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Everything posted by Bettina

  1. Watch this video done completely in reverse. Stay with it cause it gets really good. This person is an artist. http://www.break.com/movies/balancing_point_in_reverse.html Bee
  2. God! I missed that completely. One letter off. :embarass: Bee
  3. Iran is an enemy by its own words and deeds. Maybe you can tell us whats on your mind instead of using one liners. Bee
  4. Iran has publicly called for the destruction of Israel and I can supply you with links quoting its president if you wish. Most of the surrounding countries feel the same and none want to trade. So, your next suggestion is? Edit.... I'm not trying to be mean, I just want an answer. Bettina
  5. Your right..... But. How does a civilized country trade with its neighbors that have always wanted to destroy it from day one. Some, have it in their countries constitution that Israel should not exist. Now, how does it protect itself. I'm just trying to understand what your solution really is. The mutual trade is out for the above reasons. Bettina
  6. Bettina

    new posts

  7. What do you think Israel should do to protect its innocent women and children from being blown up in a shopping mall or bus by terrorists who hide across the border among their civilian population. Could you answer me that? Does anyone here have a better plan than all the ones which previously have not worked? I really would like an answer from the constant Israeli bashers here. Bettina
  8. Bettina

    new posts

    While were on the subject... When I read the science books I'm interested in and have a question, I go to Wiki to find the answer instead of coming here and posting it. Do you think that other SFN members do that too? Bee
  9. Mine has pins missing too. I'm sure this is normal. Good Luck. Hmmm... I wonder if I can Quantum teleport you more pins. Bee
  10. No it doesn't. The Bush doctrine was aimed at governments, not the brainwashed civilians who were sold a bill of goods. The people voted for the terrorist organization without reading the fine print. Bee
  11. If Hezbollah is part of the Lebanese government then the government has technically declared war on Israel by Hezbollah firing rockets into Israel and kidnapping Israeli soldiers. The Lebanese government is totally responsible.... And no, no innocent civilian deserves to pay for their governments mistakes but this is the way wars are. Something I got from another BB.... Bettina
  12. My second favorite is a puffin because their just beautiful. My favorite is my dog because she's a friend who is always there for me. She may not know it, but she is. Bee
  13. Nope... well except on tv. I still believe people will say things when their drunk that otherwise would be kept suppressed when sober. Also, it wasn't what Mel Gibson said, it was how he said it... full of hate. Their is no doubt in my mind that he has issues with the Jewish. Bee
  14. INFJ all the way... Bee
  15. Dak, I know I've been called on my comments before ad nausium, but I won't change my mind on how I see the Islamic religion or any religion that uses pain as a tool for advancement. Just because a majority of Muslims choose to ignore certain words of the Quran does not mean those words aren't there and as long as they are, there will be wars. Yes, Christianity had its militant times using the sword, but the difference today is scarier weapons. Bettina
  16. Lets say you lived in a house that your neighbor was constantly bombarding with rocks. He breaks your windows, hurts your children, and frightens your wife. He won't communicate with you but you find out from other neighbors that he hates you and wants you to leave. You can do several things... leave, live with it, put up a fence, call the police, or handle it yourself. Obviously you can't live with it because he's hurting you and you can't build a fence because he throws stuff over the top. That leaves calling the police, leaving, or handling it yourself. Leaving is out of the question because its your home and you have nowhere else to go. Now were down to the big problem. Calling the police... who quickly inform you that they have no policeman but will send an observer to monitor the situation. You are also told this could take months, and even then, all they will be able to do is send the neighbor a letter from all the townspeople telling him to stop. One of your children was killed.... Your out of options so what do you have left. Bettina
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