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Everything posted by Bettina

  1. Bettina

    Irony in Islam

    Yeah I know...he's right. I couldn't lie. Dang it. I'll never be a juror then... Bettina
  2. I tried searching for this here, but couldn't seem to find anything. If there is another link please link me to it. A friend of mine told me that freon is too heavy to travel to the stratosphere and gave me this link. He is convinced that freon is not the problem and we threw away something cheap to buy something more expensive. (gas) http://www.newton.dep.anl.gov/askasci/env99/env256.htm What is the real answer. Does freon get up there in quantitys enough to do damage? Bettina
  3. Bettina

    Irony in Islam

    Yes they would because they wouldn't know what you know... Bettina
  4. Bettina

    Irony in Islam

    JohnB However, if I caught one in the act, the only things the cops will need to bring is a body-bag and a mop. If this seems contradictory, think of it in military terms. It is alright to kill the enemy in combat, but not after he has surrendered and been captured. That's sort of how I see it. The quote you made above, in reference to a pedophile, is not good enough for me. Nor is it good enough for how I feel about the Islamics who are killing in the name of allah. Evil does not earn a bed, free medical care, a television set, a community room, and three meals a day for the rest of their lives. These beasts deserve a box buried deep in the ground because they don't deserve the gift of life. What is to stop someone from raping as many little kids as he can get away with, knowing that he will never be put to death. I would bet that the death penalty has been a deterent to at least some rapists. Even if it was just one rapist that didn't commit the crime because he doesn't want to die, would be worth it. Where is your deterent. Joseph Smith is on trial right now for the kidnapping, brutal rape, and murder of an 11 year old child named Carlie Brusia. You should read a little about her, and while you do, picture her lying on the ground struggling with her kidnapper as he tore off her clothes. Think of her realizing that no one was going to help her. Think of her unable to fight back against someone much stronger than her. Think of her crying and pleading for her life. Think of what was going through her mind as he was... in his own words to his brother..... "having rough sex with her". Can you imagine what was on her mind? Well I can. Right now, in court, he is pleading for his life because he doesn't want his children to be without a father. If I was a juror, I would be crying for him too, but I would still give him death. Were talking about the lustful murder of an innocent 11 year old little girl. Her life was stolen from her and untill the day you die, people like you will never convince me with your analogy that I'm wrong in seeking his death. I don't care how much he pleads for his life. I want him dead and buried in an unmarked grave in the middle of some landfill. I feel no empathy for him at all because I put it where it belonged... with her. However, I feel differently about Andrea Yates who drowned all her kids. She is a nutcase and does not deserve death. She deserves a mental instituion because its not her fault. Don't anyone jump in and tell me that all rapists are sick to some degree because that won't work with me. I apply that same reasoning to the victims who have been put to death by the uncivilized Islamic culture. Its all the same to me. Evil needs to be removed from society and buried, not given free meals and a warm bed. No offense intended JohnB. I'm just defending my point of view... Bettina P.S. Now that I turned 18 I pity the pedophile who has me as a juror.
  5. I do it on a weekly basis so I can cut and paste parts of mp3's together. That way, if there is a good part of a song I like, I make it repeat in the middle... Its called Wavepad. It free, and full featured.. http://www.nch.com.au/wavepad/masters.html Bettina
  6. Bettina

    Irony in Islam

  7. Bettina

    Irony in Islam

    I am more curious to know if the Islamic religion allows women to compete in the 2006 Olympics along side their male counterparts. I haven't seen anything that says it is acceptable. Bettina
  8. Bettina

    Irony in Islam

    Do you think Islamics like the Olympics? I mean the events, the bright colors, the happy people? I wonder what they think when they see all that. Bettina
  9. Bettina

    Irony in Islam

  10. Bettina

    Irony in Islam

    Maybe you can show me where that is happening. I see one mistake in post 95 where I signed it twice. Bettina P.S. Are you sure your the real Severian? Some of your posts make me wonder.
  11. Bettina

    Irony in Islam

    I believe in freedom of speech above all else. If the Islamics ignored the cartoon, it would have stopped the same day. They just like to fight, kill, condemn, burn, rape, behead, fly planes into skyscrapers, blow kids up, stab pregnant women, kidnap, threaten, and build nukes to blow up Israel. Its what they do. Bettina Bettina
  12. Bettina

    Irony in Islam

    JohnB....I was planning a reply to you but Aardvark has pretty much echoed my words so I will refrain. However I'm surprised by the quote below. Since "you called me on it" I will answer the only way I know how...If a country did just that, where thousands of blacks were being eliminated because its the law of that nation, then I would invade it, disolve that government from the face of the earth and fix their laws. Is this what you expected me to say? Your definition of right and wrong are very different than mine and I think Evil should be fought no matter where it slithers. Bettina
  13. Bettina

    Irony in Islam

  14. I am reading Brian Greenes The fabric of the Cosmos and in Chapter 5, on page 133, Einstein speaks of the now and the totality of Spacetime and the conception of what exists at a given moment in my time. I don't understand what your looking for? Bettina
  15. Bettina

    Irony in Islam

  16. Bettina

    Irony in Islam

    More here... http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/10705393/ Islam is so full of peace... Bettina
  17. Bettina

    Irony in Islam

  18. Bettina

    Irony in Islam

    I have no problem with those two images since both are true. I say go ahead and print them. Bettina
  19. Bettina

    Irony in Islam

    Not one bit. Because it doesn't relate. Killing a little girl for lust is much different than beheading people for religious reasons, or spitting on allah, or drawing a cartoon. Show me in my posts where there is a similarity. Bettina Edit... I'll say this again. If we don't stop the spread of the Islamic religion, its going to kill us, and I do mean kill us.
  20. Bettina

    Irony in Islam

    First, I agree completely that those who support the death penalty should get to throw the switch. To me, its only fair that the parents of the 9 year old girl that got raped, buried alive, then died in her grave still holding on to her teddy bear, can feel a sense of closure when they get to send the pervert straight to hell. I hope they tape his eyes open so he can watch them do it. And maybe he can carry with him the names of all of you who wish to save him. Condoners of murder? If it was your daughter, would you go into the streets in the blinding rain holding a sign to spare your daughters killer? You people make me sick to my stomach literally. Bettina
  21. Bettina

    Irony in Islam

  22. Bettina

    Irony in Islam

    I think you know what I meant, but here are the rules. Article 513. I will find some names for you too since you don't believe they couldn't possibly do something like that. http://www.homa.org/Details.asp?ContentID=2137352827&TOCID=2083225444 Bettina
  23. Bettina

    Irony in Islam

    There is a big difference between number 4 and the other three. The USA executes those who have murdered other people or for other crimes against humanity. The others have executed people for speaking out against the government, drawing cartoons, disliking islam, not wearing a veil, just being an infidel.... I could go on and on and on.... but I'm sure you get the picture of what is civilized and what is not. Bettina
  24. Grrrrrr....
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