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Everything posted by EdEarl

  1. Do all the Gauge Bosons move at the speed of light, or only the photon?
  2. As I said previously: And, the Earth will force us to live within its ability to provide essential resources. What that means is not clear, but it will be different than the way people in the US live today. Nor will people live as they once did, because technology has changed our way of life and will continue to change it further, including 3D printing and robotics. These technologies also promise to change the need for some kinds of factories and in some industries may reduce the economic benefits of huge corporations. If personal tools are capable making anything a person needs, then industry as we know it will be obsolete, along with the capitalist ethos. Though, all we know is that things will change.
  3. A newborn infant has not lived long enough to develop a complex psychology. It loves its mother, because mother provides food and comfort. If the newborn did not care to live, i.e., if it did not love itself enough to want to live, it would not care if mother provided food or comfort, and would not love mother. On the other hand, people sometimes commit suicide because they are rejected by someone they profess to love. IDK
  4. Printing of 3-5nm gold structures onto silicon has been done using electron beam lithography. Cells are larger. However, we have no idea how to make a cell, much less make one that is alive. Thus, the OP question cannot be answered at this time.
  5. EdEarl


    If aliens are watching us, there is no reason they need to visit the Earth. They can learn all they need using telescopes from beyond the orbit of Pluto, or by sending undetectably small drones into our atmosphere. They can keep up with the news by watching television, get a blood sample with a drone mosquito, and learn anatomy, French cuisine, and military secrets from the internet. Sending things we can detect into the atmosphere makes no sense for intelligence gathering; alien spacecraft visiting us have no strategic or tactical purpose.
  6. Much better, tyvm.
  7. Cap'n's online.
  8. Homework help is not intended to mean we do your homework; rather, it means help you do your homework. I'll give you some words and phrases that you can research on the internet, which are related to your question. Fermi Paradox astrobiology (alternate exobiology) abiogenesis Drake equation circumstellar habitable zone (also called Goldilocks zone) extraterrestrial liquid water Rare Earth hypothesis exoplanet BTW: cosmology = the branch of astronomy that deals with the general structure and evolution of the universe.
  9. Illiterate means unable to read and write. What does this mean, "For example, most people in the United States may be illiterate because the common language is English?"
  10. I am finding response times variable for the past few days. Sometimes response is fast and sometimes very slow as iNow said.
  11. They don't due to lower energy returns. This was explained to you in another thread about peak oil. I also found the following information about energy returns that contradicts your contention that EROI for oil is far better than renewable energy sources.
  12. Your statement only tells that your definition of high standard of living and mine are different. Once a person has food, clothing, shelter, and health care, money is of little consequence IMO. And, using outrageous amounts of energy is unnecessary, and IMO unethical. Wearing a 100 caret diamond or 10 pounds of gold will make you fearful and possibly paranoid. Living alone in a 100,000 sq ft fortress is not a high standard of living. A luxury life style is not really good for your health. What you say you want is IMO the antithesis of living a good life.
  13. The Emperor's new clothes did not have mass (weight). Dark matter does; thus, it exists. One cannot see an atom, a quark, an electron or a neutrino, but they exist. Although, matter or light have an effect on atoms, quarks, electrons and neutrinos; only gravity affects dark matter as far as is currently known. Experiments at CERN may create dark matter and give us a better understanding of it.
  14. A hundred years ago, I believe people were at least as religious as now and perhaps more. For sure, there was less to know, because most scientific knowledge has been discovered in the past 100 years. Moreover, mass communication as we have now did not exist, and people had much less access to information. Why would IQ be higher a hundred years ago compared to now?
  15. The phrase "suffice to explain" means sufficient to explain. Again, I do not know what Geneva 1910" and "Petrograd 1920" refer to and have no idea why they are sufficient (enough) to explain.
  16. The idea behind "dark matter" is that it cannot be seen, not that it can be seen as black or darker than elsewhere. Nebulas are made of cold regular matter. Since cold matter does not glow from heat, it is black or darker than surrounding stars. However, cold matter, such as ice can be seen. Dark matter is completely invisible, and does not interact with light except that dark matter has mass and gravity; thus, dark matter bends space-time and causes gravitational lensing.
  17. There is insufficient information in your post to give you a direct answer. Apparently, Lacan wrote something about conceptual rigor that may have been discussed one of your previous reading assignments. "Geneva 1910" and "Petrograd 1920" also appear to refer to required reading, but I do not know what they refer to.
  18. It seems more out of control than under control.
  19. It seems incorrect that IQ is the relevant factor in whether people are religious v science oriented. I believe that fundamentalist religions, especially in the US, are the primary source of this conflict. That IQs in the Western World have dropped 14 points in a century has been attributed to a variety of controversial causes from consumption of hamburgers to fluoride, and low IQ immigration to pesticide exposure. Whatever the cause, it does seem to be related to our modern life-style.
  20. Vietnam has a smaller population than Japan, but consumes more rice; thus, the suggestion that young people refusing relationships is due to them eating rice is absurd. You could also blame it on the fact that Japan consumes whale meat or shark fins, but I suspect they are also bogus, since they are traditional foods and Japan's population reduction is recent. The scant amount of information I have about Japan's negative population growth seems to be related to their work ethic and failure of their society to provide adequate jobs; thus, leading to low self esteem in young men. But, my understanding is no doubt simplistic and probably inaccurate.
  21. To be an expert, you need a PhD with 10,000+ hours of study. To be a resident expert, you need to lurk in one place for a while and be an expert.
  22. The exact nature of dark matter is unknown. The ether has been discounted as incorrect. I believe many physicists think there are dark matter particles, but none have been discovered yet. We need to wait until more is known about dark matter.
  23. Thanks for the bio on the mod squad.
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