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  • Lepton

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  1. I believe it is used in lubrication in automotive oil as extreme pressure additive
  2. By the way the anode cahode gap is about 0.5 mm the gap is filled with Helium , Cathode is graphite and the anode is graphite and in the process there is a deposition of carbonateous material at the cathode . In a way it becomes something like sputtering.
  3. When a helium atom is in a field between cathode and anode at a about 30 volt Question will the helium atom aquire a nefative charge ? and then release the quired electron at the anode ?
  4. Can someonw lead me on how to produce amids or polyamids in an aqueous media
  5. It is interesting to me , the solubility of Hydroxylated multywalled carbon nanotube , I deffinitively would like to see this literature , I am not challenging I just like to be assured , because I will be trying to sepparate , some of the functional tubes from graphite . Thank you kindly My son is ttying to produce some and I will have to help him to sepparate the tubes (SWHC)
  6. I understand the carbon nanotube are insoluble , I have been told the amophous graphite is soluble in hot toluene , but I am not sure of that Now I am interested in carbon nanotube with hydroxy functionality, I might agree with you they might not be soluble but dispersible . I would like some sugestion if the tubes could be sepparated from amorphous graphite by preferentioal solvent ?
  7. Are nanotubes solubles or are they dispersible Nanotubes with functional groups are soluble . example nanotubes with hydroxy group attached , are they soluble . Thank you .
  8. The study, featured on the cover of the August 24 issue of the journal Nature, reports that each of the five basic tastes is detected by distinct taste receptors—proteins that detect taste molecules—in distinct cells. The team previously discovered the sweet, bitter and umami (savory) receptors and showed that they are found in separate cells, but some researchers have argued that sour and salty tastes, which depend on the detection of ions, would not be wired in the same way. “Our results show that each of the five basic taste qualities is exquisitely segregated into different taste cells” explained Charles Zuker, a professor of biology at UCSD and a Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator, who headed the study. “Taken together, our work has also shown that all taste qualities are found in all areas of the tongue, in contrast with the popular view that different tastes map to different areas of the tongue.” To determine if the taste cells and receptors for sour were separate from the receptors for the other basic tastes, the researchers tested mice in which they had genetically ablated the cells containing the sour taste receptors. The mice could not taste sour, but had completely normal sweet, bitter, umami and salty tastes. Therefore, although the salt taste receptor has not yet been discovered, it and the four identified receptors must each be segregated into distinct taste cells. In addition to being found in the taste buds, the researchers discovered that the sour protein receptor, PKD2L1, is also found along the entire length of the spinal cord in nerve cells that surround and reach into the central canal. Because sourness is a reflection of the acidity, or the pH of a solution, the researchers suspected that the spinal neurons with PKD2L1 might be responsible for monitoring the pH of the cerebrospinal fluid. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases...0823184824.htm Beside you can make a mixure wit Sodium acetate
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