Microbiology and Immunology
CharonY, "Nope. in both cases there is a risk of it happening. It does not happen automatically and is trivially countered by the number of people without allergies." Agreed, I should perhaps have stated "... any protein is injected into the body for the first time in sufficient quantity ...". "The biggest issue is typically that people who are already allergic to gelatin could react badly to vaccines containing it." No, the biggest issue is why do people become sensitized to gelatin in the first place. Kunio-Sakai et al., have proved beyond doubt that vaccines caused the sensitization. Following this finding, common sense would dictate that every food protein in every vaccine should be a suspect in the food allergy epidemic. Kuno-Sakai H, Kimura M. Removal of gelatin from live vaccines and DTaP-an ultimate solution for vaccine-related gelatin allergy.Biologicals 2003;31:245-9. [PubMed] "why would you think there are proteins in polysorbates?" Polysorbate 80 is derived from vegetable oils and it is therefore impossible to remove food proteins completely from it. If it is peanut, hazelnut or sesame oil then those food proteins would be present, risking the development of peanut, treenut or sesame allergy in the vaccine/injection recipient. As I wrote in the OP, in http://polysorbate.jp/ NOF Corporation who claim to manufacture some of the world's highest injection quality Polysorbate 80 also show that their product does elicit allergic reactions. -
Polysorbate 80, Vaccines and Federal Allergen Regulation
vinucube replied to vinucube's topic in Microbiology and Immunology
As you know, when any protein is injected into the body for the first time, it causes immune system sensitization. Subsequent exposure to the protein by any route will eliciit an allergic reaction. We also know that the amount of protein required for sensitization is much much smaller than the amount required to elicit an allergic reaction. Measles, mumps and rubella vaccine (MMR) has 10000x more gelatin than DTaP. http://www.chop.edu/service/vaccine-education-center/vaccine-safety/vaccine-ingredients/gelatin-allergies.html Development of food allergy requires only trace quantities of food protein as Nakayama et al., have found. Nakayama T, Aizawa C, Kuno-Sakai H. A clinical analysis of gelatin allergy and determination of its causal relationship to the previous administration of gelatin-containing acellular pertussis vaccine combined with diphtheria and tetanus toxoids. J Allergy Clin Immunol 1999;103:321–5. DTaP causes the development of gelatin allergy (sensitization) and subsequent MMR administration results in anaphylaxis. When MMR is administered first, one would expect that it is more likely to cause the development of gelatin allergy. Subsequent DTaP administration however does not result in anaphylaxis, most likely due to the small quantity of gelatin present in DTaP. This is probably the reason people who are allergic to egg can still get flu shots without eliciting an anaphylactic reaction. However, the flu shot could have enough egg protein to cause the development of egg allergy (sensitization). That team subsequently concluded that removal of gelatin from vaccines was the ultimate solution to avoid sensitization to gelatin. Kuno-Sakai H, Kimura M. Removal of gelatin from live vaccines and DTaP-an ultimate solution for vaccine-related gelatin allergy.Biologicals 2003;31:245-9. [PubMed] Logically, one would expect that following the above findings/conclusions that research would have been performed to establish safe levels for ALL food proteins in vaccines such that they do not cause sensitization. One would also expect that federal regulations would codify/specify and enforce such limits. Since NOF Corporation's Polysorbate 80 has enough allergen to elicit an allergic reaction, that level of allergens can easily cause sensitization. On the one hand there seems to be federal regulations prohibiting the addition of allergens. On the other hand, the FDA seems to be approving vaccines that contain enough food allergens to cause sensitization. Given this, how can we confidently assert that the food allergy epidemic is not being caused by food allergens in vaccines or injections resulting in sensitization? If we argue that vaccines causing food allergies is a well known side effect then one would expect that vaccine package inserts would document that sensitization and development of food allergies as an expected side effect. Today vaccine package inserts do not list food allergy development/sensitization as a side effect. Why this disconnect?- 25 replies
Polysorbate 80, Vaccines and Federal Allergen Regulation
vinucube replied to vinucube's topic in Microbiology and Immunology
Could you please point to FDA's definition of the lower limit? I have not been able to find one. -
Polysorbate 80, Vaccines and Federal Allergen Regulation
vinucube replied to vinucube's topic in Microbiology and Immunology
If it does not contain allergens, there should be NO allergic reaction, not low allergic reaction. Federal regulations do not specify a safe level for allergens. -
Polysorbate 80 contains oleic acid derived from vegetable oils. So it is not possible to guarantee that it is free of allergen proteins. For example, NOF Corporation claims "number one quality product in the world" for its "injectable grade" Polysorbate 80 HX2 product but it is not allergen free. http://polysorbate.jp/ Federal regulations below prohibit the addition of extraneous protein known to be capable of producing allergenic effects into injectable vaccines. http://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/cdrh/cfdocs/cfcfr/CFRSearch.cfm?fr=610.15 Title 21 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Section 610.15 Constituent materials. These regulations state "(a) Ingredients, preservatives, diluents, adjuvants. All ingredients used in a licensed product, and any diluent provided as an aid in the administration of the product, shall meet generally accepted standards of purity and quality (b)Extraneous protein; cell culture produced vaccines. Extraneous protein known to be capable of producing allergenic effects in human subjects shall not be added to a final virus medium of cell culture produced vaccines intended for injection." However, the FDA has approved numerous vaccines containing Polysorbate 80. http://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/pubs/pinkbook/downloads/appendices/B/excipient-table-2.pdf Anyone have an explanation?
http://www.urology-hub.com/sites/www.touchurology.com/files/private/articles/1343/pdf/gornish.pdf The paper above describes how BPH occurs. Basically, valves inside a vertical vein (called ISV) get damaged. There are two effects: 1) When the ISV is normal, each valve in the vein takes up a little bit of press ure. When the valves are damaged, the full pressure of the weight of the blood in the ISV is applied to the prostate gland that is at the bottom of the ISV. This local high blood pressure inside the prostate gland causes it to increase in size. 2) Due to the problem above, a hormone called FT produced by the testes, pools in the prostate instead of flowing through the ISV vein to the rest of the body. The FT hormone is a growth hormone for the prostate. The high local FT hormone level causes the prostate to grow. Regarding item (2), it may help if one can reverse the effect of gravity a few times a day. Performing the Bridge exercise (http://sportsmedicine.about.com/od/strengthtraining/qt/bridge-exercise.htm) or lying on a sloping bed with the feet side of the bed elevated can produce this effect. In other words, raise the lower torso above the level of the heart, to "drain the ISV vein". If the extra hormone can be drained out of the prostate gland by this reversed gravity, prostate growth could be reduced. Thanks.
While researching vaccines as a cause for food allergies ( foodallergycauses.wordpress.com ) I learned about Nobel Laureate Charles Richet's discovery. Foreign proteins injected into the bloodstream of mammals sensitize the immune system and subsequent exposure to that protein causes an allergic reaction. It occurred to me that perhaps pollen grains are injected into the human bloodstream and cause pollen allergy. In other words, pollen surface proteins or food proteins are all treated as if they were proteins of invading viruses or bacteria. How are pollen grains injected into the bloodstream? One possibility is insect bites. Mosquito proboscis are about 40 um in diameter. Any type of pollen grain in the area that are smaller than 40 um in diameter can contaminate the proboscis when the mosquito feeds on nectar. When they feed on humans, mosquitoes inject saliva (an anti-coagulant) and the pollen grains can be injected into humans along with the saliva. The victim can then develop allergy to the injected pollen. Pollen size table: genus micron ragweed ambrosia 16-27 mountain cedar,juniper juniperus 25-36 ryegrass lollum 22-122 maple acer 20-51 elm ulmus 16-50 mulberry morus 17-21 pecan carya 10-68 oak quercus 24-38 tumbleweed amaranthus 18-31 cypress cupressus 25-36 parthenium parthenium 20-30 pine pinus 40-75 birch betula 18-31 poplar,cottonwood populus 25-40 cedar chamaecyparis 25-36 olive eleaegnus 24-44 sycamore platanus 17-20 Source: www.pollenlibrary.com/ Smaller pollen grains are likely to be more allergenic if this mechanism is the cause. If the above mechanism were possible, pollen allergy would be as old as humankind. There is some evidence of a rise in pollen allergy in the industrial age. Adjuvants (commonly alum - salts of aluminum/potassium) are used in vaccines to prolong and improve the efficacy of vaccines. Alum holds the vaccines' viral proteins together, protects the proteins and prolongs their exposure to the immune system. This improves the immune system's ability to develop sensitization to the viral protein and thus develop immunity. In other words, alum increases the immunogenicity of the injected proteins. With vaccinations increasing worldwide, alum is injected frequently into people. Another source of alum is modern drinking water. Water treatment plants worldwide use alum to treat turbidity. Similar function as in vaccines. Alum causes the suspended impurities in water to coagulate and settle or float, making it easier to remove them. Alum in trace quantities is therefore present in drinking water and can be absorbed into the blood. In other words, immunogenicity of injected pollen grains probably increased in the industrial age as alum treated drinking water became more common. Thanks.
Arete, I believe the following part of the paper is a separate study probably described in greater detail in reference 11 (which I have not been able to locate). 11. Kuno-Sakai H, Nakayama T, Aizawa C. Effects of alum precipitated DPT vaccines, which contain gelatin as additive or which contain trace amount of gelatin originated from detoxification process, to anaphylactic reactions occurring after administration of live vaccines with gelatin. Clin Virol 1996;24:210-9. "In the preliminary results investigating the immunogenicity of gelatin in DTaP, a trace amount of gelatin in DTaP was immunogenic. We examined 165 paired sera obtained before the first dose of DTaP and 1 month after the third dose of DTaP. Of 165 paired sera, 62 were obtained from the recipients of gelatin-free DTaP, and IgE antibodies to gelatin developed in none. In 103 recipients of gelatincontaining DTaP, IgE antibodies to gelatin developed in 2 recipients." The 366 patients you refer had received DTaP followed by MMR and suffered adverse reactions. The 165 paired sera were I believe obtained from a separate group before and after DTaP, unrelated to MMR adverse events. My understanding was that this was a separate study "investigating the immunogenicity of gelatin in DTaP". Hence my statement that 2% of the recipients were affected. Regarding aspirin and antibiotic safety compared to vaccines: There are two separate issues. The number of adverse reactions to vaccines does not give you visibility into the scale of the problem. Many people who have food allergies will not have an adverse reaction to a vaccine that contains the allergen. Many people with egg allergy can get the influenza vaccine without suffering a reaction. The main problem is vaccines causing the food allergy, not vaccines causing adverse reactions immediately following vaccination. 15 million Americans are estimated to have life-threatening food allergies. I think there is evidence to believe that vaccines/injections caused most of them. If aspirin and antibiotics caused a problem of this magnitude, sure, they will have to go to the top of the list. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12495022 "Groups of mice (n = 4 to 5) were injected intraperitoneally with the protein extracts (plus alum as an adjuvant)". Injecting protein + alum to induce allergy in mice is very common and well known. We do the same to humans and expect a different result? Thanks.
Referring to Nakayama et al.: When MMR was administered before DTaP, there was no anaphylaxis reported. "It was around 1994 that most children started to receive DTaP vaccine before live measles or rubella vaccines, as shown in Fig 1. Reports on anaphylactic reactions after live vaccines began to accumulate at the same time." As I pointed out before, too many coincidences to ignore ... "We examined 165 paired sera obtained before the first dose of DTaP and 1 month after the third dose of DTaP. Of 165 paired sera, 62 were obtained from the recipients of gelatin-free DTaP, and IgE antibodies to gelatin developed in none. In 103 recipients of gelatincontaining DTaP, IgE antibodies to gelatin developed in 2 recipients." More coincidence? That's 2% of recipients developing IgE antibodies to gelatin in DTaP. Add this wrinkle: "In the gastrointestinal tract of babies born by c-section, there is a pattern of "at risk" microorganisms that may cause them to be more vulnerable to developing the antibody Immunoglobulin E, or IgE, when in contact with allergens" - Christine Cole Johnson, Ph.D., MPH, chair of Henry Ford Department of Health Sciences.[5] I don't know the C-section statistics in Japan ... Add several vaccines with various food proteins, powerful adjuvants that increase the immunogenicity of the food proteins, multiple (5) vaccines being administered simultaneously, sky-rocketing C-section rates in the US and 15% of today's children being allergic to foods may not be difficult to explain. C-sections may also explain John's question about increasing hay-fever ... "DTaP has a low incidence of clinical side effects,12 and gelatin-free DTaP appears to be desirable for avoiding unnecessary sensitization against gelatin." I would have hoped that this would have sounded the alarm to look at all food proteins in vaccines - 14 years ago ... There is plenty of evidence (including those I provided starting with Charles Richet more than a hundred years ago) that parenteral administration of a protein causes the development of an allergy to that protein. To me Murphy's law applies. If proteins injected into the blood stream CAN cause allergies, they WILL cause allergies. Unless vaccines/injections are specifically engineered to avoid causing allergies, Nakayama's findings should come as no surprise at all. In fact, it should have been predicted. "After all- if it fails they will get sued into oblivion." Not in the US. Vaccine makers are immune to lawsuits and therefore have little incentive to improve vaccine safety. Thanks.