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Everything posted by notsosmart

  1. Hi, So, I'm no scientist and I may not be the brightest when it comes to those areas. But I had this idea (not sure if it is even possible). I wondered if it was possible to clear facial pores (blackheads, pimples etc) by inventing a lotion that is mixed with (let's say) iron particles. You put it on your skin, let it sink in and wait until it mixes with the gunk you have stuck in your pores. After that you could run a magnet over your face to extract the dirt mixed with (let's say) iron. Would that even work our would the person be poisoned by the (let's say) iron? Would it mix with the dead cells/dirt in the pores if it didn't kill you before? Would the magnet pull out both the dirt and the iron or only the iron and leave the dirt behind. I know it's a funky question but hey, why not ask, right? Thank you for your consideration and it's totally fine to make fun of me if this question has an obvious answer (that, of course, I don't know about).
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