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Everything posted by zaphod

  1. [LaTeX Error: couldn't open URL] woohoo!
  2. which logic is being redifined here? i dont understand. if you take a set of objects and perform certain operations on them' date=' sometimes you will realize that the set isnt closed under that operation. for example, when the greeks tried to take the square root of 2, they couldnt fathom the existence of a number not part of the rational numbers. do the so called "irrational" numbers lead to a contradiction? i would hope to think not. so when you've got the idea of the square root of a negative number, the solution falls outside the original set of numbers. so just as math was plunged into irrational numbers to find solutions to square roots of "non-square" numbers, the "imaginary" number was created and the complex number system was used to find solutions to square roots of negative numbers. "irrational" and "imaginary" arent meant to be taken literally. they're perfectly valid number systems which allow calculations to be made. just because you cant have 3[i']i[/i] apples doesnt mean that the number system is a fallacy. i mean you cant have pi apples either (no matter how hard you try).
  3. the square root of a negative number exists in C by definition. thats pretty much all that really needs to be said about that.
  4. zaphod


    i think its friday nights on cbs. but i usually catch it as a download on btefnet because i'm like that.
  5. zaphod


    its an american show. its about an fbi agent who has his math-genius brother help out on criminal cases. here's the website of the show: http://www.cbs.com/primetime/numb3rs/ and here's where you can download the shows: http://www.btefnet.net/index.php?show=106 at first i thought i would hate the show, but i've really come to liking it a lot.
  6. zaphod


    has anybody been watching this show at all? imo, its pretty ****ing cool.
  7. thank you all. i'm surprised the torrent is still active if anybody else is interested in getting the torrent, this is the link to the thread: http://www.mvgroup.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=2563&hl=Proof&st=0
  8. thats right. the chances of someone winning the lottery are very low, but that doesnt stop it from happening on a regular basis.
  9. fermat was solved long before that movie was made. would have been good to have that in there just for fun. i mean, hell... i was visiting a number theory professor a few months ago about a problem, and he seems to STILL be pushing the problem on students. apparently, he must still think that a simpler proof exists.
  10. the one directed by simon singh. anybody know where to find that? for an award-winning documentary, it sure doesn't like to show its face. all i've found are written transcripts and references to the book. but i actually wanna see the thing, ya know? has anybody ever seen this?
  11. Thanks for your responses and I'm sure you're right, but please indulge .. Thanks very much
  12. i thought the simple "1000 - 25" solution to be a lot simpler.
  13. lama lama lama lama... when will you ever stop with the acid and take a decent math class?
  14. extreme bordering on lethal.
  15. big words + complicated phrasing [math]\not=[/math] mathematical logic
  16. this a ****ed up thread.
  17. assuming that a = "square root b squared - c squared", then b = square root of 12
  18. something that looks like this... not sure what its called
  19. something that windows will open without any problems... not sure about unix systems though
  20. haha.. i'll start by trying to get it for free for myself... and then we'll see
  21. ubisoft
  22. funny enough, i uploaded those files from the server at work. i was surprised to find them there
  23. http://www.planethack.org/public/torrents/ (don't be turned off by the url... its not a spam site or a warez site. its my webspace)
  24. zaphod

    Free ipod?

    it works. i know people who've gotten them.. but as far as i know, these things only work with american addresses, therefore i am excluded
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