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Everything posted by EdEarl

  1. EDIT: I deleted a paragraph that was about the posts cut out by the moderator. tyvm hypervalent_iodine I believe that, I rarely give a negative reputation point. I reserve them for the most egregious offenders. They are a virtual slap in the face, and I don't go around slapping people in the face. A positive reputation point is a virtual pat on the back, and I probably don't give enough of them.
  2. I'm biased by my Buddhist philosophy point of view, which says killing anything is not the best thing to do. On the other hand, my childhood teaching allowed killing for food, and I don't have any qualms about it. Consider me confused or full of ...it.
  3. That does indeed take the spin off the story, and I will never again mention Burzynski. tyvm for the info Furthermore, I regret mentioning it in retrospect, because it may mislead someone else.
  4. Perhaps this conversion calculator will help.
  5. Gravity and energy are in some ways opposite. Gravity holds us to the earth, we must use powerful rocket engines to escape gravity. These engines use lots of energy to overcome gravity. Thus, DE is not DM and black holes which have have immense gravity are not a reasonable explanation for DE. At the moment, no one can explain much about DE. However, that is not unusual, we really cannot explain what energy or mass are. We can describe their observable effects, and since everyone is held to the Earth by gravity and can feel the heat of a fire, people have some concept of gravity and energy.
  6. Cattle walking around makes their meat tough, but if that's what you want, I'm sure labs can attach electrodes to it as it grows in vats, shock it periodically, and make it tough for you.
  7. It seems off topic to discuss brain vs body size. However, I'll add 2 cents worth of trivia. The tiniest wasps have anucleate neurons and very low neuron counts compared to larger insects. Since their neurons do not have a nucleus yet the insects have similar capabilities to their larger cousins, one must wonder how they do it. Presumably, the function of the neural nucleus is distributed throughout the remainder of the cell, and because of fewer cells ([math]\leq[/math]10%), one cell does the work of many. Of course, these wasps are not typical food for us.
  8. I agree with AGC's post #6.
  9. The hypothesis proposed by Paul Marnet is one of many, and each one either has been, is being, or will be tested. The following quote from Wikipedia explains a test of the Marnet hypothesis and why it does not appear to be a complete explanation of DM.
  10. My wife is a special education teacher, who sometimes works with obsessive compulsive children. I am happy that I never have to deal with anyone like that. It would make me
  11. OK tyvm LOL, good analogy, and common need. It is also similar to cave paintings from 40Ka.
  12. Right, their facilities are secured behind fences and guards, often inside military bases with fences and guards. Since all of us do not have security clearances, anyone that asked about a copy might end up detained, interrogated, and on the Homeland Security no-fly list.
  13. I cannot read the photographs provided in your links, because the writing is too small. I find the fact that you repeat your name almost 50 times, annoying and makes your paper difficult to understand. You have cited many numbers but have not provided footnotes and references to facilitate verification.
  14. Is it true that "A photon by any other name is still a photon?" Or, is there really a difference between a photon and an anti-photon?
  15. The team did not report a quantum increase in computing power from the 128 qbit chip, but they seem to be satisfied with it.
  16. Almost any conductor will work as an electrode. However, catalytic materials are better. From: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fuel_cell#History The wiki article does not mention iridium, but it is rare and may also be catalytic. Maybe there is a better one. See: Homemade Diamonds
  17. Work at Northwestern University with partners at Harvard Medical School have reported work that could lead to new antibiotics. It also appears to be a step towards abiogenesis.
  18. For equality there must be different number bases for various numerators and denominators.
  19. You are thinking too much. Recycling is good.
  20. Maybe this BBC video from 6 days ago is it. See BBC 3 min video of Munching
  21. You are a person and so am I. You are not an expert and neither am I. Your word is worth no more than mine. You are not a source and neither am I. I understand my ignorance, do you?
  22. I agree. Besides, you did not provide an observation, merely a hypothetical. We are not asking for a hypothesis; rather, something we can see, touch, feel, taste, or hear.
  23. I hesitate to post in this thread, because I feel that nothing I can say will be heard. The people who post on this forum who work to understand scientific knowledge have a consensus based on their study of science as published by scientists over several thousand years. You propose an alternative viewpoint; thus, it is your responsibility to present evidence to try to convince people in the forum of your ideas. Either reference papers that support your ideas o not. Evidence is something that can be observed and explained in every detail via the scientific method.
  24. only if they never meet
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