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Everything posted by EdEarl

  1. I agree that a person can kill themselves eating poor food, regardless of whether it is vegetable or otherwise. I don't cry cruelty because people eat animals; although, I think many of the animal food products we get from the food industry are bad for for us and/or the environment. I consider eating GMO foods risky. Organic foods are often better for us than others. I think meat from the ocean, with lots of Omega 3, can be a good diet, but the ocean seems to be over exploited. If you don't eat a few portions of brightly colored vegetables and fruit each day, you are taking an unnecessary risk.
  2. I'm not interested in fighting. I shall continue to add references to this thread as I find them, which will scientifically support a vegan life style as healthful. In fact, I'll put references that say it kills, if I find any.
  3. In other words, dark matter is a reasonable euphimism for whatever is causal.
  4. Do you have a name for your religious order?
  5. You seem to be saying that a super intelligence exists an nothing else; then it created matter, energy, space and time from nothing. That explanation seems more complex to me than the Universe spontaneously created from nothing, and I favor simpler explanations. But, neither can be proved.
  6. I second StringJunky, and ask, "Where did this imagination come from? In other words, what created the imagination?"
  7. Not everyone sees every work of art as beautiful. Perhaps there are some everyone agrees is beautiful.
  8. True, only some people like science. However, almost everyone takes advantage of science in one way or another, because it is difficult to live without using some kind of electronic device, even if it is only a light bulb...for sure, the power a person uses is from a generator developed by a scientist. People wear clothes made from materials developed by a scientist, eat food somehow helped by science, etc. Few lifestyles have not been enhanced by science.
  9. Umm, I hadn't considered language, previously. Science would not exist, except for language. However, it is questionable whether we invented language or not. We don't know if H. erectus used language or not. It can be argued that some animals have rudimentary languages, and no one can deny that organisms communicate via chemicals (odor and flavor), sight and sound. Think I recall Neanderthals had the right physiology to speak. The Hubble Telescope Gallery contains some of the best eye candy I've seen, and the science is awesome.
  10. I agree. Science has resulted in medical improvements that have increased the human life expectancy from 20-30 (before 20th century) years to 67 (now). I think philosophy, especially secular humanist philosophy is second, and art is third. What do you think?
  11. Yes five orders, and yes it appears to be ocean and ice.
  12. No one knows what caused these craters, but Russian scientists are studying them. If they are caused by the release of underground methane hydrate and the amount yet frozen is large, we could see worldwide temperatures rise very quickly.
  13. Bird spit soup is a specialty. Ezekiel Bread I will not describe here. And, many other incredible things. But, not for me.
  14. The water could be collected, but previously collecting it has been of too little value to be economically valuable. In today's world, there might be a case for collecting the salt, collecting the water, and making solar electricity. Evaporating water would cool the PV array, which makes it more efficient, yet there would be enough heat under a PV roof to quickly evaporate saltwater. The pure water could be collected as drops fall from the bottom of the PV. I hope someone with the money has or will check out this idea. I may as well give it into the public domain. Edit: On second thought, another configuration would be better.
  15. It must be less expensive to treat waste water, because some cities already treat waste water until it is drinkable. However, Israel does desalinate; thus, it is possible, alt least for countries with enough money. At this time, it is done by reverse osmosis filtering. Some places moisture is taken from the air by nets. http://www.smithsonianmag.com/innovation/this-tower-pulls-drinking-water-out-of-thin-air-180950399/?no-ist
  16. EdEarl

    Science blog

    What kind of future do you expect, fame...not likely, money...not likely, other...depends on your motive.
  17. In decimal-positional notation consider a number such as 12.34, which equals (base 10) 10*1 + 1*2+0.1*3+0.01*4 = 101*1+100*2+10-1*3+10-2*4. In binary-positional notation consider 10.101, which equals (base 10) 2*1+1*0+0.5*1+0.25*0+0.125*1 = 21*1+20*0+2-1*1+2-2*0+2-4*1..
  18. Found this: http://bss.au.dk/currently/news/news-item/artikel/worldwide-water-shortage-by-2040/ which says:
  19. The power needed depends mainly on how high the water needs to be pumped, whether up a slope or straight up, as long as the flow through the pipe or aqueduct is slow. There is some friction between the walls of a pipe and the water, especially with fast rate of flow.
  20. An aqueduct cannot move water uphill without a pump of some kind. It is not necessary for a pump to run on electricity. See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hand_pump http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydraulic_ram_pump http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wind_pump
  21. You didn't read the article on desalination. Your fresh water spring is fed by rain soaking into the ground, not from salt water seeping through the ground. Aqueducts start with water higher than the exit of the aqueduct, because water flows down hill. Some places on Earth are higher than sources of water and an aqueduct cannot provide water without pumping. Pumps can be run by wind, water and animal power, so the ancients did pumped water.
  22. @fiveworlds The OP article was about fresh water being in short supply, not all water; although, the title of this post didn't specify. People don't live idealistically, but they do what is necessary to survive, for example many people in the world bathe with only one bucket f water, some not even daily. Salt cannot be removed by filtering it through earth and rocks. Many places wells give salt water. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Desalination Water flows downhill, so whether you need pumps or not depends on geography.
  23. The solution is for people to buy a water filter and use either city or well water, instead of buying the water. However, some cities have sold water rights to corporations, and that IMO is wrong. Neither air nor water should be an exclusive corporate asset, anywhere. There is no shortage of salt water, only fresh water. Melting ice caps and glaciers results in sea level rise, and depletes fresh water resources. So there is a water shortage! I agree that people are causing pollution and using resources. However, I also believe we can live more frugally and have a better lifestyle that we currently do, with even more people on the Earth. However, reducing the population would let us continue to live slovenly lives with +less pollution and greater access to resources; however, but even a smaller population can pollute more then we do now, waste excessively, and live a worse lifestyle.
  24. Why? So, the droughts reported around the for example, all around the Mediterranean and west of the Mississippi in the US, including California and Texas, are not water shortages? Do you claim that the power companies are using water excessively in order to make a killing selling water to the public?
  25. Dark matter not being totally dark might simplify the research.
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