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Everything posted by EdEarl

  1. 81^625 not =81^624 + 81 33 = 32*3 not 32+3
  2. My math is too rusty to help you, sorry. I'm not sure why no one replied to your post, because there are so really good mathematicians on this forum. If you don't get a reply soon, you might try posting your work using LaTeX, See: http://www.math.harvard.edu/texman/ http://mirrors.ibiblio.org/CTAN/info/symbols/comprehensive/symbols-a4.pdf http://web.ift.uib.no/Teori/KURS/WRK/TeX/symALL.html For example: [math]\sqrt{\frac{a^2+b^2}{ab^2}}[/math]
  3. IDK if it is important to you, but I believe it will be impossible to make an exact copy of the information in a brain because of the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. To make a perfect copy would require reproducing all neural circuits and brain waves, which I think would mean knowing the position and velocity of electrons that carry messages in the brain, and that is not possible. Moreover, the brain replica, whether physical hardware or virtual software, cannot be replicated perfectly for similar reasons. One day maybe we will be able to make a reasonable facsimile; it is plausible but not inevitable.
  4. Calculators were hired sometimes to perform calculations similar to these. I imagine Babbage was motivated to make his calculating engines by similar requirements. PS My wife, a teacher, suggested your teacher may have assigned this project because he/she needed to keep you busy while teaching less gifted students. If you want more challenging work, you might ask your teacher if you can do another project, e.g., perhaps research for science fair, with a report. If 35000 was assigned by your math teacher, emphasize the math you will use on the project, or if science teacher emphasize the science. Just a thought, if you find your current assignment too boring.
  5. I exaggerated, but you haven't done all the multiplications yet, it'll take a fair amount of paper. Maybe you can hand it in on a memory stick. You will have about sum 1...2385 digits or about 2844112. Actually, its more since you are calculating 5000 times.
  6. LOL I think there isn't enough paper on Earth to write that number. It is approximately 4x102385, which is a lot of digits.
  7. I doubt there is enough water in Oort Cloud comets to flood the Earth.
  8. Some large telescopes are planned, with primary mirrors larger than 20 meters, one day there may be one that's 100 meters. In addition, fairly large space telescopes are planned. Eventually, one will be able to see well enough to perform spectroscopic analysis of some exoplanet atmospheres. Oxygen in an atmosphere is, as far as we know, a sign of life. Thus, we may be able to send a few robotic probes to planets that are likely to have life, or at least some whose atmosphere may be modified for life. Nonetheless, such trips will probably take centuries. So far our fastest space probes would take more than 50,000 years to travel to the nearest star, but faster travel is possible. However, we cannot achieve the speed of light, and probably not even 10% the speed of light. A trip to a star that is 1000 light years distant at 10%c would take more than 10,000 years, and there seems to be no way around that. BTW, the Milky Way is about 100,000 light years across; at 10%c traveling across would take 1M years. See: Interstellar Travel
  9. What happens to refugees that have no home, for example they are fleeing from war, stopped at the border, lets say on a beach after arriving in in a boat. Leave them on the beach indefinitely?
  10. Taste is acquired, not inherent. On the other hand, mental blocks are real.
  11. Well, if your ethics are stronger for higher intelligence, then you should switch to insects for your meat; all vertebrates are more intelligent than insects, except perhaps The Donald.
  12. You can start with Shortest Distance Problems
  13. Eating vegetarian or vegan saves water. Saving water is an ethical action, considering climate change and human activity is reducing rainfall in many parts of the world. In addition, industrial activity is polluting water everywhere. How many people will commit to eating less meat for ethical, economic and humanitarian reasons?
  14. Hitler practiced violence, the world rose to oppose him, and he is the epitome of evil. Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, and Nelson Mandela were nonviolent, won their cause, and each is a hero. Violence is sometimes necessary to oppose evil, but it results in death and destruction that cannot be called good, only necessary. A person who opposes evil with violence may be celebrated as a hero, but feels a heavy burden from death and destruction wrought by that opposition. Inevitably they say, my fallen comrades are heroes; I merely survived with horrible memories. Tolerance is a tool of nonviolence. Sometimes the oppressors kill good people who are nonviolent, but revenge is bitter sweet. It often results in more deaths than nonviolence. If one's purpose is to make a better world, we must hold violence until we know without doubt there is no other way, and reevaluate our motives to make sure we are not acting on emotions only. If by acting violently you kill someone, was it because they threatened you or others and their death was necessary?
  15. In youtube search for "diy foundry furnace" You will find videos such as this one: How to make a mini foundry Be sure to get the help of an adult, and have a fire extinguisher and another person nearby when you use the foundry, in case of an accident.
  16. If you are serious about the research, you would probably need to study calculus and Fourier transforms. See: https://www.khanacademy.org/math http://www.math.com
  17. Hi, no one has replied to your post in a couple of hours, so I'll will start. Your English is excellent, but your post is cryptic, at least to me, not being a musician. Sometimes people post here who really don't make sense, and frankly your post is challenging. There is a body of science of vibrations or waves, including sound. IMO music theory is part of this science, but AFAIK it is not taught as part of a science curriculum as is the mathematics of waves. Perhaps the 'third voice' you speak of is the result of two frequencies modulating to produce a third frequency. See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frequency_modulation There are cymatics experiments on youtube vidoes, for example: I hope this helps, sorry I cannot be more help.
  18. There are some folks like that, and one may as well be talking with a door knob as try to change their mind.
  19. I'd like to know why your friend thinks thousands of people would conspire to make up the idea of climate change as a problem. What benefit will these scientists get from such a conspiracy? Money? Fame? Power? I contend that if there is a conspiracy, it would be investigated by a reporter, police or a citizen, and if true the scientists would, at the minimum, loose their jobs. Have you heard of such an investigation? Has your friend? In fact, there are few jobs for scientists around the world, and the competition is fierce. When one scientists writes a paper, it is read by many, and if anyone finds fault in the paper, a refutation is published so that everyone knows the authors mistakes. Moreover, anyone, including your friend, may obtain a copy of these papers, which means your friend is welcome to read the papers, find the flaws, and expose the conspiracy. Your friend would have at least 15 minutes of fame, and there might even be a movie to make him/her rich.
  20. Is there an environmental reason? In other words, are the chemicals created by industry and spilled into the environment causing an increase in cancer rates?
  21. Double posting is not necessary. Most people monitor the New Content.
  22. EdEarl

    Iraq war

    What bias do you suspect? The OP first question was, "I was just wondering what was it that caused the Iraq war to occur?" I believe one can trace motivations as historical, religious, social and personal. While national leaders actually send armies to war, in democracies they need popular support; thus, thousands to billions of people conspire to make war. There is no simple answer to such a question. A forum such as this cannot possibly address the issues fully.
  23. I don't know if this can help, but there have been a few experiments to build an artificial environment, including Biosphere 2. This link is to the Wikipedia "See Also" of Biosphere 2, which shows links to other experiments. Good luck.
  24. As with most civil wars, there was unrest caused by years of dictatorial neglect and abuse. The drought just made the situation worse.
  25. If offered, do you think he would take a seat on the Supreme Court, and do you think he would make a good one?
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