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Everything posted by zaphod

  1. nicolas cage is in his own class of douchebag
  2. stupid series
  3. with all the particle physicians smashing atoms into bits to try to find different particles which would perhaps explain different physical phenomena.. would it be possible that there exists a sort of "particle" which drives life? has anybody ever tried smashing a few cultures of bacteria to see if anything unexcpected comes out?
  4. yeah.. thats almost what i said.
  5. :thumbsup:
  6. this question was posed in a book that i read about a while back... my conclusion was that when one of the two people pushes on the rod, it creates a compression wave on the rod, like pushing on one end of a slinky. this compression wave on the rod will obviously be faster than the conpression wave in a slinky, but by relativistic principle, this wave cannot be faster than light. so if a flash of light goes off at the same time as the rod is pushed, then the person at the other end will still see the flash of light before feeling the rod.
  7. zaphod


    you take that back
  8. zaphod


    there's nothing worse than someone who thinks he's a mathematician but is too caught up in his own fallacies to realize that he's completely off his rocker.
  9. i've never seen or heard of those, unless they're just some fancy way of talking about something else.
  10. it really is of course you know i wasnt being literal there, master grime.
  11. mathematically speaking, how are they constructed and what kind of operations are performed on them that make them useful in describing the multi-dimensional universe in superstring theory?
  12. to be in the set S, yes it does.
  13. i have the paper somewhere at home. i'm kinda busy at work right now to do the limit all over again. i'll post it as soon as i find it.
  14. after a little fooling around, here's a something that i found somewhat interesting: let S be the set of all "sqare" numbers {s such that s = n^2, where n in N} let T be the set of all "triangular" numbers {t such that t = (m^2 + m)/2, where m in N} let W be the intersection of S and T, whose elements w satisfy both w = n^2 and w = (m^2 + m)/2 where both n and m are in N. now take the ith element of the set W, wi which satisfies wi = ni^2 and w = (mi^2 + mi)/2 it can be shown that: [math]\lim_{i\to\infty} \frac {m_i}{n_i} = \sqrt{2}[/math] since ni and mi are integers, it is almost imaginable that sqrt(2) can be expressed as a ratio of integers, as long as the integers are infinte. at least now we know the ratio of these infinite integers.
  15. without a doubt Cantor's theorem on the nondenumberability of the continuum.
  16. zaphod


    truly disheartening
  17. they're good to use as an audio companion to the book. without the books, i'll be the first to admit that some of that would be quite hard to follow along on the bus ride home
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