I think the OP has hit the target, but missed the bulls eye.
There are similarities in all cultures and the goals of most cultures are similar. After all, we are all human and share the same needs.
One thing common to all societies and cultures is leadership and rulers. Leaders among small groups may be an informal position based on personal relationships with every member of the group. In this situation a leader may emerge who is smart and confident, or perhaps someone who possesses a controlling personality.
Another thing common to all societies is members who need assistance, for example children, pregnant women, the ill, injured and infirm. Sometimes these people are sacrificed, for example in times of war or crises. However, loved ones will attempt to save family members, which means societies typically have social programs to help the needy. The Sioux nation, American Indians, cared for their needy with cultural rules. Men in the culture were valued for their ability to hunt, ability in war best was nonviolent counting coup), and generosity. A chief might have very little, because of giving to the needy. Most countries have social programs today, rather than depending on generosity; with large populations government social programs seem to work better than depending on generosity.
There are many other things a modern government will do, and bureaucracies exist to manage them. Sooner or later, governments that fail to satisfy the needs of the people will fall, for example the Soviet Union. These changes can be violent, but do not need to be unless inhumane rulers force violence.
Trade and enterprise are important, but other things are also important.