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Everything posted by EdEarl

  1. With all the demonstrations against Trump, will the money men become anxious and tell Congress to impeach Trump? Or, will they let him continue for a while, because his policies are business friendly?
  2. Common sense sometimes means "agrees with my belief system," which may be either rational or irrational.
  3. We use voice and pointing, bees use a dance (vision). We are not aware of what whales communicate, but I believe the toothed whales are likely to notify others of food vocally. Bonobos have fairly complex vocal communications, and may also communicate food location vocally. Elephants also communicate vocally, and may share food location vocally. The problem is that we have not deciphered the communications of other animals enough to know what they communicate.
  4. DrP, I think the old guy you mentioned was educating you about litter. Perhaps his tone intended shame, but such a tone is not necessary. Moreover, your response may have been shame, whether he intended it or not. From your recollection, I see no reason why you should feel shame, you seem to have been ignorant about the consequences of littering; although, I believe many people would feel shamed in such a situation.
  5. As long as there are desperate people, who must fight to survive and maintain their dignity, the better world nice ethics might make cannot occur. If, as a result, we consider ethics entertainment instead of pivotal, we have abandoned hope and allowed despair to fill our soul. However, few of us fall so low; most have some ray of hope. Moreover, we can share that hope with others and make the world a better place. Perhaps our ethics discussions should focus on why there are so many desperate people, and what might be done to remedy the situation.
  6. Obama care repeal lost 3M jobs. I expect job loss will be high for the foreseeable future, and Trump won't be able to hang on.
  7. Tell the truth with a twist, like M. Twain.
  8. The courts have ruled the immigration EO invalid. However, they have no power to enforce the ruling, and Trump is ignoring the courts. The House and Senate can impeach the president. I think there is no way to make him comply. I've noticed Fox News and Face the Nation have spoken against Trump, and they are controlled by the rich 1%. Perhaps these criticisms by major news organizations are testing popular opinion to see how impeachment would be viewed by the public. Although, I don't know of anything Trump has done to piss off the 1% enough they would want him impeached.
  9. Instead of kelp, you can grow salt water algae at ground level, either using sea water or saline ground water. Anything grown for CO2 remediation will be expensive, but not growing it will also be expensive.
  10. A straw dog looks dangerous if you don't look too closely. Claiming the US military needs to be improved because it is too weak is a straw dog. In fact the the US defense department is overwhelmingly powerful in many ways, and they are continually improving their technology with a large budget.
  11. Politics US style is much about money, and agendas are often straw dogs.
  12. I think there is more to it than ignorance.
  13. I suppose the same is true of medical AI and possibly some medical robots. The longer we don't have it the more people will die. In addition, there is economic urgency for businesses to use robots instead of employees. Prices will go down, similar to long distance prices. When I was young, few people called long distance, because the cost was high. AT&T once owned most local telephone companies, and the US government split it up as a monopoly. AT&T kept the long distance business, the cherry, and the local companies became independent. Over the years, long distance prices dropped and competition drove the cost of long distance calls to nothing, and AT&T because it could not make money on long distance calls. The transportation industry will evolve as self driving vehicles become common, and other industries, too.
  14. Shit happens.
  15. @giordano There is a simple way to understand limits, for example a car can only go so fast on a level road, no wind, and other conditions (e.g., we can say car X is limited to 139km/hr on a level road, no wind, 30% humidity, 20C, ...). There may be a legal speed limit on a road, which means you can go up to that speed without risking a ticket. On the other hand, the speed of light is an absolute limit. A mass may get closer and closer (gamma) to the speed of light, c, where c-gamma=epsilon and epsilon>0. Epsilon can be very small (i.e., it can approach 0) but cannot equal 0. Only pure energy can go the speed of light.
  16. There are too many ifs for anyone to make an accurate guess at population level. Global warming could kill billions. On the other hand, medical science is trying to prevent death, and assure we don't age. If they do cure death and aging, and we stabilize the environment, then population might grow very large. Vertical farming in conditioned environments might grow enough food to feed 50 or 100 billion. If we move into space and make artificial habitats, we might grow to populate the galaxy in time, and have trillions of people. Your guess is as good as anyone's.
  17. Possibly photo mods. Otherwise, steel connecting from the "stick" held in each man's hand through their sleeves, down their side to a flat plate they sit on.
  18. We won battles in Vietnam, but the cost in lives was too much to continue.
  19. Agree, Korean Vietnam, Iraq 1&2, and Afghanistan conflicts, among others, have been won by the US and its allies; they seem to have convinced others that war with the US is a loosing proposition.
  20. I think the difficulty of making a colony on either the Moon or Mars is relatively the same. Some of the differences are distance, gravity and atmosphere. The moon wins on distance, but Mars does have a CO2 atmosphere, which is important to making return fuel. And, the gravity of Mars is closer to that of Earth; although, still much less. Since gravity is important for human bone growth, Mars may offer a slight advantage over the Moon. But, I think one main reason for exploring Mars is to try to find native life.
  21. I think an aircraft carrier has little effect on terrorists, which seem to be the main threat today; whereas, a drone does threaten terrorists.
  22. Perhaps they'll make a machine that over a roadway lays a sheet of graphene reinforced with nanotubes.
  23. Rail is expensive to build, but the cost to ship heavy things is less per mile than other modes of transportation. However, AI drivers may be able to tailgate safely, and avoid much of the air friction that limits fuel efficiency in autos. Moreover, electric flying cars with autopilots may become practical, which is another mode of transportation that allows high speeds without building an expensive cover over roadways. Additionally, the hyperloop offers some things beyond covered roadways. I think there will be multiple modes of transportation, and the one used will be suited to the travel that occurs.
  24. I should have high blood pressure, since I'm aged, don't exercise and am overweight. However, my BP is normal without meds.
  25. MigL, in international politics different people/cultures can interpret things in various ways. There are intentions stated by a government about its actions, and usually secret intentions not stated by the government. There are also expectations about the result of an action. Since a government is composed of many people, each one my have a different take on an action, including intentions, secret intentions and expectations. There are often several people who are affected by an action, and each one may interpret the actions differently, which may or may not be similar to the expectations of the acting government. Thus, I think your characterization: coincides with stated intentions often used to justify actions, but is unlikely to be the full story. However, state secrets hide many things, and I cannot prove there are secret intentions and expectations, even if they have been documented.
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