I need some help with finding C books and what I am searching for, I mean, the depth of the book, makes it not 'that' clear to me..and I'm new to C programming.
because, I'm searching for a good book(although ALL books are nice, no comments specifically)
which can clear my basic concepts for the 'C language'.
and I wanted to clear it, the book or pdf, should have step by step explaination of every little programming tool like '%d' why it is used stepwise as the program is compiled. if possible, more practical explaination, like this c program example-
int a,c;
printf("\nENTER ANY NUMBER\n");
printf("\nSQUARE OF GIVEN NUMBER =%d",c);
In the explaination, it is given just that this program prints square of a no.
and I want to get every line like the header files, the main() what is this? and int, printf, scanf, how we put the a integer into c int variable how do I know this beforehand, where? I have to keep this c=a*a after scanf, always? but there should be a reason, a lot more in detail than just running the program.
Also, if there is any other programming language, like BASIC, PHP or other that I have to learn before C,
The thing is, once the basic concept of using these tools and how to put them and such is so clear I can make the program on my own, once I learn a single program, if possible.
I don't need a hard book (with just the important topics taken) but a deep book where I can learn the se little concepts (not just c but 'programming' in common..) A pdf link is appreciated.