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  • Quark

RAJESHKUMAR110's Achievements


Quark (2/13)



  1. I wanted to shift to programming career , from where should i start? Please advise.
  2. Oo very nice , we have very same interest fields , i am very curious about physics and maths since i was in highschool. Im studying computer science. Do you have gTalk or Msn ?

  3. i am interested in computer science

  4. hello buddy whats up ? What are you interested in ?=

  5. Hey i am rajesh kumar , i am graduate in physics , mathematics and electronics, and interested in computer science.

  6. Hey , this is rajesh kumar . Recently registered in this site.
  7. is there any life in the universe or mars.
  8. Dear sir, i have completed bachelor of science degree with physics , mathematics and electronics. I am 35 years of age. Thanking you,
  9. i wanted to buy the telescope ie. cheap and high visibility.
  10. I have recently registered , i am not able to understand the threads.
  11. Dear Sir, I wanted to buy the telescope of very good magnification. Can anyone specify the type of telescope which is good. Thanking you,
  12. hello, What is Centrifugal Force ?
  13. I wanted to know the textbook of calculas which is good
  14. hello, how many satellites are there for Planet Jupiter.
  15. Can anyone tell which acid is laughing gas ?
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