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Everything posted by MajinVegeta

  1. heh, yes, I usually do get singularities and black holes confused. Anyway, what you said leads me to think that singularities DO emit schwartzchild radiation, and therefore evaporate. Has anyone heard of something called a "naked singularity"? It is still strictly hypothesis, as it is still being debated over. (At least that's how its depicted in Stephen Hawking's "The Universe in a Nutshell").
  2. Sometimes I don't even study, and I do great. I'd do just about anything for my grade/mark, espcially for extra credit. You won't believe what I have done for extra credit! I delibrately embarassed myself(by giving a speech, and I am terrible with speeches) just for 20 (or was it 10?) precious extra credit points!
  3. Really? At my middleschool, we have exams a couple of times a quarter. How about testing the GC levels at the before a test, and after? I assure you, you'll certainly get results. I get freaked when I have a test comming up (espcially last week, I had 6 tests, and have one more next week) even though I usually do pretty well. My friends are all like that, they get stressed before a test, and after, they are really relaxed.
  4. What about that site(see the above address)???!!!
  5. What is the radius of a singularity?
  6. What would happen if a singualrity were (hypothetically of course) to collapse?
  7. How about biophotons? And the EM waves already influencing earth?
  8. Actually, if the hypothetical measurement is infintely small (as the Planck Length) then the estimated length would be infinitely large. Courtesy of: http://life.csu.edu.au/complex/tutorials/tutorial3.html thus, time would be infinite(not small).
  9. Is it possible to specify the symmetry of entropy?
  10. Even then, (in relation to the entropy) time stand to be an illusion. Maybe we shouldn't even use the word "illusion", so like, what should we call it?
  11. The tolariod universe implies an open universe. You know, I was thinking, and it occured to me that if a singularity/blackhole were to bend space, then on "the other side", there would be a concave dent there.....and it'd be a white hole. What do you think?
  12. How do you describe the entropy of a black hole? there is an equation: S=Akc[su]3[/sup]/4hbar G What's the relationship, exactly? Is it the radiation?
  13. Yes, but it is a fact that our consciousness of time is entirely based on our straitium(forgive me on my spelling of straitium) or rather our straitial neurons' ability to keep track of time. The time interval between each electrical charge in the straitium is recorded as a second. Thus we are conscious of time. We are unable to be unconscious of time while being in a conscious state. So therefore, our "view" of time (in terms of science) is essentially based on Albert Einstein's theory of Relativity, which is based on his(Al's ) perspective of time.
  14. The donut, is also known as "tolariod". But I find that it doesn't make sense. Does anyone else?
  15. I'm sorry for being picky, but time is not a CREATION. It is an illusion generated by our stratium. Relativity (and other theories) prescribe a mathematical way of describing our prespective of the universe.
  16. What about a closed time loop? Ftl is possible then, right? So like, ftl is relative?(ah, a stroke of genius!)
  17. Reality is undefined, and therefore, your definition of what is real is real. Anyway, I simply dislike this balloon anology. For one, it makes the universe seem that it is finite. Even then, in this anology, the universe would have to strat somewhere. One thing that makes it tenable is how, as the balloon is enflated, it goes a certain direction. This is like an increase in entropy, and therefore is like time. The universe, (according to Stephen Hawking's best selller "The Universe In a Nutshell") is a sphere. He says that multiple histories are lined up on the external surface of a sphere perpendicularly. what do u guys think?
  18. How about jumping a trampoline!! You'll stay in the air for a few seconds. It'll be just like in space. Golly by gosh! Ain't it a groovy idea? :help: :bravo: :cool2: sky diving?:owned: :uhh: :spam:
  19. I thought that was Boltzmann's constant (they look so much alike). How do you tell them apart? I've seen B's constant written that way too.
  20. What exactly is private research? $ sounds tempting. But will it be profitable in the future (say 10, 13 + years)?
  21. theoretical physics is what i love. but i want something profitable as well.
  22. Yeah, but u (and Stephen Hawking) said that for ftl travel, you need infinite energy. Is it positive or negative energy?(i'm guessing negative energy?)
  23. What's negative time? They themselves should already have infinite energy. they are classified by their ability to travel faster than light. Otherwise, they might as well be tardons.
  24. Traveling faster than light, is it possible? here are 2 contradictory answers: First off, the tachyon paradox: and here is a contradictory article: http://scienceworld.wolfram.com/physics/Tachyon.html What do u think?
  25. MajinVegeta


    Actually, u shouldn't have brought "clock" in to this topic. Why? Because its misleading. clocks are just artificial things that measure time relative to an specific area on a planet, Earth. I know this might be self contradictory, but what would good ol' Albert say about this? :spam:
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