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Everything posted by EdEarl

  1. It is illegal for anyone but a doctor to answer medical questions. See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Surgical_drain http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intercostal_drain
  2. Seasons greetings.
  3. A recent study questions whether the Earth can grow more rice, wheat, and corn. It it does predict fact, the Earth may find it difficult to feed 12 Billion or more people. Although, global dietary changes to favor a vegan diet instead of one depending on substantial amounts of animal protein may be able to increase the number of people the Earth can feed, because it takes less land to feed a person a vegan diet than to feed a person meat and dairy products. But, some land is not well suited to grow produce; thus, there is no simple way to know how many additional people may be fed a vegan diet. At some point, the Earth will not be able to feed additional people. I found another related article about proposed human trials. http://www.iflscience.com/health-and-medicine/anti-aging-formula-slated-begin-human-trials
  4. I apologize to all women for everything.
  5. The wording of your post suggests that you have more to say than stated here. I shall answer, to the best of my ability, as if you truly want to know what physicists teach. If my answers are incorrect someone will correct me. Then we'll see where this thread goes. Matter is a word or icon for properties that physicists have observed either directly or with instruments (e.g., an atom smasher). However, matter is not a very specific term, it refers to many different things, including molecules, atoms, and subatomic particles such as electrons, protons, neutrons, and quarks. In other words, your question is not very specific. To fully answer it would require more words than can be written in this response, it might be done in a series of textbooks. I'm not really sure, because I am not qualified to answer such a wide ranging question. Although scientists have studied and cataloged many attributes of mass and classified it in the periodic table and the standard model; there are many unknown things scientists are still working to understand. One leading contender is M-theory; though, M-theory is merely a speculation or hypothesis and technically is not a theory. Your statement that there is a False Impression of Matter in Space appears to suggest some kind of conspiracy to mislead the public. However, scientists IMO agree that they do not know what matter is. Moreover, they have observed things either directly, for example gold is yellowish, or with instruments, gold is heavier than lead, and they have published their observations with as much accuracy and integrity as possible. The accuracy and integrity is part of publishing results, because someone, for example yourself, will challenge anything that is incorrect. It is the nature of challenges that disputes occur and sides are taken. Rarely, does everyone say, "Aha! That's right, we have been wrong all along." The winning ideas are the ones that most people agree with. Sometimes disputes drag on for many years. For example, the Higgs Boson was postulated about 40 years before it was found during a Large Hadron Collider experiment. It depends, matter and anti-matter are not one thing; they are many things. An electron and its anti-particle will attract because the electron is negatively charged and a positron is positively charged. The anti-photon is merely a photon; they neither attract nor repel. I don't know what you mean by "warp back on themselves" means. Please give a reference. I don't understand the question. Particles are often confirmed in collider experiments (e.g., the Large Hadron Collider) by observing particles reacting with other particles and watching as the move through fields of gravity, magnetism, and static electricity, but there are other instruments, too. I don't know. A large amount of antimatter is dangerous if it is anywhere near matter.
  6. I agree with Ringer. Additionally, at one time life on Earth was only single cells; thus, all large organisms began from smaller organisms at some time in their ancestry.
  7. Francis Sellers Collins, an Evangelist Christian, Scientists may be theistic, atheistic or ignostic. One might say that science is ignostic, since it does not claim either that there is or is not a god. However, it would be personifying science, since science cannot believe anything.
  8. Science does not have a brain or mind; thus, it cannot believe. Science is merely a library that contains descriptions of observations, experiments, and interpretations of observations and experiments. Saying science is atheistic is like saying a pizza is atheistic; it is nonsense.
  9. This news means the world population may begin to grow again, and possibly fast. Although, it depends on how expensive the process to reverse aging will be. This is not good news for mother Earth. Is it ethical for people to extend their lives? How can Earth support tens of billions more people?
  10. Whether a person believes in God or gods is their own business. There may be around 4200 different religions practiced on the Earth, and many more dead religions. In a universe with more than a 100 Billion galaxies in which the average galaxy contains more than 100 Billion stars (more than 10,000 Billion Billion stars) there may be a Billion Billion alien civilizations, each one with 4200 religions. It makes no sense to me that a God would select one religion of 4200 Billion Billion to favor, and forsake everyone else. When a religions person tries to force their beliefs on others, including me, it becomes my business and I fervently object. Science is not atheistic, it is mute about God and gods. However, science does sometimes refute religious beliefs, for example Earth being the center of the Universe. Galileo looked through a telescope into the sky and confirmed that the Sun did not orbit the Earth, and the Catholic church arrested him for it and kept him under house arrest for many years. If he had not revoked his claim of heliocentrism, he would have been excommunicated and executed. Today, churches accept heliocentrism. The current fight by churches against scientific discoveries such as evolution and the age of the universe will eventually become silent, because scientists observe and report as accurately as possible, instead of accepting dogma. It will be a glorious day when 4200 religions accept each other and seek to find the things they have in common, instead of fighting over differences. It will be another good day when religious people understand that scientists are, in their own way, trying to understand the Universe and our origins, just as religions try to explain it. We all need to treat each other with kindness instead of contempt.
  11. Some people are born with exceptional gifts, for example someone born with savant syndrome who can paint or play an instrument, some of whom cannot tie their shoes. Occasionally a person with many gifts is born, such as Leonardo da Vinci. Some have great difficulty learning anything, such as the special education students of my wife. But, most of us must study hard to learn whatever subjects we attend.
  12. When I see an alien from another world, I'll believe it. Until then, someone is trying a scam, IMO.
  13. Were do you get those numbers for CO2 and O2 for trees and grass?
  14. It is possible Newton was a high functioning autistic (Asperger syndrome), which might explain why he was scientifically productive and socially inactive.
  15. Courtesy: Occupy Wall St. on facebook
  16. No one knows for sure, but mathematics tends to indicate there is not much difference between a 2D holographic universe and 10D universe. However, IMO entanglement of particles doing things simultaneously at any distance seems to favor a 2D holographic universe. But, everyday experience screams 3D plus time.
  17. Sounds like a case of money and politics made that court decision.
  18. There have already been a number of discussions on this forum about global warming that you can find via search. Reading through them is probably the fastest way to get an idea of how the discussions go. IMO the best indicators of global warming are glaciers, ice caps, snow caps, permafrost and some migration patterns. The glaciers and ice caps are easiest to see trends because many have been photographed for decades. Snow and ice are watched from space and ground, which means reports are widespread and continual. One must be careful to consider both area covered and ice depth; otherwise, it is possible to misinterpret the data.
  19. Holographic universes makes sense of entwined black holes at a distance having identically the same interior (via a wormhole).
  20. Welcome to SFN, Eric. Enjoy.
  21. Some people find it hard to live with peers, and prefer to live among employees, such as maids, chauffeurs, and office personnel. Some people like to live among others in a small community, for example a tribe or commune, and scientists have found this living arrangement to be very beneficial for many people, whether married or not. Some people like to live alone, especially hermits. About 15 percent of people are homosexual who do not marry, but most people do get married at least once. Some people have long lasting marriages, and some of them are happy marriages, but not all.
  22. Over lakes and the ocean, a tornado is called a water spout.
  23. Yes, thank you. Would you reference that article, please.
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