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Everything posted by Bettina

  1. I kinda like this one. Its simple and if you follow it with "I promise to make you laugh", you would be in.... Bee
  2. "With mountains all around and no place to land........." tsk tsk tsk.. Bettina
  3. Actually he can... The pilot ordered you out first and would hold the plane steady until you jumped, then he would follow (as he was more experienced in jumping from a pilotless plane.) Also, one parachute would not safely land both of you together. Its not one of those that trainers use. BTW, the real point to the OP was whether you would take an old manual chute vs a new electronic one. And remember, you have no time to think out the scenario of each one. You have to jump and quickly. Bee
  4. Gee your so cute but awww, you would never go out with me, I don't know why I even asked you, I can see the "Im busy" typing across your forhead already so why, why do I even hope, God, if I could rewrite the alphabet I would put "I" and "U" together. No wait.. I was supposed to say "U" and "I" together, see how stupid I am, and I had it written down on my palm too. What now, rain? Oh no!, its sweat, I'm sweating and I think my contact lens just floated out, are you still here? Believe it or not, that may get you a date with me. Bee
  5. said the spider to the fly....... aka bill gates. hehe For the rest of you.....you CANT TAKE BOTH!.... Bee
  6. To clarify...... Neither has a reserve chute (which I think are usually separate) and they were never used. Bee
  7. My dad and I sometimes chat about the wierdest things and he began to talk about things that are mechanical and electronic and when I told him that I like every single thing to be electronic, he gave me the following question and I am interested in your input. This is not a puzzle or game.... You are the only person in a plane along with a pilot. You are flying at 7000 feet when the plane loses both engines. With mountains all around and no place to land, the pilot orders you to go in back, take one of the two parachutes and bail out. He will hold the plane steady until you go then he will take the other and follow. You crawl to the rear and as you look at the parachutes you see that one is very old and the other is new. The old one is the standard version with a manual ripcord and a guage to show you when to pull it. It has some slight marks on it and is quite dusty. It has a tag that says "packed 1986 by No.17". The new one has no ripcord or user controls. It is a fully automatic electronic version and says "tested 2006 by No.27". There is a green indicator on it that says "good". Which one would you take.... you can only take one, and you must bail out. Bettina
  8. This took a lot of skill. Just press play even if it disappears and move your cursor off the screen before it plays. http://abum.com/file/shadow/animations/17632.swf Bee
  9. Check this out.... I thought of YT when a friend showed it to me. EDIT: (From Pangloss) Be advised that you may want to turn down your sound when viewing this short film! Bee
  10. I can't wait http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/books/271955_stringtheory29.html Bee
  11. Hahahaha..... I needed that today. God, what I laugh I just had. I'm just laughing at your comment for some reason. His grammar is ok with me. Bee
  12. According to Wiki, Voyager 1 and 2 were launched in 1977 and is the farthest man made probe in earth history, passing the pioneers launched earlier, because of something called "Heliocentric radial distance." The pioneers 11 and 12 carry a gold plaque and recordings of earth sounds and human figures. From Wiki on Pioneer 10...... The last, very weak, signal from Pioneer 10 was received January 23, 2003. A contact attempt February 7, 2003 was not successful. The last successful reception of telemetry was on April 27, 2002; subsequent signals were barely strong enough to detect. Loss of contact was probably due to a combination of increasing distance and the spacecraft's steadily weakening power source, rather than failure of the craft. One final attempt was made on the evening of March 4, 2006, the last time the antenna would be correctly aligned with Earth. So far, no response has been received from Pioneer 10. The Voyagers are still communicating... Something even more interesting...... Yoo Hoo.. calling Martin... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pioneer_anomaly Bettina
  13. What I learned in school is that each cell is rated at 3.7v.... The caution here is that they should ONLY be charged with a LIPO charger.....no other kind will do because they could explode. Also, if any cell drops below 3v, it is ruined and won't charge again.... Just FYI..... and be careful Bettina
  14. This is too awesome not to be put here. These instruments were launched before I was born, and one of them is over 6 billion miles from our sun and still has power. Bee http://www.cnn.com/2005/TECH/space/05/25/voyager.space/index.html
  15. Nope, Nope, and Nope..... My phone rings at two in the morning. Its from a young astronomer who tells me: "Hi, this is Adam. I wanted to tell you that I've discovered a new extrasolar planet and I've registered it in your name." That may do it... Maybe. Bee
  16. My reflection ? Bee
  17. So far, assuming I was on the receiving end, you have all struck out. YT was the worst. Bee
  18. My dad did the freezing thing and it worked. The drive was clicking all the time and would eventually error out. It was his second drive he uses for backups. He did the plastic bag thing, for an hour. Then without hesitation, he installed it and it worked. Got all his files off and about 10 minutes later it began clicking again..... Bee
  19. Bettina


    Anyone know if she is ok? I tried to PM but her limit has been reached. I know she had some problems and was just wondering.... Bee
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