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Everything posted by EdEarl

  1. Exactly, change the law or enforce it. Some laws are inane. In New Mexico, nudity is allow, provided that male genitals are covered. The legal system is responsible for enforcing the law, regardless of whether the law is just or even makes sense. Citizens have the responsibility of making informed decisions about laws, and letting law maker know if they disagree. It seems you agree with the immigration laws and want them enforced. Occasionally, a law can be so bad that one is ethically compelled to disobey the law. Gandhi and Martin Luther King specialized in this kind of civil disobedience.
  2. Are you saying there are some indicators that would definitely indicate two genesis events; on the other hand, two genesis events might create life with identical chirality, and differentiation between one and two events would not be possible?
  3. IDK if Texas has a diverse population; it is filled with religious fundamentalists and has more Tea Party legislators than any other state.
  4. The exchange of rocks between Earth and Mars from large meteor impacts that hurl surface rocks into solar orbit, making asteroids, means the two planets may share life from the same abiogenesis event. It would be exciting if Mars had its own abiogenesis that survived in spite of being contaminated by life from Earth, moreover, that we could identify them both. We know so little about abiogenesis, do we know that we could see differences in life from two abiogenesis events?
  5. QFT Perpetual motion is a seductive trap, and thousands, perhaps millions, have been seduced and tried to make one for may years. If you had studied physics, you would have taken a class that proved it is impossible. Basically, if you make one, then you would have overturned classical physics developed over more than a thousand years. Einstein used some very sophisticated mathematics, but did not overturn physics. You cannot make a mathematical model of your machine; you really think you have overturned physics?
  6. The GOP is doing its best to elect conservative candidates. The result is the current GOP with its menagerie of political agendas that can be short sighted, contradictory, obsolete or incorrect. Sage leaders of the party developed a strategy to keep the party as strong as possible by attracting disparate voter segments, while trying to maintain conservative policies. From my perspective, the GOP has systemic problems that must be addressed because I disagree with virtually all their political positions; although, that was not always true. I think times are changing faster than traditional conservatives are adapting, which is why I think they need systemic change. However, I think the various factions within the GOP do not have a unified vision for change; thus, systemic change seems unlikely. Moreover, I think the likelihood of a candidate capable of unifying all the factions is equally unlikely. But, I am not a pundit and cannot imagine how the party can be healed.
  7. Big money, like air, leaks into containers having less of it, except air is unbiased.
  8. I think most who frequent this forum believe life elsewhere in the Universe is probable or nearly inevitable; at least, I do. At first glance "probabilistic proof" seems redundant, since no proof is absolute. That isn't what you mean, but I think you should try to improve on your title. Moreover, I think the consensus that life is proved to exist elsewhere would be finding some extraterrestrial, even a microbe.
  9. Quantum particles are also waves, for example the photon carries the electromagnetic wave. However, all quantum particles are also waves. Thus, the particle-wave goes through the double slits. My response to your double slit statement was a joke, because your original post spoke of the measurement of gravity waves caused by 2 black holes. been talking about gravity waves. It might be possible to put Higgs bosons through the double slits; although, they decay very quickly, which might be a problem.
  10. The double slit experiment has particle-waves going through the slits. In this case, the source of the waves is dual orbiting black holes; how do you propose to move those black holes through double slits?
  11. Seems to me there would be a few technical challenges, too. Moreover, it's not clear to me how math could reconstruct images. Waves would be coming from the big bang, supernova, colliding stars, merging black holes, etc. How could all that noise be processed into an image? It might be best to put that sphere in space, where vacuum is everywhere. If feasible, it certainly would be expensive.
  12. I like your concluding remark, except it is incomplete; no one is competent to govern a large modern country. Whoever is leader will have people who hate their decisions and actions. Some are totally inept, and the others do enough agreeable things to be almost competent.
  13. The measuring instrument consists of a laser beam that is split into two beams, one reflected perpendicular to the other. Each half shines down a long tube and is reflected back towards the origin using a very flat mirror. They examine the phase of the two received light beams to see if they are exactly in phase or not. Without a gravity wave, the beams are in phase. If a gravity wave passes through the instrument, the phases of the two beams are not exactly in phase. They measured out of phase by 1/1000th the thickness of a proton as the amount a gravity wave affected the two beams at different times. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gravitational-wave_observatory. Q: Would it be possible to split the laser beam into thousands of beams radiating out as a sphere, that bounce back to be collected and analyzed to form an image of the source of the gravity wave? Maybe this Q should be split into a different thread, IDK. It's not related to the topic of this post, but is related to the first question by the OP.
  14. Regardless, I accept your implicit concession. I haven't followed your discussion of subprime loans, but remember the events. Some facts are evident, but I got the feeling smoke and mirrors, bureaucratic bungling, and incompetence hid other facts. Regardless of merit, it was a classic political program that opponents roasted in the news. Tar, I hope I did not make you feel there was a conspiracy against you. I rarely post in political threads. There are some really brilliant people who post here, and I am a little fish.
  15. I didn't intend to sound like I want to suppress innovation; it's impossible. Things will change, but that isn't likely to be what changes.
  16. Think my vote went for Reagan, but it was a mistake. There were many factors that has contributed to the decline of the US economy and the American dream for all but a few privileged people. On the other hand, the decline began during his term and his policies did not help. Perhaps nothing could. In any case gutting the new deal was a mistake.
  17. So, the cotton mill replaced slave workers and cars replaced horses, but robot work wont replace human work? Before the industrial revolution, children worked in the fields or families would suffer. There are fewer workers per capita now than previously. The trend seems clear. , Weather changes randomly but climate change is steady; the job market is random but worker replacement by automation is steady. Part of the reason jobs survived automation was people worked to improve their lifestyle. Now our lifestyle is killing us with obesity and other rich diseases. The kind of lifestyle improvement we need is personal and not the kind of thing a corporation can bottle and sell.
  18. My political position has changed over the years, starting with my family as a Democrat, changing to Republican and now as an independent. At this time I am more anti Republican than Democrat because mega dollars have corrupted politicians. I look at political agendas that will affect my children and grandchildren in relation to the World environment and the effects of human activity. Two trends concern me above all others, climate change and robot workers. Powerful climate change deniers have prevented efforts to abate climate change, and according to UN and other estimates roughly a quarter million people die each year due to climate change. As far as I am concerned they are guilty of mass murder and should be prosecuted for crimes against humanity. Most GOP politicians and those funding their campaign are responsible. I can only hope that my progeny do not contribute to that statistic. Robots are replacing workers at an increasing rate. Driverless vehicles will soon displace truck drivers, bus drivers, taxi drivers, and the average Joe. Some jobs, such as manufacturing and warehousing are easier to automate than others, such as doctors and lawyers. However, scientists believe virtually all jobs can be automated. Estimates vary, but it is plausible half of all jobs in the US will be automated with a few decades. The result is less expensive goods and services, and many more poor people unless government policies change to subsidize the poor or enable people to be independent without a job. Currently, Republicans are in favor of automation, but they are waging war on the poor (e.g., according to John Kasich, the Republican governor of Ohio). It is cruel to help corporations eliminate employees and ignore or punish those who loose their jobs. Again, I hope my progeny are not among the statistics. In fact, I believe society and government must change radically, but I have no idea what will happen or how to affect it. These two issues make me strongly anti Republican at this time. Things will change, I hope is is not tragic.
  19. If one sees an unknown Chinese character, is there a way to learn what it means other than asking someone or searching through thousands of characters?
  20. I'd like Google glass to have a Watsonish lie detection system that tells the wearer whenever someone has lied. It would change politics. Politicians might make them illegal, and a black market would develop, or politicians who.lie would have short careers.
  21. This seems like a homework problem. Your problem statement is clear, but you are missing some information, but I am unsure what you need. "The ratio of turns is the same as the ratio of voltage" is enough information to answer your question--if you were born with a gift for solving word problems, or if you were not an have practiced until you have developed the skill. You may be able to write the equation with the information you now have, because the quoted underlined statement is an equation. If you cannot, you need practice in translating English into math, but I am not skilled in teaching others how to do those translations. In that case, someone else may better help you.
  22. EdEarl

    Donald Trump

    I'm not a Trump fan, but this image is funny, and a bit too much.
  23. Flint Michigan has lead in their water. Apparently the Republican governor and others knew, and did nothing, allowing thousands of children to be lead contaminated because doing something is a social program, and against the GOP mandate. I saw reports yesterday that the GOP controlled legislature passed a bill to make oral and anal sex illegal. However, they seem resolute in their opposition to fixing the problem. Too old to move out of the US; Scandinavia seems nice, but cold.
  24. Maybe. The first radio telescope was built in 1932. Radar was very new in 1940.Before 1908 there were about 50 relatively small reflecting and refracting optical telescopes listed in Wikipedia as operational in 1900. The 100" (2.54m) Hooker Telescope was built in 1918 and was the largest until 1948, when the Hale telescope 200" was built. The 100" started modern astronomy when Hubble found that the Universe was larger than the Milky Way. Infrared telescopes, capable of detecting head from a rocket engine, did not exist until about 1965. Amateur astronomers have found comets with small personal telescopes. Pluto was found in 1930 by one of the first astrograph telescopes, which are designed to photograph the sky; thereby, they allow astronomers to find comets, asteroids, meteors and planetoids. Astronomy was not well funded until after WWII, until the Cold War; thus, the likelihood of detecting an approaching ship was not high. The sky is large and ships are tiny.
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