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Everything posted by Demosthenes

  1. more or less i was aiming at if it were possible to skip those amounts of time, i understand the toll of moving that fast, it would crush bones, but if we could get around that by canceling the force then we could have the most intelligent humans on the planet to live far longer and help the human race as a whole a lot longer. (with thier consent)
  2. according to E=Mc2, if we traveled close to the speed of light then time around us would slow(by us i mean the one traveling) if this is true, then we could live far past our life expectancy (at least, from anothers point of view we would seem ancient) we could travel away from earth at a constant speed and then return then we would be able to skip decades, centuries and in some cases millenia.
  3. what is a flies exoskeleton made of? and how would be the best way to puncture/damage it?
  4. Thank you, i will think deeply about this
  5. that wasn't exactly my point, the duo could not have any research into the theory as they came up with it... so in the ed it was a spur of the moment thing, it just happened to be one that they followed up on it and it became useful (moral: never doubt that which could be true, it may just be...) also was not most of they're work based on theory? if so how can we be sure they were right, we just believe them so that the human race can think that they know a fraction of the way everything works. (im not saying they're wrong im just saying they could be as there were never any tests...and there probably never could be but still.......)
  6. the bacteria on mars may or may not relate to the alien conspiricy... but that was not a fact i was stating, it was a belief
  7. but most things unlikely happen, dont they? i mean it was unlikely that isacc newton was in the right place at the right time to think of gravity(wether it was an apple or not) but it still happened. And what about einstein? it was a spur of the moment thing and his theories changed the world. most of the time people laugh at you but in the end the things that are most funny & unlikely are the most useful...
  8. they have found fossilized bacteria on mars, but it probably died out from lack of food...
  9. because of einstein's theory then we humans could not achieve faster than light travel, but what if we didn't use speed? what if we could pause time or body oxidization and allow time to pass wihout our knowledge? Could we also use inter-dimentional/inter-universal travel? in one universe the time could go quicker, slower or stop all together, or the area we travel might be less so if the distance on earth is 1km for instance then in this parallel dimension/universe then it could be 10 cm, m, km, lightyears even!
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