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Everything posted by EdEarl

  1. Physics would be different for water not to dissolve any salt. Life as we know it would not exist, because water in the blood carries nutrients to all the cells. I suspect no one knows how to answer what is implied by physics being different. I do not.
  2. I believe a large meteor strike could eject matter including life into space, but they are rare. A higher the probability of life escaping its home planet improves the chances panspermia being an important means of spreading life in the galaxy.
  3. Light that is 380,000 years older younger than the BB itself. We cannot observe anything before the big bang, or for the first 380Ka thereafter.
  4. EdEarl

    Weird but true?

    This story is about the ultimate bird brained rooster, no crow.
  5. One big problem with youtube is it offers too much choice, so it's easy to waste time. There are interesting and informative videos by Richard Feynman, Stephen Hawking, Lawrence Krauss, Carl Sagan, and others. The TED Talks (each about 18 minutes) are often fantastic and always excellent, but TEDx videos are rarely as good. Enjoy.
  6. No need to guess, read the label. I found one online. For tuna in water, it says. Serving size 154g Protein 39g The way I read it, you buy about 114g water, 39g tuna, and a little salt.
  7. Light from a galaxy 13 GLYr distant shows up on a Hubble image as one or maybe two pixels. Except for the age of the light and position in the sky, nothing else is known AFAIK. The Webb space telescope may be able to analyze the light using a spectrometer, and learn more.
  8. I am mostly ignorant of geology, and do not understand what you are looking for. But, a bit of research discovered that some of the period between 500 Ma to 1,000 Ma may have been a snowball earth.
  9. I believe it depends on the airplane. In general jets fly faster at higher altitudes, and propeller airplanes are limited by altitude. But, I am no expert.
  10. If you could ride on a photon that Hubble saw as coming from a galaxy 13.7 Giga LY away, you would travel at the speed of light and experience 13.7 Giga birthdays (13,700,000,000 birthdays). No matter which direction Hubble looks, it can find light 13.7 GYr old coming from a distant galaxy. It is as if we are at the center of the Universe, but we are not. If we lived on another planet, around another star, in any galaxy, that Hubble can see, a similar space telescope Hubblex could find 13.7 GYr old light coming from any and all directions. It is counter intuitive, and can be confusing.
  11. This tool may give you some info you seek. http://www.worldwidetelescope.org/Home.aspx
  12. Tough question, because intelligence can be measured in many ways, social, mathematical, language, etc. Bonobos.
  13. Each university establishes its entrance requirements. You should visit their web site to get specific information, and inquire via mail or phone call.
  14. I found The Revival of White Holes as Small Bangs by Alon Retter & Shlomo Heller that suggests some Gamma Ray Bursts (GRB) are white holes. Is it possible that waves of dark energy sometimes form rogue waves that erupt as white holes? Edit: If small bangs do spontaneously appear as GRB, then why would there not be less energetic spontaneous eruptions of mass (grey holes)? Do virtual particles sometimes become real? If white holes do occur, then the mass of the Universe must be increasing. Conservation of mass-energy seems to imply the total amount of DE would decrease. Yet, proton-electron mass has not changed in some 10Gyr, which IIRC means DE is constant over time within measurement limits. Does this measurement suggest small bangs do not occur?
  15. by Jeff Hawkins sheds some light on the topic.
  16. Not at all. My replies to you were serious with a little stress relieving humor. I hope I did not accidentally offend you.
  17. Physical sciences are repeatable, until measurement inaccuracies make doubt. What is the size of an electron? Social science and medical experiments provide measurement challenges, and often cause doubt when various experiments give contradictory results. Often, a preponderance of evidence is accepted, even if a some experiments do not give consistent results. Even if meditation works due to a placebo effect, it cannot harm a person as poorly tested medicine can (e.g., Thalidomide). In your opinion, is medicine a quasi religion? IMO neither meditation nor medicine are quasi religions. CBT and meditation use a persons thoughts to change their state of mind and/or change their brain via its plasticity. IMO they are very much related. But, you make a valid point about the primary use of CBT vs meditation.
  18. It's been a long time since I attended The University of Texas (USA), but I think the rules for being accepted into a school, rules for attending classes, and rules for earning degrees have not change greatly. Masters and PhD level are different, of course. I know very little about getting a PhD. Acceptance into a school is based on a standard test, for example GMAT for Masters in Business and GRE for most other masters degrees. Once you are accepted to the school, you may take whatever classes are offered, if you have prerequisites for that class. If you do not have the prerequisites, you may enroll in the prerequisite classes. That you are a chemistry major does not prevent you from taking music or art classes, for example. Once you have taken all the required classes for a masters degree, you can get it. Thus, an person with a BA in art history can get an MS in physics. It just takes hard work, time and money. Along the way, you might get an additional bachelors degree.
  19. Your suggestion that the brain the brain transmits and receives radio waves is not possible. Neuron firing frequencies are not synchronized, which means the totality of brain wave "transmissions" from billions of neurons is basically noise. Moreover, their firing frequency is about 10 Hz, which means their wavelength is about 107 meters, and wavelength determines the size of antennas. For efficient transmission, antennas are made as small as a quarter of a wavelength, which would be 1/4*107 = 2,500,000 meters long for brainwaves. Thus, to transmit waves from brain to brain would mean dragging a long wire (antenna) behind connected to a single neuron (to avoid noise). A single neuron does not use much energy. An entire brain uses about 25 watts, which is about 10 times the amount used by a cell phone. However, the 25 watts used by the brain is spread around billions of neurons; thus, each neuron uses a tiny fraction of a watt. Since radio transmission distance is determined by the power transmitted, even if you could drag a 2,500,000 meter antenna connected to a single neuron behind you, it would not transmit enough energy to reliably communicate with someone sitting next to you.
  20. Yes, "Practice makes perfect." Humor can help. Imagine she has a bit of spinach stuck between two teeth. For sure, if one thing fails try another; there are many useful techniques.
  21. I shall stop using ball point pens and wearing socks...want no black holes near my appendages.
  22. There are many more studies on meditation with control groups, they show a variety of results. I used Google searching for the following: "meditation control group site:edu" There are also links like the following: http://www.sais-jhu.edu/events/2013-04-28-100000-2013-04-28-120000/yoga-and-meditation-class http://wellness.med.miami.edu/x177.xml http://www.med.umich.edu/cvc/health/classes_stress.html I am biased from my personal experience. Others may make up their own mind.
  23. Here are reports/studies with a control group. http://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2012/11/meditations-positive-residual-effects/ https://ischool.uw.edu/news/2012/06/levy-and-wobbrocks-research-shows-meditation-helps-workers-multitask http://www.academia.edu/536073/Short-Term_Training_in_Loving-Kindness_Meditation_Produces_a_State_but_not_a_Trait_Alteration_of_Attention http://www.psych.uncc.edu/pagoolka/acm2009.pdf
  24. As more has been learned about neurology, including brain plasticity and feedback mechanisms, cognitive behavioral therapy appears as a practical means for anyone to improve their state of mind. presents some of the evidence related to mindful meditation and some other techniques.
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