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    Making Money
  • Favorite Area of Science
  • Biography
    I am a Rationalist, we will inherit earth from Humans.
  • Occupation
    To Invent major scientific/non scientific breakthroughs


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Quark (2/13)



  1. Well I am leaving this forum to create my own based on majority , so see ya all later. And thats becuase people here have powers to close others threads. http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?t=7601
  2. I am not saying anything here. All I am saying is that Ur trying to distort facts here. Maybe as an owner of SFN someone has paid U 2 do so. Any ways the fact that will go down the history is that U delibrately ignored my post and concentrated on the observations that are as usual wrongly interpreted by humans.
  3. RawThinkTank

    Why C?

    If that is so then why is light not affected by magnets or electrical fields ?
  4. Why cant we use a virus to modify our DNA so that when new cells are generated they will have the genes that are immune to AIDS. Some people are naturally immune to ADIS, So can we use their genes for replacing the non immune ones. Hey, which virus is best for such a treatment ?
  5. Resistance is futile, my persistent determination and life long devotion is gona transform Ur civilization. But thats justa phrase, my actual driving force is human incomprehendability. Huss, U sound like a frustrated politician whose career is coming to an permanent end. If U did prove something indeed then why am I writing this ? Well that’s because When I counter proved U, Ur brain never got out of wonderland. U r like a prisoner who grew Up in jail and is afraid to be free. Why ? Stop playing politics here in SFN. Stop imposing your nature as of humans. It seems U have no idea about Rationalists like me and their nature. Its very difficult for majority to exploit majority any ways. I wana U to get a JAW droping AWE experience when the world around is transformed. Then thugs like U who suck our blood ... U can run but there wont be a place left to hide. My strategy is to become ( seceretly ) the worlds first trillionaire then I will crush people like U with Majority+Money. I wana U 2 believe this so that U dont become a hurdle in my way. Right now the world is between haves and have nots. The haves have the knowledge that Majocracy is most important turn in human evolution and have nots like U are gona suffer due to their determination to do moral obligatory duty of being with right once they know whats wrong.
  6. http://liftoff.msfc.nasa.gov/News/1999/News-MagLev.asp http://www.physics.gatech.edu/academics/tutorial/phys2122/Chapter%2032/HFML/HFML.htm Dont say I think, be sure about it. http://www.hfml.ru.nl/levitation-movies.html <iframe src="http://www.hfml.ru.nl/levitation-movies.html"> </iframe>
  7. if what is the question then I must answer it with "Please be more elaborative about it"
  8. At least someone without ego problem used the word "WHAT?"
  9. Did any one of U searched GravityScope on the net yet ?
  10. Majocracy=Power of the people.
  11. Formation of an balck hole is any ways impossible. Before formation of blackhole the density of matter near the surface of the star will blow up any star into supernova as the G is maximum at surface of any object.
  12. Yes, I am trying to take over the world from the Politicians and give it to the people.
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