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Everything posted by EdEarl

  1. There may be enough total computing power on the internet, but is it available for use by those doing AGI. Moreover, have they created software than can use that many computers effectively, if it is available to them. IDK the answers to those Q. I'm not a researcher in that area, so do not know the latest info. The efforts I know about are simplifying software to make it run fast on available processors. There is an effort to learn everything about the brain, with the goal of simulating an entire brain. That effort is far from being complete; neither the research is complete nor the computer power necessary for the simulation. I believe the singularity will be achieved before the complete brain simulation "project" (AFAIK it is a concept, not a funded project) is complete. Since the singularity has not been achieved, I assume the computer power is not available. IMO Hierarchical Temporal Memory, a simplified model of the cortex, is closer to achieving the singularity than any other model, but I believe they await special hardware to make significant progress.
  2. There is already some progress made on reversing desertification, where farm animals graze.
  3. EdEarl

    3D Printing

    A person can design something using a 3D CAD system, such as AutoCAD, FreeCAD or OpenSCAD, or find something already designed (e.g., something in ThingVerse) and have it printed by a service. Or, a person may purchase a 3D printer, such as a MakerBot or RepRap, and print your own. Although, RepRap printers are open source, which means you can either buy the plastic parts or print them if you have a 3D printer, buy the things you cannot print, and make more printers. The idea behind the RepRap movement is for everyone to own their own printer and print things they want from inexpensive (perhaps recycled) plastic. Although MakerBot and RepRap make plastic things, other 3D printers make things from other materials. Scientists have already built a nanoscale 3D printer. There are also industrial grade 3D printers that make things from metal and other materials. Whether it is less expensive to make something in a Chinese factory and ship it around the world or make it locally with a 3D printer may one day determine where things are made. Today, few things are made for consumers using 3D printing technology.
  4. A robot needs power (analogy food), but code to have it plug itself in to the grid does not require learning. Programs that "learn" have been developed and are being developed. However, there is a level of learning that programs cannot do that we humans can. No one knows how to make a program smart like people are smart. Thus, your question, " Otherwise how would it work," cannot be answered to the degree I think you mean. You will have to be satisfied with learning algorithms as understood today, wait until someone improves them, or maybe you will have an insight and become the one who tells us all. However, I have a speculation I'll share. I think that current learning algorithms are on the right track; although, they may need a bit of improvement. The big difference, IMO is that the brain has billions of neurons processing data and they all learn and coordinate their effort to decide what is best to learn or do. Thus, if programs could make billions of coordinated decisions with learning algorithms, the total result might be better we can do today. But, we do not have the computer power yet. With specific problems, for example chess, programs can make decisions as good as people, but general intelligence is beyond our capability.
  5. If you are younger than 28, you have not known a normal global July temperature.
  6. Ants and amoeba need food. Are they conscious?.
  7. Yes, sea levels are rising everywhere because the oceans are a single body of water, and as glaciers melt in mountains, on Greenland, and Antarctica the sea is rising. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Current_sea_level_rise http://ocean.nationalgeographic.com/ocean/critical-issues-sea-level-rise/ http://oceanservice.noaa.gov/education/pd/climate/factsheets/issea.pdf http://www.nasa.gov/topics/earth/features/glacier-sea-rise.html ABC news: TED Talk: and many more
  8. This study does not mention Ayahuasca AFAIK, but the ones it does mention apparently have similar psychedelic effects.
  9. IMO a subsidy for the growers would make the fruit and veg's harder to swallow.
  10. Hi J. Welcome to SFN.
  11. Have you looked on http://www.all-science-fair-projects.com/?
  12. This Ted Talk by a Yan Lang, a journalist who has been called "the Opra of China," is both heart warming and heartbreaking. She talks about events in China, many reported on their version of Facebook, a micro blogging web site.
  13. If your blood sugar is 200 or above when fasting, you are at risk to loose appendages, organs, and life. In my experience, above 120 has the same risks, but the damage is slower. I was not diagnosed with diabetes, yet my feet became numb (neuropathy) with no apparent cause except diabetes. I was tested for more than two years without showing that I had diabetes (my glucose was 120 or below), yet my feet got worse and worse. In other words, the doctors suspected I had diabetes, but could not demonstrate it with tests. I now their suspicions were more accurate than the tests.
  14. China, with its huge population, is very diverse. As you saw and according to reports, many are working to clean up the environment. The Three Gorges Dam is one of the largest hydroelectric ventures in the world, they are working on green buildings in existing cities, and planning additional green cities. On the other hand, they are building coal fired power plants faster than anywhere in the world, using concrete (big producer of CO2) faster than anywhere, and iron for skyscrapers (also big producer of CO2) faster than anywhere. Their automobile fleet is growing fast, too. Hopefully, they green up faster than otherwise, and thereby save some of the glaciers that feed their major river systems. Otherwise, much of Asia may face lean times without enough fresh water.
  15. We need to think of solutions instead of problems, because focusing on problems, that is fear, cause us to freeze and run away from the problem. On the other hand, focusing on the good things, the solutions, encourage us to try to achieve those solutions. Costa Rica produces the more happiness, love, health and wealth for the less expenditure of resources than any country on Earth, followed by Vietnam, Colombia and Belize according to happyplanetindex.org, see Table View. See also: Ted Talk, Happy Planet Index
  16. No hand held MRI AFAIK, that is my idea for Hollywood, where magic is their middle name (Hollymagicwood).
  17. I agree with you Phi, he should see a doctor. However, diabetes is a condition in which the body cannot process sugar properly. Too much or too little sugar will put a person in coma and can kill them. A persons body does not react to too much sugar until it is extremely high. Although, people usually get jittery when it starts to get low. Diabetes testing at home is inexpensive, and a person can buy the devices without a prescription. He should at least test himself daily in the morning before eating. Everyone should have blood sugar around 100. More than 110 is high and less than 80 is low. Below 50 is dangerous, and one can go into hypoglycemic coma. If one has a blood sugar of 50 they should eat a teaspoon or two of sugar as an emergency precaution. Above 200 is not good. However, hyperglycemia does not cause coma until ones blood sugar is much higher. If you test 200 or more after fasting, it is really important to see a doctor and get medication. IMO if you test above 140 while fasting, you should carefully control your diet and monitor glucose an hour after eating to see how much your glucose goes up. Eat small amounts often rather than large meals. Testing within 4 hours of eating will give inconclusive results. A reliable glucose test is done after fasting for about 12 hours. Here is a procedure to determine if you are diabetic.
  18. I bet CIA saliva is flowing over this juicy tidbit, and I expect a movie will soon appear with a similar, future, hand held technology being used to interrogate terrorists, criminal suspects, or (stealth version) political rivals. Soon someone will report aliens are scanning our brains from orbit, they no longer need to abduct a person for examination.
  19. The Netherlands has always seemed idyllic to me. A few years ago, I thought the Chinese, who at that time mostly rode bicycles, would avoid the foibles of modern civilization. However, they began economic reform and now drive cars and pollute their cities with smog as bad as anywhere on Earth. Unfortunately, more an more people are moving to big cities, and skyscrapers are getting taller. The trend seems against your suggestion; although, it is a good one.
  20. http://www.neowin.net/news/researchers-warn-of-stroke-and-asthma-risk-from-3d-printers
  21. Everybody has an opinion and, unfortunately, there are almost as many types of diet. I have Type 2 diabetes, and I recommend you restrict your calories and loose weight. It is very hard, and I have not succeeded, few do, but it can be done. My doctor wants to check my blood for A1C three times a year, and the medication costs about $250/yr with insurance in the US. Without medication diabetes can make you blind and cause loss of toes, fingers, and feet. It can even kill. If your only choice is diet, then loose weight. I recommend you watch the documentary "Forks over Knives," which recommends a vegan diet. There are people who believe a vegan diet is unhealthy, but I am much healthier since I started eating a vegan diet, especially my feet, which had been numb and had neuropathic pain for years. My pain is gone, and my feet and toes are much healthier now, I can once again feel things in my feet. I am also no longer taking blood pressure medication. I have not lost much weight, but I am nearly 70 and have limited ability to walk. No matter what diet you choose, your risk for serious complications from diabetes will be reduced if you loose weight and become skinny. Walk at least a mile every day. Diet and exercise will help you, you will feel better, look better, and live better. Eventually, you will learn to like that life style, but at first you may hate it. Good luck.
  22. This forum may answer some of your questions. http://forums.reprap.org/list.php?4 BTW, there is dust from at least some 3D printers, and superior ventilation is recommended.
  23. I hope sales of the Elio account for more fuel saved than used by this jet-pack. Years ago, kids built cars for the Soap Box Derby, which were cars without an engine that ran a downhill race. The race encouraged entrants to engineer a fast car, learn to use tools and quality workmanship. In those days people liked a quiet walk down a friendly lane in the evening, watching the sun set and day become night. They also watched the weather and stars, and some kept a garden. My mother had a cow she liked to milk. She made butter and sold some of it to the neighbors. Mom mixed that milk with sugar, vanilla, and fruit, and I turned a crank on an ice cream maker---it was the best ice cream I ever had. Now, fun often involves noise loud enough to shake your whole body or someone risking life or injury in a violent sport. Oddly, the law is evolving to protect people from harm while infringing on our freedom and privacy. Emergency room medicine has evolved to save people who are taken to the hospital quickly, and helicopter ambulances make trips quickly, yet terrorism makes us feel unsafe. The 3D printing revolution may make it possible for use to recycle plastic within our homes and revolutionize manufacturing into local-made and, thereby, reduce transportation costs. On the other hand, people are already buying tickets to be blasted into space. Those kids who built cars for the Soap Box Derby have engineered and built many wonderful things. Unfortunately, friendly lanes have become gang filled streets, skyscrapers block a view of the weather, city lights obscure the stars, asphalt prevents gardening, and city ordinances disallow keeping a cow. We escape to a virtual world, whether a game, TV show, or opera. I miss that ice cream, I'd like to be able to have some again.
  24. The smallest stars can be 8.3% of the mass of the Sun. The smallest neutron star is about 1.4 Solar masses, which means is the largest possible planet (i.e., cold rocky sphere) must be less than 1.4 Solar masses. Any planet larger than 8.3% Solar mass would tend to fuse elements lighter than iron, especially hydrogen and helium--the most abundant elements in the Universe. Therefore, this planet would necessarily be made of iron and heavier elements. Iron is 0.6 as abundant as silicon and hydrogen is 40,000 times as abundant as silicon. Is it possible a star orbits a planet, yes. Is it likely, IMO no, even though the universe is very large. It is possible a star orbits a burned out star, but it would be very hot compared to a planet. I'm not an expert, and may have made a mistake in this analysis.
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