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Everything posted by EdEarl

  1. oops
  2. https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/941320_582167838481559_1283226750_n.png
  3. I have not lost weight. In fact, I weigh more now than when I started taking blood pressure meds. To the best of my knowledge my life style has not changed except for diet and age. My point is that diet in my case has gotten me off a medication. See the documentary Forks over Knives for an explanation by Caldwell Blakeman Esselstyn Jr., MD and T. Colin Campbell MD PhD., and other publications by them. There are also books and research by John A. McDougall, M.D. and others
  4. http://www.engineeringtoolbox.com/pressure-loss-copper-pipes-d_930.html According to the above chart, 1/4" tubing looses about 0.15 psi/ft at 1 gal/min flow. 1 gal/m is about 4 L/m Your tubing is 5 ft. Thus, 5 ft * 0.15 psi/ft = 0.75 psi loss in 1/4" tubing. Since your tubing is 3/16, which is smaller, the loss will be greater. Double check please, I haven't done it before. From looking at the chart, I would guess that loss in a 3/16 pipe would be 2-3 times greater than a 1/4 pipe.
  5. True. I'm not starting the debate about whether alternative medicine works or not. It is futile. The case of Dr. Burzynski, who has demonstrated a good treatment for cancer (FDA approved for trials for a very long time) has, nonetheless, been denied full acceptance of his treatments, and the government has patented his drugs after he already had patents AFAIK. I am not an expert and cannot make an independent judgement. However, the documentary about Burzynski makes a strong case IMO. I do not believe that the pharmaceutical and medical industries are angelic, and I believe some would do unscrupulous things to prevent competition. Whether that is a fact or not in the Burzynski case, I do not know. Similarly, I cannot say whether or any food, spice or herb that can heal exists, which has not been proved to work as a medicine; IMO it is possible, because of a systemic infection. I am certain that I took blood pressure medicine for about 20 years, and that 2 months after starting a vegan diet I no longer need blood pressure medicine. I was in the hospital when they stopped giving me blood pressure medicine.
  6. There are online lessons, too. E.G., https://www.khanacademy.org/science/chemistry
  7. I do not know whether there is precise distinction between (food, herb, spice) and drug, except that drugs are extracted from plants and animals by drug manufacturers, patented and required to go through extensive, expensive trials before the public can get them. Whereas, foods, herbs and spices are available to people unless they are declared illegal by the government. If a drug company had discovered the process to make cheese and patented it, we would not be able to eat it without paying outrageous amounts for it. Does anyone know if there is a sane procedure for distinguishing between drugs and (food, herbs and spices)? Or, is it precedent and accident? I.E., accident if someone finds it and makes it public before a drug company patents it.
  8. There are efforts to make ultra low cost housing. http://blogs.hbr.org/govindarajan/2011/07/the-300-house-businesses-take-1.html http://www.planetaryrenewal.org/ipr/ultralc.html http://www.i-domehouse.com/characters.html
  9. The US Library of Congress lends to libraries both in and outside of the US. Check to see if your library can borrow a copy from it. Lending policy within the US. Lending policy outside the US. I do not have a copy.
  10. https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/971992_585197744845235_1140709989_n.jpg
  11. The economic part is that politicians are largely controlled by money from big businesses. Fortunately, businesses are starting to diversify into the green economy. Unfortunately, the process is slow, and some businesses aren't doing enough IMO. IMO: Your quest is unrealistic. Chatting here will not help. Go do the research if you think it is possible. I quit this conversation as not worthwhile. I wish you good luck.
  12. Maybe a mind-walker exoskeleton can be augmented by electrical stimulation of muscles to help people who are paralyzed to walk again.
  13. Other people have been working to make better batteries, but their efforts clearly do not satisfy you. Instead of blaming others for being incompetent to find "ways to power stronger batteries" why don't you do it?
  14. It is much less expensive to build solar farms around the world than to put them in space. Maybe, if you can figure out how to use the kinetic energy of reentry to launch another space vehicle, your idea would be practical, regenerative braking for space ships.
  15. Good work dave. I'm sure most of us, maybe all, have been on the receiving end of Murphy's wrath. I'm pretty sure no one had anything worse happen to them than I, which was severe withdrawal and slipping into a coma (err falling asleep) last night during the worst of it. Whatever you live through makes you stronger.
  16. In addition to Enthalpy's advice on languages, you may want to look at Alonzo Church's lambda calculus, which is technically a programming language and is a formal system in mathematical logic. Also, Turing machines are formal, usually theoretical, computing devices that helped early development of computers.
  17. Only €250,000 ($338,000) per 140g patty. http://www.cbc.ca/news/technology/story/2013/06/06/technology-schmeat-in-vitro-meat-burger.html
  18. Trial of process to reset the immune system of MS patients resulted in a reduction in their immune system attacking and destroying their myelin.
  19. The first in US bioengineered blood vessel implant on 5 June 2013. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2013/06/130606110026.htm
  20. This oldish engineering news from MIT introduces shape shifting robots and electric motors with memory, both with potential real world applications. The robotic equivalent of a Swiss army knife
  21. yw good luck You may find the following interesting. http://wiki.opencog.org/w/The_Open_Cognition_Project
  22. Maybe this video will help some.
  23. Oh, OK. When I was young, much oil came from Texas in the Permian Basin, where I lived. The US was booming because there were good jobs for people, including oil jobs and manufacturing jobs. Today, those jobs are overseas, and by comparison the US is suffering. In the 1950 the US was building infrastructure (more jobs) but today we are not. Instead, we send billions overseas to employ people elsewhere. Even if ROI is less, making jobs in the US for building and maintaining green energy systems is IMO better than buying oil from the middle east (which results in us paying Saudi citizens tax royalties).
  24. If you really want to know how a language works, it is best to start from the ground, develop, and use all the pieces. Nand to tetris is a semester self learning class in which you start with a nand gate and build a computer (simulated), assembler, operating system, compiler, and the game of tetris. Some people do it in groups as a club. introduction Everything you need at nand2tetris org
  25. You mean like everybody was attracted to Hitler and Stalin?
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