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Everything posted by EdEarl

  1. I still have the same question, do you want to model an ideal system with no mass in the elastic, or a real system with all kinds of instabilities? BTW A real system will have the two oscillating masses be slightly different, equal within some tolerance. And, the connection of the elastic will be slightly off center within some tolerance. What tolerances do you wish? What affect will these inequalities have? For an ideal system, a model will show that the average velocity of the masses is important, not their instantaneous velocity. As a mass accelerates in the direction of orbit, the orbit becomes larger. As a mass decelerates the orbit becomes smaller. When the velocity is zero, the mass will fall straight toward the earth. As it accelerates in the other direction its orbit begins to increase again. As it slows down its orbit will become smaller. That sequence will continue until the effects of gravity when it is stopped, i.e., falling, add up to it falling into the earth. I believe it will actually fall even faster. The failure mode for a real system, because of imperfections, will be different, but ultimately the same. Just think about these, don't worry about answering. The I am merely predicting what the model will show. Perhaps, I am wrong.
  2. Levi Strauss jeans cover the whole globe. I know everyone was avoiding that one.
  3. There are a number of non-rocket based systems to move payloads into space. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space_elevator http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space_fountain http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Launch_loop http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space_gun and others However, I do not understand your answer to my questions. Lets ignore semantics, whether it is elastic, spring or rubber band is not important. Does it have any mass? If it does have mass, how much in relation to the two oscillating masses. If it has no mass, it is not affected by gravity, inertia, centrifugal or centripetal force, which simplifies a model. The force of the elastic (whatever) will always be straight between the two oscillating masses. The elastic will not be curved. If it does have mass, the model is a bit more complicated. The elastic will curve due to some of the forces mentioned before, but will be tend to be stretched straight between the two oscillating masses. The smaller the mass of the elastic the less it will curve. Moreover, I suspect that an elastic with mass will also oscillate in several modes of up and down, side to side, around and around, and/or end to end. I have no idea what kind of affect it will have on the oscillating masses. The more massive the spring, the more that harmonics from the spring will affect the two masses.
  4. i=1; x=++i; /* x=2 because increment before the value of i is assigned to x */ x=i++; /* x=2 because increment after the value of i is assigned to x */ ++i increment before value of i used in expression preincrement i++ increment after value of i used in expression postincrement
  5. As I understand, the spring connecting the two masses is considered to have such a small mass that its mass can be ignored. Is that true? If so, then its purpose is to cause an oscillation of the two masses attached to either end, nothing more, is that true?
  6. John gives good advice. A refrigerator expert should have a multimeter or at least would have used one before.
  7. Use a multimeter to measure the voltage in the extension cord. Be very careful when making voltage measurements. Set multimeter to AC Volts about 200 volt range (different on various meters). Stand on a rubber or plastic mat. Put one hand in your pocket when making measurements. If you need to stabilize the extension cord, tie it down to something, preferably something plastic or rubber. Use only one hand on one of the multimeter leads at a time while making measurements. DO NOT MAKE THESE MEASUREMENTS WITH WATER OR SPILLED BEVERAGE ON THE FLOOR OR AROUND CORD OR REFRIGERATORS. REMOVE ALL BEVERAGES FROM WORK AREA. I assuming you have one extension cord into which all three refrigerators are plugged. Make the following measurements on the socket where the refrigerators are plugged: 1) With only a lamp (60 watt light bulb) is plugged into the extension cord. 2) When all three refrigerators are running (the compressors) at the same time. 3) When each refrigerator is running by itself and nothing else is plugged into the extension cord. You need at lest 115 volts at all times. If you have less than 115 volts, with only the 60 watt light bulb plugged into the extension cord, check the voltage at a socket as close to your circuit breaker as possible. If you have less than 115 volts throughout your house, call your power company and report the voltage. Follow their advice. If you have 120 volts or more at all times, your extension cord is not the problem. Otherwise, report what you measure here.
  8. Yes, of course, E=E+[math]\epsilon[/math] is the nonsensical over unity junk science.
  9. If E=E+[math]\epsilon[/math] for every revolution of the over unity device, then one might turn it with their fingers or a crank to start it. Then, for each revolution it is supposed to get an additional [math]\epsilon[/math] of energy. Thus, the second revolution is supposed to run faster and generate more energy. The longer it runs the more energy it is supposed to generate, as it runs faster and faster. If one isn't careful, it must run so fast it will blow up.
  10. I previously suggested using small models, which were said to be unrealistic. It is probably futile, but why not do a computer simulation. The diagrams previously given are inconclusive, and the idea of doing math has not settled the issue. Ad infinitum discussion is not helping. There are only two possibilities left that may settle this issue. Either build one or simulate it. Building cost appears to be either prohibitive or promiscuous for everyone; thus, simulation appears to be the only method to solve this argument. I am not familiar with either MathCAD (purchase) or SMath Studio (free). I have not used either one, but I think they might be able to do this simulation. And, I suspect there is enough talent here to do it. http://smath.info/wiki/MainPage.ashx
  11. I found activation energy and ignition temperature on the web, but not activation temperature. Please post a link that defines activation temperature, or post the definition. TYVM.
  12. Funny thing is that none of the peddlers of such devices seem to be doing this. The need investors and more investors, though. Unfortunately, there are people who do no understand the laws of thermodynamics (perhaps skeptical of science) that are unable to understand the fallacy of perpetual motion, and who are eager to waste time and money. Perpetual motion wheels are incredibly simple, guileful devices that have deceived clever people. From October 1920 Popular Science
  13. OK, if you live in the USA, your power company is required to buy any electricity you generate in excess of what you use. Build your over-unity motor-generator and sell the power. Everyone else can too. If you are right, there is no need for nuclear, coal, gas, or any other generators now in use.
  14. It is at least unethical for anyone but a doctor to give medical advice, and it may be criminal. Moontanman gave the only advice anyone here on SFN should give in this situation. I have had my doctor remove things from my skin, and he always sends them to a lab for analysis.
  15. Search for free energy device in Wikipedia, and you get to Perpetual motion. You may argue passionately about it being a possibility. However, the idea has been around for a very long time, and no one has ever made one. If they were possible, they would be used already. You cannot win this one.
  16. A Tesla coil is a transformer that converts high frequency alternating current (AC) into a high voltage with low current. It is mainly used to simulate lightning, for example for motion pictures. Due to its high frequency a persons nervous system does not feel electricity from a Tesla coil. If the current is low enough, they are relatively safe. Tesla tried to perfect wireless power transmission, but did not succeed. Although, his technology was moderately successful for radio transmission. Later technology made Tesla coil radio transmitters obsolete. The Tesla Tower was an experiment to communicate and transmit power without wires. It was not successful. It appears to be a very large Tesla coil.
  17. When I started programming, in the late 60's, assembler language programming was sometimes necessary. This was before structured programming (conditionals used go_to), when super computers rarely had 1MB of memory, and assembler programs sometimes modified themselves to save a few bytes of memory. Occasionally a program was like the Voynich manuscript, impossible to read. Today assembler programing is rarely necessary, and compilers such as C can produce more efficient code from source that is also readable. Libraries of existing code make easy work of otherwise very difficult programs, and improve programmer productivity. On the other hand, using existing code deprives one of learning the nuances of some algorithms. Two days research to do something as complicated as sound recognition might save many months of programming, for example if you mean speech recognition. Programming consists of knowing how to code in at least one language. In addition, one must know about algorithms that are used for many problem domains, as those taught in introduction to algorithms classes. And, one must know algorithms for specific problem domains for whatever segment of the market in which one works, for example business, game development, astronomy, manufacturing, etc. Beyond these basics, there are many tools and technologies that can improve ones ability to program, more than a person can learn in a life time. On a productivity scale of 1 to 28. The worst programmers produce 10 lines of debugged, documented code per day, and the best produce 280. Although, some dispute this ratio and suggest productivity ranges from 1 to 10. Most programmers only produce about 10 lines of debugged documented code per day in a business environment. A few are incapable of producing any debugged code, but they are often fired shortly after being hired.
  18. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=601208263244183&set=a.465299380168406.106666.465298390168505&type=1&relevant_count=1&ref=nf
  19. It will have to be a magnetic material, for example iron. Before aluminum cans there were cans made from iron/steel which would be ideal. However, such cans are rare now. You might try some iron strips embedded in plastic to make a card holder.\ http://www.mansionschools.com/electrode-iron-strip-flat-1561-4-power-physics-electricity.html?channelid=GoogleAdwords&gclid=CJzBrbKonrgCFbTm7AodQxAAaw&captchaChallenge=Yes
  20. A constant magnetic field, as in a permanent magnet, does not have a frequency, unless you consider zero to be a frequency. A magnetic field that is not constant, for example one created by an electromagnet being turned on and off, does have a frequency of being switched. But, that change in magnetism is caused by energy. Photons are packets of electromagnetic radiation of various frequencies, named differently depending on frequency, including light, radio waves, infra red, x-rays, and ultraviolet. Many things in the universe emit electromagnetic radiation, including stars, planets, and hot gasses. Thus, the earth is flooded by it, and we can hear some of it on a radio as static between stations, and we see some of it as sunlight and starlight. Thus, the Universe is flooded with many frequencies of electromagnetic radiation Hypothetically, a change in gravity may cause gravitational waves that emanate though space, but none have been detected thus far. Although, there is indirect evidence and they are predicted by relativity.
  21. I read all the pages of Liberty_ship. However, in the event of a crash, the hydrogen explosion will be large and hot. What containment for the UF6 is capable of sustaining that blast? What is the probability it will crack and release UF6 into the environment? I did not see any such estimate.
  22. From studies of Type 1a Supernova, the velocity of expansion of space is increasing (accelerating), which will carry distant galaxies with it until they exceed the speed of light and disappear. The cause of this acceleration is attributed to dark energy, of which very little is known. Cosmologists expect that in time all galaxies will disappear, except ones in our local cluster, because of the acceleration of space caused by DE.
  23. Interesting. As they observe more of them, they will learn and report more. In the mean time, we have to suffer terminal curiosity.
  24. Are you asking if the accuracy of speed measurement is better for nearby than distant observations?
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