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Everything posted by EdEarl

  1. The next step up would be a crocodile. They aren't for the desert, but they're similar to a large lizard. They can't walk far, because their legs aren't under them, like lizards, and they don't have the right disposition.
  2. I fight back when possible, but most of the battles are in the courts and I'm not involved. It does affect me because my wife is a k-5 teacher, I have children and grandchildren. It's not only Texas; though, Texas is among the worst.
  3. I respect everyone's freedom of religion, as long as they respect my freedom from religion. If someone tries to run my life based on their religious beliefs, then there is a problem I will not endure.
  4. There are already komodo dragons large enough for your intentions. Cold blooded animals not only eat infrequently, they tend to be lethargic because they don't eat much. Moreover, I'm sure komodo dragons are wild and not likely to be tamed; their mouth contains lethal bacteria, and one bite or scratch could kill you. Camels, on the other hand, make good pack and riding animals.
  5. In the US, religious cranks are trying to evict science from the education in favor of teaching christian views. They are causing harm to society, not only in schools, but other things too.
  6. I'm not qualified to answer that question. To avoid static electricity problems, usually devices are grounded to a metal bar driven into the ground about six feet.
  7. Static electricity is an imbalance of electric charges within or on the surface of a material. Is likely to be the reason volume density is not given.
  8. I knew there'd be protests.
  9. Let's send them to Mars.
  10. http://profmattstrassler.com/2012/10/15/why-the-higgs-and-gravity-are-unrelated/
  11. You will need a passport stamped, "Twilight Zone."
  12. I've taken a long time to answer, because I don't know a "better way." I think the feelings you have are similar to those of most people. Although, each person may be upset about different things. For example, some want Trump as president, some Hillary, some Sanders, and a few want someone else. All I can recommend is, try try again, differently.
  13. As with all quantum "magic", if you aren't confused you don't understand (corollary: be quiet and calculate). See: Finding how certain particles acquire mass
  14. Do you want to measure the speed of Earth's rotation, speed of revolution around the sun, or combined motion of Earth, the Sun orbiting around the Milky Way Galaxy, or something else? Who is "we." The Doppler effect occurs naturally from light coming from stars, and can be used to measure their speed because we can measure the receiving wavelength and can know the transmitted wave length from spectrographic studies. You might use the Doppler effect to measure the rotation speed of the Earth, if that is your purpose. However, the change in wavelength of light due to the rotation of the Earth would be quite small, about 0.0001%. I don't know what it would take to measure that amount of wavelength difference. Yes, light and radio waves are EM radiation, also x-rays, infrared, and ultraviolet. I think this device will not do what you want. The got zero because they were trying to measure something (aether) that does not exist. The speed of light is always the same no matter where it comes from, and no matter the direction or speed of the source. The equipment sown in the picture has the light source on the device, which means it will never measure a Doppler effect. You would need a light source not on the Earth to measure a Doppler effect caused by motion of the Earth. Since the Earth is spinning on its axis and orbiting the Sun, and the Sun is orbiting the Galaxy, it would be difficult to measure each of these independently. There is no need to apologize; you have done nothing wrong. I think the Michelson Morley equipment will not do what you want. I hope I have answered the right questions. If not, ask again.
  15. As I understand, the Higgs boson affects Fermions, including the electron, which I think means electrons are affected by gravity.
  16. GPS, Ligo and the aether experiments have totally different purposes. We would like to help, but do not understand. Perhaps Google translate would help.
  17. The Earth would have to spin about 28,000 km/hr at the equator to launch things into space, which is almost 17 times faster than it now spins.
  18. You asked two questions. The answers depend on who you think we are and what exactly you think the American dream is. However, you didn't focus on the questions in your post; they seem like rhetorical questions used to emphasize a point.Many people feel overwhelmed or dissatisfied with various things about modern culture. If you want to discuss a particular issue, please state a specific question about an issue such as gun control, immigration or school reform.
  19. My tip is https://www.khanacademy.org/math You can progress as quickly as you wish in math.
  20. I'm not a scientist, but will share my opinion about all the dimensions, specifically how they came to be a hot topic. Einstein worked on a unified field theory to mathematically link all of physics. Since then theorists continue that effort with string theory. To make string theory math model the subatomic particles, more than three dimensions and time are needed. It is a workable hypothesis, and the LHC at Cern may be able to find evidence. But, no one knows for sure.
  21. For those who get into online battles and feel they should not, a thread in http://secularbuddhism.org/forum/ may help. It starts with the following post: And, several replies tell personal stories of how they quit and work towards quitting.
  22. Mechanical engineering jobs include licensed structural engineer. All two story buildings require an engineer to guarantee the building will not fall down. There are building codes enforced by building permits and bureaucrats. Mechanical engineers also work with architects designing large buildings of all kinds. The also help design bridges, power plants, dams, tunnels, etc. Math is really important to getting an engineering degree of any kind. If you master math, your chances of an advanced degree are enhanced. Once math was only required for the hard sciences, but has recently spread into economics and social sciences. Good luck.
  23. Compared to a sustenance farmer fleeing across the Mediterranean to escape drought (and many others), I am living very well. Although, by US standards my life style is middle (working) class, retired. I believe the Earth can support everyone in a life style similar to mine, but there are a multitude of things to do that will reduce our impact on the environment. Many of them need to be developed. Wind and solar has become competitive with coal and oil power production, a massive development effort. As those technologies are adopted, more inefficiencies and poor practices need to be corrected. For me, mindful meditation allows me to work on myself and my relationships, and secular Buddhism provides a relevant philosophy for living a superb life in tune with family, friends and the environment. I hope people learn things are transient and bring at most temporary pleasure; there's too much emphasis on things.
  24. My ideal is that Earth's resources be shared equally to assure everyone has food, clothing, shelter, and medical care to assure their no frills survival. I cannot make my ideal occur; rather, must live in my culture and location. Some things I consider non-essential are nonetheless forced upon me, whether I like it or not, for example keeping my yard mowed, which due to its size requires power tools. I must hire the job done, as I am not able. In one sense that is opulence, but I do not have a choice. The same is true for driving a car, it is necessary in my environment. People probably suffer because of my opulence, but systems need to change. BTW, I am growing a garden, to have more control over my food, and to live a more renewable life. That's my personal effort to change the system.
  25. When particles collide, other particles are created. Some of the created particles, e.g., Higgs Boson (mean lifetime 1.56×10−22 s) will decay and may be imaged by the detectors.
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