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Everything posted by EdEarl

  1. Bamboo, which is used for building materials, grows faster than trees. However, fast growing softwood trees are already used for building materials. If your interest is only CO2 sequestration and fuel, then algae grows fastest by far. Although, I do not know of any research or commercial venture, algae could be grown and compressed into pellets to heat buildings or for power generation, probably because coal is much less expensive. Considerable research is being done toward growing algae to make biodiesel. Although it is possible, algae oil is not yet viable economically.
  2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milky_Way There may be more than a billion Earth sized planets, but there is insufficient evidence to estimate the number of planets with conditions capable of sustaining intelligent life with a technological culture, AFAIK. My guess is there are fewer than 1 in a billion. Thus, I guess 0.1 to 10 such civilizations per galaxy.
  3. Using heat of vaporization and km/sq m, how much water can you get per sq km or sq mi if you want to convert? BTW a diciduous forest needs about 1 m rainfall per year. I calculated about 300 gal/s from 1 sq km, which is just enough for 1 sq km forest, assuming 100% efficiency. Realistically, it is impossible to get 100% efficiency, 33-50% is more realistic. PV are usually less efficient. IMO making salt marsh would be more economical, but salt marsh is being made into beaches for recreation and housing.
  4. The Millennial Project by Marshall T. Savage (intro by Arthur C. Clarke) tells how we may inhabit the galaxy. While it is a plan for colonizing the galaxy, it is the work of only one man, not updated since the early 1990's and should be considered more fiction or a general plan than complete roadmap of the future. It does make a good case for intelligent life colonizing the galaxy. If in fact his plan can be done, one must wonder why we have not found ET.
  5. There are mathematical models of neurons, but they are not completely accurate since things are unknown about neurons. Models of complex system invariably suffer from the model being incomplete and from being too complex to solve or to solve in real time. The n-body problem is solved for 2 bodies, and for special cases of 3 bodies, but cannot be solved for 4 or more bodies. Thus, numerical methods (I.e., simulations) are needed for 4 or more bodies. This problem is much simpler than the phychology of a person; thus, it seems unlikely a good psychological model exists.
  6. Physicists observe and explains things, properties of things, and relationships among them. Why things are as they are is not observable. Some have speculated that there are infinitely many universes, each with different laws of physics, and that our universe is the way it is by chance. Others speculate a grand programmer simulated our universe and us, some say a god or gods made the universe. Each of us is a few atoms bouncing around an insignificant planet orbiting a small star in a common galaxy; it is our fate to wonder why and not to know.
  7. Yes, I read it. The op suggested a simple glazed evaporator; whether it produces steam at high enough temperature for a multiple effect evaporator or not, idk. The limiting factors are solar heat per sq m and heat of evaporation. Assuming 100% efficiency the area for the solar collector is very large to produce enough water to grow a sq km forest.
  8. John, increasing efficiency does not change physics. The heat of vaporization remains unchanged. From: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multiple-effect_evaporator
  9. As long as a location gets sunlight, solar can be made to supply hot water. However, system cost increases with diminishing light. Thus, the decision is economic or personal preference to decide how many days of hot water one wishes to store before using another method to heat water. http://www.furnacedr.ca/2013/01/12/homemade-solar-energy-solar-diy-hot-water-heater/ http://www.yellowpages.ca/search/si/1/Heating+Contractors/Nova+Scotia+College+Of+Art+And+Design+NS
  10. The ocean already evaporates water, so you would have to build evaporation pools on land. A sq m gets about .75 kJ each second at noon. How much area in evaporation pools do you need to irrigate a sq km of trees.
  11. I do not know of a patent, just assumed there would be one. I did find this reference. http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/news/pressreleases/2013/july/world-changing-technology-enables-crops-to-take-nitrogen-from-the-air-.aspx
  12. Once the patents expire, this technology may help many poor people.
  13. It's not that we must use steam, it is that water is plentiful, inexpensive, eco-friendly, and has the right physical properties for the job. Although, gas turbines, windmills, solar PV, and some other power generating methods do not use steam.
  14. Your idea, it's your responsibility to calculate. I agree with iNow. It's easy, heat of vaporization of water is 2260 kJ/kg.
  15. Do you know how much energy is needed to desalinate a kg of water, and the cost of that energy?
  16. My son-in-law recently retired from the Air Force and will get a degree to become a physicians assistant soon, he has worked hard and gotten good grades. He expects to find employment, at least in part because of job market growth in that sector.
  17. 1. PV amps is typical max output, not per hour. If the PV gets enough sun for an hour it can output max for an hour or more. But, clouds and the incidence angle of light affects output. 3. Volts must be enough, but not too much. Current flows into the battery to charge it. 3. 12V not = 24V and 14A not = 7A. But 12V*14A=168W=24V*7A 2. Charge time will vary, depending on charge remaining in you batteries and the amount of light hitting the PV cells. Moreover, you have not given the inverter rated output amps. Even if the inverter is able to output >14A @12V, there are resistance losses which means your actual output can not be 14A @ 12V. If the inverter does not have an output specifically for charging batteries, it may damage batteries by over charging them. Charging time can be calculated as A-h / A.
  18. As long as your mind and body are able, age is not important. Go for it.
  19. EdEarl


    No, I am not an expert. Two competing team of experts reported the same findings IIRC. Subsequently, they published peer reviewed papers, which means more experts critically examined their papers. Thus, I trust the conclusions to be accurate within observable limits, which is quite accurate.
  20. There are some problems with the education system in the US. Some are due to school boards with religious agendas, some due to ineffective teachers, some due to federal meddling, and some due to apathetic parents. Despite the problems, a determined student can get a good education, and some do. It is easy to blame someone else for one's failure, but a person who is determined can overcome many disadvantages. IMO the most difficult thing a young person may face is abusive, drugged out, or apathetic parents, who slap desire and determination from naturally curious children. If you feel the need to learn, I recommend khanacademy.org. Its math and science curriculum are excellent. You can play while you learn at your own pace, studying what you want when you want to. There are other online resources, too. There is no reason for anyone to be limited by the US primary education system, once they know about online education.
  21. Is it possible for one person have the talents of Bo Jackson, Michaelangelo, and Galileo Galilei? Or, whomever you consider to be the most talented physically, artistically, and scientifically, without being limited to three exceptional talents. Carlos, is my question also your question, or would you envision enhanced people as having specific superhuman talents.
  22. EdEarl


    There are a few references in this article: Type Ia supernova, according to the Wikipedia article, [42], [43], [44] and [45].
  23. There is no simple answer to your question. You may start by reading the link below. Basically, you need to decide on which platform your game will run on, and choose your language from whichever ones are available on that platform and have libraries and APIs for game programming. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Game_programming There is a short course that teaches programming on khanacademy.org. A more comprehensive course is on nand2tetris.org However, these are very basic programming classes, and they do not teach nearly enough to design and develop a major game, which also require story telling and artwork. Moreover, programming 3D graphics requires considerable knowledge beyond that required programming in general. I found several links to Utility Pro, but do not know which you refer to. Enjoy
  24. You can add a scientific study to your acoustic fun by recording the sounds of your experimental instruments, and calculating plus graphing the harmonics of various notes from different instruments. Use Fourier transforms to determine the harmonics and intensity of each harmonic. Numerical methods allow the calculations by computer. See: http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/9388/How-to-implement-the-FFT-algorithm
  25. You could use a variac; although, you might not find one that puts out that much voltage. Thus, a variac and a 1:2 transformer could do the job. Or, use a multi-output transformer, one with taps for 120, 130, 140, ... volts, for example. However, increasing the voltage on a motor will cause it to heat more, and reduce its life span. It is better, and probably cheaper to buy a more powerful motor. Induction motors are usually the least expensive, and are often inefficient, which means you will use more money in electricity than the cost of buying a more expensive synchronous motor, unless your use is very intermittent.
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