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Everything posted by EdEarl

  1. If I shaped reality, I'd be young.
  2. So a girl, whose parents are homeless and cannot pay for her education, should be ignorant for life, and, according to statistics she would have many children. Tell me why it is important to pay for education.
  3. No, a single cell is far more complex than a cell phone. The human brain is billions of times more complex. Of course, the Universe is unfathomably more complex than a cell phone.
  4. Don't put words in my mouth. I didn't say anything about the first cell, because I don't know anything about it. There have been some interesting chemical experiments, but no one knows AFAIK.
  5. Why do you consider the human brain's ability to design things not part of natural processes? Where do you draw the line? Some termites build mounds taller than a man, and wind blowing, rain falling, chemical reactions, atomic activity and so on lack the power to create a termite mound, nor can these things make a sugar crystal. Is it natural for a chimpanzee to make a spear and kill prey? Is it natural for a dolphin to use sonar? Is it natural for people to use sonar? Is it natural for ants to grow a garden? Is it natural for a person to grow a garden? A bower (bird) makes a bower to attract females, and it may take seven years for them to learn the craft well enough to succeed and mate. Men make things, including traps. Originally they were made for survival, now we can buy a mouse trap, to kill offensive rodents. Spiders build traps to catch food.
  6. As I said, communication has broken down.
  7. All things and processes, all things in the Universe, are natural; thus, things people do are natural (we aren't magic). There is no evidence of anything supernatural.
  8. This scenario is an example of my idea of not evidence...well, it is evidence man is creative.
  9. You suggest either natural processes or other than natural processes create life. There is no evidence for anything happening except by natural processes. There are things we cannot explain, but that does not mean they occur for any other reason except a natural process. At one time, people thought comets were signs from a god; no. People are trying to answer all the questions we cannot now answer. Some are hard, but scientists are making progress. Scientists agree on the nature of evidence, but I've noticed people who believe in the supernatural think some things are evidence that scientists do not. The result is perpetual disagreement, and each side believe the other has a bizarre mindset. AFAIK this scenario blocks true communication between the two sides, and cannot be resolved.
  10. The youtube video below (1 hr 50 mins) is a PBS NOVA documentary about Intelligent Design On Trial. During that trial, a book about Intelligent Design (ID) was part of the evidence. Defense researchers subpoenaed publisher records and found a previous version of the book, where a definition of ID had previously been the definition of Creation Science. Moreover, the date of the change was one day following the 1968 United States Supreme Court ruling that teaching Creation Science violated separation of church and state. Since the two definitions were the same, the lower court ruled teaching ID also violated separation of church and state.
  11. It is unfortunate for a poor genius in the US who cannot afford to attend a university. Some countries provide a free university education.
  12. I grew up eating pork chops, cheese burgers, and ice cream made with milk from our cow. My Md has recommended a vegan diet, and research I've done suggests a vegan diet is very healthful. I may go for a week or month without eating meat, but I am weak and give in to a hunger for meat.
  13. They studied brains of macaque and mouse and found interconnections statically consistent with EDR. If their hypothesis is true, elephants and toothed whales, including dolphins and orca, must have mental problems often. If so, have these mental problems been reported? I've not heard of it. Can it be true without us knowing? We have minimal contact with whales, but elephants and people have lived and worked together in the East for a very long time; the people who train and work with elephants have not reported such things, AFAIK.
  14. Without education we would be unable to survive. Before our ancestors learned to use fire and flint, education played an essential role; all primate mothers teach their children what to eat. Then someone discovered fire and invented flint napping. Today we learn to read an write, have discovered quantum mechanics and developed computer technology. Since we cannot predict the future, we need to learn as much as possible to improve our probability of survival. Education may be expensive, but without it our culture would fail. On the other hand, we do need to reduce the cost of education, or more accurately the cost of a degree. A low cost education is available on the internet. Unfortunately, companies want people with degrees to fill job positions.
  15. With 30M males more than females, the women can have their choice. Maybe more of them will practice polyamory.
  16. Mr. Junky, I pass on healthful tips for climate and humanity. As I'm old enough to check out any day (not expecting to), it will affect me very little whether humanity conquers climate change and learns to live a healthful long life. I think of passing such information an ethical duty. I don't fish; I let someone else catch my fish and make fillets. I've tried to be vegan, because I think it is good for me, but sometimes eat meat or fish.
  17. @Lyudmilascience Vegan is good for people and the environment. http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/96338-preventive-medicine-expert-advocates-a-plant-based-diet/ At least the population density will decrease:)
  18. By what method. Take excess babies away from parents, sterilize people after they have allotted number of babies, kill excess babies, OR?
  19. Statistics show that educating women reduces birth rate, and the world birth rate is decreasing because more and more women are being educated. On the other hand, the Earth might be able to produce food for double or triple the current population, with high tech food production, for example aquaponics and meat production without animals. Alternatively, we could change our diets and eat things like spirulina, which grows exceptionally fast. Part of the problem with farming is too little water and water at the wrong time; technology can eliminate these issues. Another problem is the amount of soil that has been poisoned by salt in water used for irrigation; remedies are possible, but currently too expensive. The surface of Earth is about 148M km2 of land. If 10% is arable, that is 14.8M km2, which divided by 3400 ft2 = 0.000,316 km2 which equals almost 47B people possible to feed on 10% of Earth's land.
  20. and will this vitro cause more environmental issues? More than ? IDK Presumably in vitro meat production would make zero manure, but what waste would it produce and how much...IDK.
  21. Yes, vegans are easier on the environment. However, meat will one day be produced in vitro, so it will require fewer resources.
  22. Caves are kept comfortable by geothermal energy, and Earthships use that energy to make homes comfortable, and is viable almost everywhere. It costs a bit more to build an Earthship, but in the long run, with no heating or air conditioning bills, it is money well spent.
  23. Good evidence, except for conspiracy theorists, but they probably wouldn't believe an image from the E-ELT either.
  24. Wikipedia says the E-ELT will have a 0.001 arc second resolution for some instruments, but doesn't say which ones. If I did the math right, that means it might see something about 2m across on the Moon.
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