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Everything posted by EdEarl

  1. Sound judgment is a matter of perspective. The US Republicans and capitalists have gradually over time allied to take control of that party. IMO this group, the powerful politicians and very rich, lack empathy, as evinced by their opposition to social services, and love wealth, as evinced by their affection for big business. It concerns me that the US government is now similar that of Nazi Germany. 1. The GOP’s 2016 Budgets And Its Long Range Inhumanity 2.  Racism and Cruelty: What’s Behind the GOP’s Healthcare Agenda? 3. 10 Biggest Lies and Distortions From the GOP Debate 4. Brains and Eggs A politician will not tell people they seek votes from people who don't evaluate politicians and their actions, i.e., think for themselves. Brains and Eggs is an example of how politicians entice voters into irrational beliefs. Perhaps one should characterize the GOP as being shrewd instead of competent.
  2. If they didn't want to be seen, it is more likely they would send a disguised drone than a ship full of aliens. It seems unlikely they would intend to conquer a planet with one ship, unless they intend to use resources on the Earth, in which case they would probably be stealthy and send a drone. People will cross the street to spy on neighbors. Governments will send spies to other countries. However, sending a spy to another world doesn't make sense, since the important things can be learned by listening to our transmissions and watching us with telescopes.
  3. Meteors that size are detected; thus, it is likely a ship that size in the thermosphere would be detected, unless they were trying to hide. If aliens are not trying to hide, it seems reasonable they would send radio signals telling us they were coming, and many radio telescopes around the world would receive their signal. My assumption is they would signal us long before we could see them. Otherwise, if they are trying to hide, we would not detect them because their technology must be very advanced.
  4. Got no pun. Archimedes may have invented calculus circa 200BC if a Roman soldier had not killed him during while sacking Syracuse. Instead, Newton did it about 1665, over 1800 years later. It is conceivable that all science would be more advanced. Maybe it happened in another universe, but we cannot know what might have been.
  5. 285000 bar *2*10^13cm^3 in ergs = 5.7 × 10^24 ergs X bar * Y cm^3 in ergs = XY ergs 1 bar = 1.019 716 213 kilogram-force/square centimeter 1 erg = 1.019716213e-10 kilogram-force centimeter bar/erg = 1e-10/cm^3 I don't understand, it seems units are not correct. PS NVM imatfaal explained
  6. The description of kids misbehaving in this online game reminds me of a book Lord of the Flies by William Golding (1954), also the movie West Side Story by Arthur Laurents (1960). Socrates said of children: Yet, they grow up to be adults and carry on as always.
  7. You haven't given enough information to answer your question with a distance from Earth such a ship can be detected.
  8. To move past radar cloaking, assume it cannot be done effectively. Aliens could send miniscule drones to spy on us in an asteroid shaped ship that appears to burn up on entry, but instead releases a ton of dragon fly sized and disguised drones to spy on us. Stealth includes many more technologies than radar cloaking. My point is that advanced alien technology can foil our technology, if they think it is necessary. Although, I believe aliens could hide from us, I believe it is unlikely we have been visited.
  9. Stealth technology on Earth is more advanced than x-band, an alien technology capable of interstellar travel must be much better.
  10. I don't know what you are asking. A dielectric is an insulator.
  11. A good starting place to find out about current supercapacitor technology is Wikipedia. They are working toward nano-scale solutions with electrodes and dielectrics being one atom thick. Batteries tend to be less expensive, lighter weight, and smaller than similarly sized supercapacitors, but advancements supercapacitors appear to be gaining on batteries.
  12. OK, ty.
  13. Ivan, your question simple, but a complete answer is not. For example, that ship coming from the moon, does it have stealth technology that hides its torch as stealth airplanes owned by various governments on Earth, which hides them from detection here on Earth. If your torch ship coming from the Moon does have stealth technology, it would be very hard to detect, especially since any civilization that can make the trip across vast distances of space would be considerably more advanced technologically than we are. A simple answer is that distances are vast, and there have been no confirmed sightings of aliens. On the other hand, spy drones are shrinking in size, with limits probably smaller than a fly, perhaps nanometer sized. It is possible we are being watched, but if they are, they haven't tried to destroy us. And, it requires a very advanced and complex civilization the Occam's razor tells us that it is almost certainly not true.
  14. There are several speculations in this quote from Wikipedia. "That dark matter could potentially aggregate," the strike through is mine, is not relevant to my speculative comment. Extra dimensions always seem to be characterized as small and rolled up; in other words, I have not read anywhere that there could be large dimensions as the ones we know (nominally x, y and z). If matter exists in our dimensions and do not interact with dark matter in other dimensions (e.g., x', y', and z') except through gravity, those dimensions could be large and orthogonal like ours. We cannot actually see dimensions; we see matter and light that exist in these dimensions. Similarly, our instruments do not detect dimensions, they detect matter, energy and forces within our dimensions. Why are extra dimensions so frequently characterized as invisibly small?
  15. For me the effect of meditation while sitting in a calm environment, either quiet or with soft music, clears my mind so that tense thoughts cannot exist due to counting each breath. I cannot focus on something tense because my mind is occupied focusing on sitting, breathing, and counting. As ones mind rests on the mundane, ones body relaxes, and I assume ones hormones normalize. However, I have neither measured my hormones nor read about such an excperiment.
  16. Program run times depend on many things, and business/school computer projects are varied. For example, suppose you must manage a project with thousands of people and hundreds of projects. Project management software may be able to help schedule work and keep things organized; however, this kind of software can require a powerful computer. Even a spreadsheet may become complex and large enough to require a powerful computer. From the information you have given, there is no rational way to advise you whether to get a basic computer or a monster. Since a powerful computer can do simple tasks quickly, the only reason for not getting one is available funds. Thus, my recommendation is to get as powerful computer as you can afford, considering you may have to wait sometimes for complex programs to run, which may be annoying, but rarely of critical importance. Often a slower computer with lots of memory can run programs almost as fast as a faster computer with similar memory, so I tend to buy computers with lots of main memory that are not the fastest. I hope this helps.
  17. A return of gas guzzlers is unlikely for a couple of reasons. First, people are buying smaller cars because they are less expensive, and the few people have excess disposable income to spend on a large car. In addition, regulations have changed and are likely to become more restrictive for vehicles that generate CO2.
  18. I agree that the fossil oil industry is ultimately doomed, but renewable oil is not doomed. The cost of renewable oil is now high, but economics changes along with technology, politics, culture, climate, and even the conservative GOP...Abraham Lincoln must be turning in his grave considering the current GOP platform. Change is inevitable, and the rate of change is now faster than ever, and the inevitable will occur quickly. There are so many things changing we can only guess about the outcome, except it will be interesting. The environment is changed by every person, some more than others. Protecting the environment requires world wide agreement and cooperation for the time being. However, technology may eventually allow us to live in harmony with a wild environment. I hope we can save all of the majestic wildlife still alive, but I am pessimistic.
  19. Supercapacitor development is improving faster than battery development, and estimates are that supercapacitors can replace batteries within ten years. Driverless cars may be replacing driven cars by that time frame. These two technologies will revolutionize transportation. What it means for consumers is not yet clear. I suspect various countries will improvise different laws and corresponding changes to their transportation systems. For example, an integrated mass transit system consisting of Musk's hyperloop or rail, bus and autos might pick up customers at their home, office, or other location, deliver them to a nearby destination, which could be final or interim, e.g., the bus or hyperloop station, and other scenarios. The cost reduction from driverless cars may make mass transit both economical and convenient. Even if personal ownership of cars continues as it is now, the merger of supercapacitors or improved batteries will endanger the oil industry.
  20. The low price of fossil fuels has not dampened demand for renewable energy generation according to Bloomberg. Around the world renewable energy projects are being constructed at a record pace. Although the US federal and state governments have been crippled by climate deniers, most cities have elected officials; many of them are installing renewable power generation facilities and retiring power plants that spew CO2. In addition, CEOs are installing renewable power systems to run factories, office buildings, warehouses, outlets, etc. As financing and building these renewable power plants occurs, research and development are expected to reduce the cost of them further. With reduced carbon fuel prices, coal and oil production companies are finding it difficult to justify costly development in some fields. Thus, this round of dropping fossil fuel prices may be the beginning of the end for the fossil fuel industry. I don't expect a quick decline; rather, I expect ups and downs, with the long term trend being down. There are too many fossil fuel burning power plants and vehicles that must be replaced for that industry to close its doors for several decades.
  21. I don't see how that follows. A light-second is calculated from constants, too, and we can measure such effects in a volume smaller than a cubic light-second. The Planck length is the scale at which quantum gravity is necessary to see what's going on. So I think the answer here is that the question can't be answered, since we have no working quantum theory of gravity. So this relates to the above section in saying we can't trust GR to tell us what's happening inside that volume. That means we can neither confirm nor deny. A Planck length is the distance light travels in Planck time. Are you saying we can measure things inside a Planck volume, that a Planck length is variable, or something else?
  22. Multiple part question: An electron has several properties, including a -1 charge, with an electric field that becomes weaker with distance according to the inverse square law. Theoretically, at least, we can measure that field down to a Planck volume, but not within a Planck volume. Do we know if fields vary within Planck Volumes? Gravity distorts space-time, but it cannot distort a Planck volume, because Planck length is calculated from constants, speed of light, gravitational constant, and the Planck constant, and the Planck volume is a volume of space with sides 1 Planck length. Is a Planck volume merely a measurement limit, and space is continuous (as fields are continuous?) and within Planck volumes space deform under the influence of gravity?
  23. If the power is generated by hydrogen fusion, ions of helium or another light element will need to be exhausted, and they might be used for thrust, too.
  24. The Large Hadron Collider generates 13Tev with an accelerator 17 miles (27km) diameter; 800Tev is more than 60 times 13Tev and would presumably take a much larger more massive particle accelerator.
  25. Radars see microwaves (EMF) and people see light (EMF). We see things that are bright enough and cannot see things that are not. A radar is similar, they can see things that are bright enough. Object brightness depends on size, distance physical properties. Physical properties of EMF and objects are related in complex ways. Both microwaves and light can be emitted or reflected by an object. Reflections are brighter for mirror like objects and dimmer for dark or black colored objects; although, a mirror for light may not be a mirror for microwaves and an absorber of light may not be a absorber of microwaves. Generally objects emit, reflect and absorb various wavelengths EMF in various amounts, continually. Large telescopes and large antennas serve the same purpose, to capture more EMF to make objects brighter and clearer (better resolution). Two objects of equal brightness may vary in size, distance and physical properties. Thus, some very distant, bright objects appear the same as very small, bright objects, whether radar or light.
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