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Everything posted by EdEarl

  1. ty swansont Is it accurate to say an airplane does not go fast enough for the effect to be significant compared to the rest airplane mass.
  2. That faster things are more massive is predicted by the theory of relativity. Airplanes travel too slow for this effect to be noticed.
  3. Good luck, if you have an allergy to multiple foods, the discovery process becomes difficult. There are also airborne allergens, which are even more difficult to discover without a doctors help. I do not know if taking prophylactic allergy medicine is bad or not. Check with your doctor before doing it.
  4. I had an allergy test that found nothing, because it only tested for the most common allergies. My insurance would not pay for more complete tests.
  5. I do not know anything about your condition, except your post. I suffered for decades with colds and bronchitis, especially in winter. After I quit drinking milk and eating milk products, colds and bronchitis stopped. Now, drinking milk causes chest congestion. I am allergic to milk! It is not lactose intolerance. The allergy made me susceptible to infections. Thought I'd share, I have no evidence that you have an allergy.
  6. Some fish change sex, and sometimes occurs in humans. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sex_change#Natural_sex_change_in_humans
  7. I think it can be done if we use another base, such as 10^100 base.
  8. Seems like it is explained. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sonoluminescence
  9. My pleasure, yw. I assume you know which of the three substances have the highest specific heat.
  10. Are your questions answered? If not, what question remains?
  11. Great. In a small volume, can you carry more heat in a substance with high or low specific heat?
  12. My understanding is that DE is causing the expansion, where the force of gravity which decreases with the square of distance is too weak to overcome DE. DE is thought to be constant (i.e., force of DE) throughout the universe. A Leonard Susskind lecture on youtube ( if my memory is correct, the one about String and M-theory) explains this subject.
  13. Good. Is it more practical to reduce heat loss for a large or small volume?
  14. At short distances, its effect is less than the four physical forces, namely gravity, electromagnetic, weak and strong.
  15. Excellent. How does specific heat relate to volume and amount of heat.
  16. DM causes gravitational lensing, as shown in some Hubble photos. Thus, it seems three dimensional to me. Moreover, DE is causing space to expand in three dimensions. Thus, it seems three dimensional to me.
  17. Aspirin thins blood, which allows more to flow through small openings, as restrictions in arteries and veins caused by plaque.
  18. Good. Now what practical effect reduces the efficiency of hot and cold systems. Hint, how do you keep things from loosing or gaining heat energy. Hint, there are a couple of steps before we get to the importance of specific heat.
  19. What do you know about the efficiency of engines, that is thermal efficiency. What practical effect reduces the efficiency of hot and cold systems. Hint, how do you keep things from loosing or gaining heat energy.
  20. A good programming language is one that your employer or teacher wants you to use. During my 35 year career as a programmer, I had the opportunity to use many languages. There is no best language, only ones that are better at some things than others. After learning several diverse programming languages, to learn another is not difficult, because all have ifs, loops, computations and data. The greater challenge is to learn how to use libraries of code and reuse program segments being maintained.
  21. Is there any indication that eating either angeogenic or antiangeogenic foods affect vascularity of the gland, and if so what are the affects?
  22. I think both schools have a good list of classes. However, in my experience your dedication to learn is most important, and your luck at getting good instructors is also very important. When I attended the University of Texas at Austin, there was no undergraduate computer science curriculum. Thus, I took an Electronic Engineering Bachelors of Science degree. The only languages I learned in class were Fortran IV and Lisp. Yet, by the time I graduated I had learned four assembler languages and had written parts of an operating system being developed by a graduate student (work for pay). I worked as a programmer, rater than an engineer; although, I very much enjoy the knowledge of physics and engineering that I learned. I wish you well, but cannot recommend a university for you.
  23. kristalris said, "I'd say a better definition is something that heightens the probability of quickly furthering science is a meaningful contribution to science." OK
  24. kristalris asked what is a meaningful contribution. I suppose it is something that many people think is important.
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