Lets say you lived in a house that your neighbor was constantly bombarding with rocks. He breaks your windows, hurts your children, and frightens your wife. He won't communicate with you but you find out from other neighbors that he hates you and wants you to leave.
You can do several things... leave, live with it, put up a fence, call the police, or handle it yourself. Obviously you can't live with it because he's hurting you and you can't build a fence because he throws stuff over the top. That leaves calling the police, leaving, or handling it yourself.
Leaving is out of the question because its your home and you have nowhere else to go. Now were down to the big problem. Calling the police... who quickly inform you that they have no policeman but will send an observer to monitor the situation. You are also told this could take months, and even then, all they will be able to do is send the neighbor a letter from all the townspeople telling him to stop.
One of your children was killed.... Your out of options so what do you have left.