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Everything posted by Silencer

  1. Lot's about NI3 http://www.chm.bris.ac.uk/motm/ni3/ni3h.htm The animation of the reaction is pretty cool.
  2. YT, you suggested sulfuric acid as the electrolyte... will this work a lot faster than just plain water? Is using my house electricy OK or is that overkill/dangerous?
  3. Well I thought that KI was white, but these are the color of iodine.
  4. That was a nice overview, but all of the information is readily available in the books that come with the calculators and from other sources online. I did not know about adding -1 as the first parameter in a text( function, thanks for that. Also, do you know if it is possible to access other symbols that assembly programs can (like lowercase, @, #, etc). Finally, can I delete just a single element from a list? For example L1 = {1, 2, 3, 0, 4}. If I want to remove the 0 then I would have to use a loop to go through and save all non-zero numbers to another list and then save it back to L1', since delvar L1(4) will delete the entire contents, not just that particular value.
  5. Can't you get iodine crystals from the water purification systems they sell at camping stores? I know one is just some little pellets that you drop in the water, but I don't know how pure the pellets are. The brand name is Potable Aqua. The other is called Polar Pure. This has iodine crystals in a container. You fill the container with water and let it partially dissolve the crystals. Then you pour this water into the water you want to clean. Once that water has been cleaned you pour some back into the container to recharge it (dissolve some more of the crystals). These products give you a pretty good amount of crystals/pellets and if necessary it probably isn't that hard to extract the iodine. I don't think they are particularly expensive either.
  6. What is the smoke actually made of?
  7. Leave a nail or other iron object outside? Check your car or something. Maybe you can scrape some off of it. I imagine that burning steel wool in an oxygen rich environment would wore as well (and a lot quicker).
  8. Silencer


    What does TCAP stand for?
  9. Would fulminated mercury work to ignite it? If so you can buy those things they use to ignite model rockets for really cheap and hook them up to a 9v battery or kictchen timer.
  10. ^I thought it was because the H+ ions get attracted to the negative electrode and the O-- get attracted to the positive?
  11. Would you mind explaining why some metals are better to use than others for the electrodes? I just like understanding what is actually going on. If you don't feel like it then just tell me and I will search google and not wast your time Thanks.
  12. Well right now I just want to make some H2 and O2 out of water to mess with it. Hopefully there will be some Chromium solutions in the future. Also, could pure N2O be formed with some kind of ammonia and water mixture? edit: I like how the ranks on these forums work (starting as a lepton and going to larger and larger things). It's amusing.
  13. I am making a simple electrolysis machine from some PVC pipe (i hope this isn't too reactive) and would like to know what kind of electrodes to use. Gold is pretty much out, but i've heard a lot about carbon. What type of carbon should I use and where can I get it? Is the graphite from a pencil sufficient? Also, to me more power and more speed = better, so is using the electricity from my house OK, or should I just use some batteries? Thanks.
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