Hi, im an 18 year old boy from Pakistan and this theory just occured to me ! i dont know if u will come to a way i see it or think im nuts any ways the thing is :
LIFE AND ARTIFICAL LIFE : Well to start things i would like to prupose that all the electric appliances we have today are divided into two parts that is the software and the hardware .... and similarly the human divided is also divided into two types that is the body/hardware and software/soul ! my suggestion is that we may some day create life .. its only a matter of time .. NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE . and my believe is that we are created by a race superior then ours ... today we see advanced robotics similar to the construction of humans and i assure u that if we survive our nuclear age we will create life and that life could be more advanced then us and possibly cause our extinction ... second thoery WHAT IF GOD IS DEAD : This might sound like bizzare idea to the believers and the athiest but just think of this for one second .. a game programmer has the ability to create a virtual world ... He can create a whole friggin universe in usb of 2 gb but the only problem is that the people that would roam in around in those games/artificial universe would be bots ... what if some day we find a way to give those bots a thinking like our own ... we may be a computer program started to test how it all started .. supposingly if we find a way to give a mind to the persons in games and give them all the possibilites of our reality then we can start a new earth .. an earth with just two or four bodies at the start and then just watch them evolve and study what humans do to evolve .... similarly the thunder storms the earth quake might be result of our creator testing us .. he might be wathcing over us and as he also has a humanly nature .. he might just be fucking with us .. THIS IS JUST AN IDEA AND IF YOU THINK IS BIZZARE THEN I WONT MIND BUT PLEASE JUST READ AND LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK