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Everything posted by EdEarl

  1. The future might be See Phy.org: Tiny red crystals dramatically increase biogas production. Another contender is hydrogen, but they may serve different applications because hydrogen is typically stored under great pressure or very cold.
  2. No crime to use "crime," with the caveat to leave jurisprudence out of it.
  3. By grouping three and leading emphasis; numbers read aloud will sound like a waltz; rum ta da, rum ta da, rum ta da.
  4. It would be a crime to admit jurisprudence into this discussion.
  5. Hopefully there will be no satanic or kill messages among the numbers.
  6. Perhaps (satire) I misread him. LOL This kind of brainstorming is good, as long as everyone understands it is untested hypothesis.
  7. If you plot object size (m3) and density (#/km3) then there are many photons (smallest objects) and few stars (largest objects). A first approximation curve between those two points is a straight line. However, it is possible to find estimates or measurements of a few more points, such as planet density and hydrogen atom density. Half a dozen points should allow a good guess at the shape of the size-density curve.
  8. Why is important to answering the OP question.
  9. There are about 100 billions galaxies in the Universe, 100 billion stars in the Milky Way, and 200 billion atoms in our DNA.
  10. Restating the OP: Among several of hypothesis have observations selected one with at least one more assumption than another hypothesis. I think one has to consider spoken languages are elegant, and may be used to obscure simplicity and inflate lists. Competing hypothesis may not be written with equal skill and purpose. I think we cannot fully trust an answer to your question,
  11. OM bussta thinks there is scientific proof for no god, DanTrentfield thinks there is a proof for God, an. d several of us say science cannot prove anything. The majority wins in a democracy. I'm waiting for the feathers to settle. Maybe a moderator will declare Dan to be hijacking a thread.
  12. You might try intonation, with the pattern such as Nou Lou Nou Lou[math]\uparrow[/math]
  13. Do you think the probability of collision increases with speed? If so why? How does speed affect your ability to detect and react to a pending collision? What is the increase in damage from collisions? How do size and mass affect collision rate and maneuverability? A big question, that may not have a satisfactory answer is, "How many objects of what size are in interstellar space?" You may be able to make a Drake-like equation to answer your question. IMO you haven't asked the right question. You are certain to collide with small things, starting with photons and working up in size. You are certain to avoid large things like stars and planets, except by choice. The littlest things do not cause damage. Some small things act like a sand blaster. Large things damage. What is acceptable damage and what must be avoided. Ship hull design is a factor. The simple answer is you aren't likely to hit anything catastrophic for a long time. Voyager 1 and 2 have been traveling for 38 and 35 years without hitting anything. IDK how many years total travel has occurred within the solar system, nor whether a payload has had an unintended collision, but I'm sure it is rare.
  14. Once the parties compromised. Now, compromise is a dirty word. Will this thread end without compromise on the meaning of competent?
  15. Abiogenesis means new or earliest life.
  16. I made up adiogenesis, which was meant to suggest genesis of a deity, but should have spelled it adeigenesis maybe. Thought I had a brainstorm; obviously, it was a brainbarf.
  17. I didn't think about what the sounds would be. There weren't sixteen vowels, so used the first four of aeiouwy and selected 16 consonants, discarding Q as problematic, and others more or less by whim, assigned values to each, stirred in some glue, and posted. A design would mean writing all the combinations, selecting vowel sounds, writing and pronouncing all the syllables, and pronounce selected numbers from 0 to FFFF. In retrospect, it probably makes more sense to use aeou than aeio. If you want to use it, please do.
  18. I invented some nonsense syllables to see if doing so would stimulate my brain. The brainstorm gave me the aftermath of a tornado: 0 = B = aa 1 = D = ae 2 = F = ai 3 = G = ao 4 = H = ea 5 = J = ee 6 = K = ei 7 = L = eo 8 = M = ia 9 = N = ie A = P = ii B = R = io C = S = oa D = T = oe E = V = oi F = Z = oo The single character 256 base values can be represented with one phoneme spelled with combinations of three letters. For example, Foo = 256 and Baa = 0. Some combinations are politically incorrect, for example Mia Lie = hex 8879 This particular list of hex digit phonemes isn't ideal, but I didn't filter them. Using Tar's system, a person must learn to add, subtract, multiply, and divide in binary to do arithmetic. Math whizzes could learn the 256 times table. I like it but I'm too old to change.
  19. I didn't know anyone in the US read an English dictionary. Can you tell me what I mean when saying, "I'm bad."
  20. At least one species of great ape is guilty of killing members of the opposite sex.
  21. Will the GOP build a sea wall around NY to protect the stock exchange from a flood of illegal aliens?
  22. From Wikipedia: This orphaned right, travel without ID, does not stop police from detaining people when they believe it necessary, sometimes unlawfully but often for something trivial like walking on the grass instead of a sidewalk.
  23. Abiogenesis? This thread is about adiogenesis, isn't it? As a teenager I struggled with my family's explanation that God always existed and created the Universe. I thought, "Why couldn't the Universe always exist (without a god)? I didn't need proof, just doubt, which is sufficient..
  24. You forgot the virgin islands:)
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