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Everything posted by EdEarl

  1. It is unlikely that a civilization could envelop an entire planet in stealth. And, it is unlikely a civilization would deem it necessary to do so.
  2. As Moontanman said, Stars found so far tend to have a litter of planets, with estimates of 1012 planets in our galaxy. And, astronomers have observed many stars much older than Sol. It is incredible that intelligent life would not exist in the Milky Way. Folks at SETI believe there are at least 106 earth sized planets, but no one knows how many are habitable. SETI is currently searching for signals coming from stars within 1000 light years of Earth, which is a tiny fraction of stars in the galaxy. Given these estimates are accurate within a factor of 10, it seems reasonable to me that we will find intelligent life by the end of the century. Otherwise, technological civilizations are either extremely rare or exterminate themselves quickly.
  3. LOL No insult inferred. It was astonishing someone thought me (usually called a computer nerd) to be a politician. I have no questions about ESP, the paranormal, superstition, etc. It makes sense to me why people believe in them. But, there is no scientific evidence of them, and nothing in physics makes them possible or plausible. However, I cannot prove them impossible. Even if I could prove them impossible, many people would deny the proof.
  4. Dateline January 10, 2013 From: http://www.dailygalaxy.com/my_weblog/2013/01/-the-new-physics-model-of-dark-energy-nixed.html The title of this article promises an interesting discovery, but the body of the article fails to explain either what or why something may be nixed. Is this article just hot air?
  5. My statement above was not political pablum, but my interpretation of a pigeon brain functioning. Animals remember where food can be found, how to get to it, and when it is available. Squirrels have demonstrated remarkable skill at finding and remembering a path to food once they know were it is. It is not at all surprising that a pigeon who knows where food drops into their cage will try to find a way to get more food. If, during an attempt to get food, the pigeon is randomly rewarded it will remember and try again. If it is rewarded randomly several times during their attempts, they will continue because of the false memory that the attempt previously succeeded. I hope that makes sense. I am not a religious person, nor do I believe in ESP nor any paranormal capabilities. Mostly, I choose not to argue against them; rather, believe in live and let live. I suppose that is acting like a politician. However, I do not have a gift of gab. Writing is hard work.
  6. Great! I already have some acetic acid and food coloring, I can complete my volcano.
  7. Mixing acids and alkalies can be dangerous, and you should have something like this for protection. http://www.grainger.com/Grainger/Vented-Universal-Fume-Hood-4HRY4?gclid=CJ_vw5ev67cCFWYV7AodWlAAlA&cm_mmc=PPC:GooglePLA-_-Lab%20Supplies-_-Lab%20Fume%20Hoods%20and%20Accessories-_-4HRY4&ci_src=17588969&ci_sku=4HRY4&ef_id=ULS4WgAAAoRKsPlq:20130617150702:s
  8. Your topic, "Problem with Schrodinger equation" made me think that you challenged Schrodinger as being incorrect, instead of your having a "Question about the Schrodinger equation."
  9. True, but here in the US, homes are not wired with 3 phase.
  10. The brain, there are too many mental illnesses that are barely treatable.
  11. Languages have always evolved over time, and IMO always should. How do you propose to enforce "proper" use of a language? It makes no sense to pass a law and put people in prison who disobey it. Poets would all be put it prison.
  12. I did not mean to imply anything. I thought you might be interested if you had not heard of Skinner's research. I believe the pigeons develop a behavior because of a false memory. That Skinner called it superstitious conditioning seems reasonable to me, but it is a loaded term and not everyone will agree with it.
  13. Since your main interest is chemistry, I assume you want a chemistry lab. The money you have to spend is not much; therefore, you will have to only purchase things you absolutely need. A single instrument, for example a mass spectrometer, costs much more than you have to spend. Thus, to answer your question is not possible unless you share what you want to do with the lab.
  14. Both air and water flow can turn an axle connected to a generator to make electricity. Yes, but any electrolyte will work, including bases and salts. A single magnet is sufficient. High voltage is not required. A transformer implies alternating current (AC), but some generators make direct current (DC). Batteries only store DC; thus, an AC generator needs a rectifier and filter to store its energy in a battery.
  15. I agree, and religious people, especially in the US, are trying to torpedo scientific education. In so doing they harm themselves and others. It is a tragedy that makes me both angry and sad. Wikipedia is not the only source that gives credit to Persia and Islam for advancing science/pre-science during the dark ages.
  16. I do not know your level of knowledge. Khan Academy starts very simple and works up to more advanced topics. For example, it starts math at 1+1 and goes through calculus. I expect you to be somewhere between the most basic and most advanced lessons on Khan Academy. The physics on Khan Academy is IMO high school level and progresses to university level. You need some math to understand basic physics on Khan Academy, but not calculus. A person who has mastered the physics and chemistry lessons on Khan Academy should be able to understand some things in Leonard Susskind's lectures. I provided links to both basic and more advanced presentations, because I did not know what was right for you. Only you can know that. I do not know what else you need.
  17. You didn't mention superstitious conditioning of pigeons discovered by B. F. Skinner. See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B._F._Skinner#Superstitious_Pigeons
  18. The moderators are volunteers, who do a very difficult job of keeping the forum content quality high. They can ban people, but I don't know of any reason you would be banned at this time. I do not know who founded this forum. Swansont is also a very smart and well educated person who posts good answers to many questions, and the same is true for all the moderators that I have noticed. There are also administrators, who work to ban spammers and some other things that I don't know much about. They do not post as often as the moderators; thus, I don't know much about them. We should be posting about "time travel i believe it possible," not the moderators and administrators. That way, we will not give them reason to intervene. If you wish to continue the discussion about moderators and administrators, you should start another thread.
  19. The moderator note from swansont was directed at splitinfinity and all of us, because that rule makes it easier for someone to look at topics and find information about the topic, rather than having to read an entire thread to determine what the discussion was about. You would not want to go to a library to find information on solar storms, find a book titled Solar Storms 1913, only to find after reading the book it was really about Shakespeare.
  20. Dbaiba, I think most of us acknowledge contributions made by the Persians; they are well documented as shown below, briefly. The moderator who removed your link was not discriminating against Islam, merely enforcing the style of posting on this forum. From: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientific_method#History Note: Emphasis on Islamic scientists is mine.
  21. Persians got their start on science from the Greeks, Indians and Chinese. They did make significant contributions.
  22. [&+-]
  23. Perhaps people are reluctant to answer your question because mixing these chemicals is dangerous, and your questions sounds like homework. If you tell what you know about this reaction, you may get some help. I am not a chemist, and do not know the answer you seek.
  24. Perhaps the reason no one has responded to this post is that you have not asked a specific question. One could write several text books to do as you have asked. Perhaps a good starting point for you is the following: https://www.khanacademy.org/ I recommend you teach yourself math, physics and chemistry from Khan Academy. Augment these lessons with pages from Wikipedia. And, ask specific questions about things you do not understand here on SFN. Once you have mastered the Khan Academy lessons, you may be able to view and understand lectures on YouTube by professors at Stanford, MIT, Harvard, etc. given on a variety of subjects. For example, the Leonard Susskind series of physics lectures, including String and M-Theory, Statistical Mechanics, and Relativity. If you have the patience to follow my prescription (many hours of entertainment), you will be able to answer some questions on this forum. Enjoy
  25. The LHC is not called the hydrogen super collider, it is the Large Hadron Collider. I do not work there, but do not know of an accident related to micro black holes. There has been a lot of concern in the press related to the LHC making a black hole, but as far as I know none have been made thus far. And, I believe nothing bad will happen if they do make a black hole. I also believe you should start another thread if you wish to continue discussing the LHC and black holes, because it is a different subject than the title of this thread.
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