I've read all arguments and "so-called debunking" info on the schwarzschild proton. All are highly opinionated and none deal with the facts. It amazes me how science is still a religion! It wasn't long ago that the Catholic church persecuted people for saying that the earth was not the center.
The scaling law produced from this theory is undeniable--one cannot ignore the data.
If the vacuum of space inside a proton is infinitely dense as predicted 100 years ago then how can it not be a point of singularity? Mainstream physics has taken an infinite value, truncated it by renormalizing and then invents 2 more forces (strong & weak) and 2 imaginary forms of mass (dark matter & dark energy) to deal with the 96% of the missing mass. Now, I'm not a physicist but even my six-year-old can see that everything big is made of everything small. If quantum theory is correct with its 10-fold geometric space time and its 248 dimensions, it should play nicely with classical laws--it doesn't.