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Everything posted by EdEarl

  1. I think child beauty pageants are bizarre (see pic below) because children are made up as sexual objects. I do not believe I was adversely affected by seeing dogs copulate when I was very young, and my mother explaining they were making puppies. I'm not in favor of sex acts in streets and other public venues. However, I don't understand how children seeing such acts would necessarily cause adverse affects. I think the way we act about sex can leave our children distressed about sex or OK about sex, and I think we should strive to rear our children with healthy attitudes about sex.
  2. Many animals have breeding contests to determine which ones (usually male) get to mate, and some of those contests end in death of one or both contestants. If humans did it publicly, I suspect jealousy would lead to fights, in which the jealous one bashes his opponent in the head with a rock or somehow interrupt coitus. Privacy is safer; thus, we made it immoral. Is it unethical? IDK
  3. I'd think one could know many, many people and find none perfect. You didn't actually say, but the question implies a perfect spouse. I think it is a figment of ones lust that makes us conclude a person would be a perfect spouse, because a large portion of marriages end in divorce. Marriages that last inevitably result in some conversations that end in fights. Thus, IMO there is no one perfect, we just do the best we can. However, knowing this does not mean you wont fall in lust and think you have found the perfect person.
  4. Rapid City SD was founded in 1876, and had previously been called Hay Camp. Gold had been found nearby in the black hills, which residents of Hay Camp intended to exploit. I can find no population statistics for Hay Camp in 1876, but the founders of Rapid City laid out a square mile and proclaimed the central six blocks to be the business district. Some might call Hay Camp a village, and changing its name to Rapid City didn't change its status to city. Today it has about 68,000 people and some might call that a town. Except for running the risk of offending citizens of Rapid City, one might call it a village, town or city and not violate any rules and regulations AFAIK. IIRC townships were at one time laid out on a square mile and were so established by state law. SD was not a state until 1889.
  5. Sorry for your loss. Your story reminded me of my first dog, Sandy, who passed with I was about 12.
  6. If they aere awarded a patent, it is probably worth money.
  7. Until someone explains why we cannot find them, because there is no way to prevent everyone from trying to find them, as long as there is a possibility they exist and might be found. Someone will be curious and try.
  8. Collectively Conscious I wonder if their partial explanation is hiding something besides a viable biological process. Moreover, this process pushes at the edges of law and ethics. Who will be the father and who is responsible if the child has serious and expensive medical problems. What happens to the baby if the mother dies is child birth. I think I am opposed to such a patent being issueds ; although, I haven't considered the issues fully. I think this will be hotly contested, more than Monsanto's GMO program.
  9. According to Wikipedia: String theory describes particles as vibrating strings; in other words, strings with waves. The orbital wave-like function and the string vibration apparently interact, because adding energy to an electron causes it to change orbital, and possibly vibrate more energetically. What can be deduced about string theory from observing these interactions in various atoms.
  10. There are many oil platforms pulling $ from below the ocean floor already. I suspect that a major find of lithium, gold, or another valuable substance would result in robotics being developed to mine the substance. I don't know how difficult it is to find such a resource, but it must be difficult or at least appear to be very difficult. There are a few submersibles that explore the bottom of the ocean, but I don't know of any that could prospect for valuable materials. However, robotic technology is improving rapidly, and I expect it will become economically practical soon, it it is not already. From viewing documentaries about the deep ocean, my impression is that submersibles are prone to failures, and they need to be more reliable before they are practical for deep sea mining. Many species in the ocean are either endangered, vulnerable or threatened. With little oversight, it might be best to leave the bottom of the ocean unexplored. There seems to be an economic opportunity to mine the ocean, but no one like Elon Musk has devoted themselves to exploiting it. Do we really want it to occur?
  11. Wikipedia says Sun L1 is 1.5x106 from earth and 1.5x108 from the Sun. Perhaps showing your calculations would help.
  12. There are many good sources of medical information online. For example: WebMD prostate cancer diet and alternate treatments.
  13. I'm sorry your family member has been diagnosed with cancer. I do not know the answer to your question. Many people on this site are reluctant to give medical advice.
  14. Bizarre thoughts are common. It's why scientists do experiments to check whether their thoughts correspond to reality, or not.
  15. It is possible to measure the level of harmonies associated with various emotions in our blood, for example serotonin and adrenalin; although, those measurements may or may not correlate well with our subjective feelings.
  16. Spacecraft usually transmit data, so they can be tracked without radar. Arecibo can be used as a radar and can track Saturn and has imaged the asteroid 4769 Castalia which is about 1km size.
  17. There are many free learning resources online. Anyone can get a university education for free. Many of the best professors at the best universities have video taped lectures, some are on youtube. https://www.khanacademy.org/is good. And, there are many other resources, including Wikipedia.
  18. Since swansont did not answer your why question, I'll risk saying physics often cannot answer why, and this may be one of those cases. The properties of electrons have been measured, including size. However, electrons are smaller than the best measurement efforts have determined. Some believe they are point particles or strings with size of Planck length; thus, they cannot be directly observed. Some things about electrons are unknown, and your question may be one.
  19. phys.org Abiotic species that feed and replicate and sometimes create another abiotic species might evolve into biologic species, but its not likely to occur in my lifetime. This satisfies my curiosity about the genesis of life and more or less corresponds to my expectations. I hope someone else successfully does this experiment.
  20. I don't know the answer to your question, but photons have no charge.
  21. I think it means that if it were possible to undo the effects of a black hole, all the stuff that fell into the black hole could be recreated during the undo.
  22. What is the source of your data that 1% earn $32K or more?
  23. The ability to recognize patterns seems to be one fundamental capability of neurons, neural nets, and brains; a second is remembering things. We remember original sensations and patterns that we have recognized. These two capabilities are Turing equivalent, except for infinite memory. Pattern recognition is essentially recognizing correlations. Within the past couple of millennia we recognized correlations cannot always be trusted, and developed the scientific method to avoid falsely recognized patterns. That people believe false patterns is understandable. Humanity thrived for a few hundred thousand years without the scientific method. That scientists think rational thinking is the best thing since mathematics is unimportant to billions. People with little or no understanding of science use the toys, tools and other things scientists and engineers have discovered and developed. No doubt, some who claim science is a false god use cell phones and airplanes. I'd like to see elementary education teach children to think rationally, rather than teach only facts.
  24. Yes, and others are guilty of similar tactics. Politics in the US is a dirty business; most politicians succumb.
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