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Everything posted by Silencer

  1. You can use to keep the cell of a table expanded, whereas a normal space bar entry will be ignored and collapse the cell. It can also be useful for indenting and spacing on sites where your input is stripped of repeating spaces. edit: evidently it doesn't work here though.
  2. how would one remover the potassium sulfate after the above reaction? I thought all sulfates were soluble...
  3. Silencer


    My 19" flat CRT was just over $100. It's the best desktop monitor I've seen, save my brother's 21" model.
  4. Silencer


    if you want a qualitiy monitor get a flat screen CRT. You get the crispness of a CRT without the round edges. Also, you will want to run at the highest resolution possible (that you can still read text) to get the best viewing.
  5. Nuclear bombs need enriched unranium, or uranium-235. The most common isotope is U-238. So a terrorist could buy uranium, but he'd need to purify it first, which is not easy. That's why they are worried about terrorists stealing the uranium from places like Russia.
  6. Sorry, bud. I keep confusing HMTD and TCAP. The production of TCAP is more involved than NI3, and you could easily send shards of glass through your body during it.
  7. Yes, but you can't transport dry NI3, or time it to go off with any precision. Thus it is far less effective than other explosives.
  8. There are plenty of other boards for pyrotechnics. Bud, I can't believe you don't see how NI3 is less dangerous than many other explosives. Jdurg said it fine.
  9. ^Lol. I know what you mean, but I also see where he is coming from. NI3 is more unstable, but also less practical, so in many ways safer.
  10. Also, there is more of a chance of hurting yourself when making them. For example, NI3 is pretty stable when wet, and the only real procaution you need to take is to not get near it when dry/drying. However, if you are making AP and the temperature rises too high, you will be making the dicyclic form and likely severly hurt/kill yourself. (And you need to stir it at that point, so it's not like you could be in the other room when it goes off. You'll have your hand right on it and you'll be standing right in front of a beaker ready to tear your body to shreds when it explodes).
  11. No, they tore up the railways and sold them to get money to buy the expensive steel they needed. In the movie it was either called "SAR 1020 Bar stock" or "SEA 1020 Bar stock." I forget.
  12. ^Heh, reminds me of that movie October Sky. They had such trouble getting the nozzle machined. I imagine melting and molding the steel they needed wouldn't have been so easy, though.
  13. MEK = methyl ethyl ketone HMTD = hexamethylene triperoxide diamine TCAP = tricyclic acetone peroxide
  14. Does anyone know of any colleges/universities that offer courses in nanotechnology? It is something that I'm interested in, and I think now would be a great time for me to get into the field. Thanks.
  15. What is the end goal? To make like a brick you can scrub with? I'm sure that mixing an acid like HCl in with the mortar will react with some minerals in it to produce hydrogen gas.
  16. Does the type of rust matter (red or black)? I imagine it would when you are talking about removing it with chemicals.
  17. Yeah I never considered that.
  18. None of it is going to be free or cheap. Most places actually higher a contractor to do this stuff. It can get as ugly as taking the hd apart in a lab. There are some programs that will scan your hard drive and try to find files, though. Try google.
  19. You can make a crossover cable if you know someone with the tools (wire, crimpers, the little ends). You put one end on normally, then the other in reverse order. Make sure you label it as crossover.
  20. Albertlee: Yellow Dog, Fedora, Gentoo...
  21. If you want both to have internet access, you need to set up connection sharing.
  22. I see everyone here is qualified to make such a distinction. You're just being politically correct, but really, it doesn't matter. If you mean a cracker who isn't a hacker, then just say "script kiddy." Lol. Anyway, as for their operating system, you could use anything. It's all about information. Of course, the control, freedom, community, and l337ness that linux provides is obviously enticing.
  23. You could always sprinkle some powdered zinc and let the acid rain do the work. lol.
  24. http://www.usmint.gov/about_the_mint/index.cfm?action=coin_specifications Also, my dad works at the philly mint. Nickels are 25% Ni. I don't know how an alloy works in a reaction though.
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