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Everything posted by Silencer

  1. If programming is an art, then Perl mongers are both Picasso and Michelangelo in one.
  2. Get Microsoft AntiSpyware Beta, and remove all browser help objects from IE.
  3. It's likely he has a good case meant to keep the air flowing. I think I'm going to get a nice 120mm sleave or liquid bearing case fan to get more air going through mine.
  4. My CPU temp can jump nearly 20 degrees celcius when I put the cover on. I don't leave it off though because the temp with the cover on isn't too bad.
  5. ^Don't suggest that. Windows just gets more bitchy when you install without reformatting. As a rule, always do a complete reinstall of Windows to avoid problems.
  6. Get a router. After the coax hits the cable modem, the cable modem is connected to the router with ethernet cable. Then all the other computers connect to the router through ethernet. The benefits of this are enormous compared to the connect sharing you are using now. You don't need to have one computer on for the others to work, they all have a nice 100mbit connection to coax (of course that will be shared between them, but it really makes no difference) and in general it just an easier network to manage. You also get a built in firewall (as the router will discard any incoming packets not requested by a machine on the LAN). Also, routers are relatively inexpensive now. The only problem may be running cable through your house, but you've probably already done that for connect sharing anyway.
  7. I suppose that a cross-over cable only works on ethernet? I grew up in a broadband world, so I don't know.
  8. When Windows breaks, there is a simple procedure. Back up your completely necessary data onto a secondary hard drive, networked computer, CD's, whatever. Boot off of your windows installation CD. Choose to do a new install, formatting the hard drive and reinstalling all the files. Copy your data back. Tada, done. You may also have a hardware problem, but I doubt it. You will know if the problem continues after reinstalling.
  9. Once again, one of my posts is missing. I hear the volcanoe 12 is one serious air cooling machine.
  10. Why is it that you see a lot of drugs with hydrochloric or hydrobromic acid after their name, like Dextromethorphan HCl or something?
  11. I say "wow" because it is older than DDR and nothing new uses it anymore. So it's kind of strange that he's using a new, blazing fast processor with memory that can't even keep up with it.
  12. I've checked out superstringtheory.org and some other places, but I haven't found something that gives a very basic overview of what strings are. Like, how were they developed? What problems do they solve? How do they behave? The string theory website was very in deapth, but without a proper background I just couldn't make sense of what they were saying. I realize that describing this stuff can be tough and time consuming, so thanks in advance.
  13. ^You're using SDRAM? wow.
  14. If you're going to be working with computers and their components, then it certainly won't hurt. A game design degree will teach you specifically about programming games, making screen output with things like DirectX and OpenGL, making maps and textures, etc. Comp Sci is going to teach you about more general programming, how an operating system works, the different parts of a computer, networking, etc.
  15. If you tried cooling the heatsink with power generated from a stirling engine, in turn getting power from the hot processor, then wouldn't the cooling stop the stirling engine from functioning?
  16. After reading, it's obvious that this would be usefull if you wanted to do some work from the heat of your processor, but most of us don't really need to. Your goal is to remove the heat coming from the processor. A sterling engine probably is not as efficient at this task as your normal heatsink and fan.
  17. Without knowing anything about them or even reading the article, my guess is money. Going to read it now.
  18. Might as well go for an invisibility vehicle first.
  19. I see it is OK to stereotype about how asians laugh at other people and what they think about them, but it isn't ok to mention the fact that koreans and chinese have similar eyes, which may have not been politically correct but certainly wasn't racist. Sorry, got to go, my brother (who is also my father) accidentally let our slave go and I've got to go get him back with my scatter gun.
  20. The only way to not accept the agreement would be to not purchase it.
  21. Actually, I do joke with my asian friends about their eyes, and my arab friends about suicide bombings or owning a gas station. Their not pussies though, so they don't get offended. They just joke back. Tetrahedrite: Glad to see that you've realized that the rest of the world doesn't matter. AMERICA RULES BITCHES. ok, I've ruined this topic enough. Bring the intelligence back in.
  22. At least he hasn't ruined our military and sold our secrets to China!
  23. ^That I did not know. BTW, how is that racism? The fact is that their eyes are slanted in comparison to those of western people (me). Now, if I said that they deserved to die because of the shape of their eyes, or that I was smarter than them because my eyes are bigger, that would be racism. However, I said nothing of the sort.
  24. It usually violates the end user license agreement.
  25. Not if IBM sues them for illegally reverse engineering their product and stealing their ideas.
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