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  1. Could it be that dark matter and energy are just nonsense? Almost like religious pride it's a refusal to go over the basic fundamental structure of space. Observable calculations don't match so let's invent new stuff. Here's a common-sense approach-if everything big is made from everything small why would there be different mechanics to explain one from the other?! The Schwarzschild Proton!
  2. I've read all arguments and "so-called debunking" info on the schwarzschild proton. All are highly opinionated and none deal with the facts. It amazes me how science is still a religion! It wasn't long ago that the Catholic church persecuted people for saying that the earth was not the center. The scaling law produced from this theory is undeniable--one cannot ignore the data. If the vacuum of space inside a proton is infinitely dense as predicted 100 years ago then how can it not be a point of singularity? Mainstream physics has taken an infinite value, truncated it by renormalizing and then invents 2 more forces (strong & weak) and 2 imaginary forms of mass (dark matter & dark energy) to deal with the 96% of the missing mass. Now, I'm not a physicist but even my six-year-old can see that everything big is made of everything small. If quantum theory is correct with its 10-fold geometric space time and its 248 dimensions, it should play nicely with classical laws--it doesn't.
  3. I'd like some opinions about a paper titled the schwarzschild proton by Nassim Haramein. In short, he gets rid of the strong and weak forces and accounts for the missing mass using the classical mechanics of gravity at the atomic level making all protons "mini black holes." The math is accurate if the proton's mass is not renormalized as it is in quantium theory. This also eliminates the need for dark matter and dark energy as all mass through vacuum fluctuation is accounted for.
  4. 2 potatoes and a length of bell wire.
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