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Everything posted by Bettina

  1. Suddenly, I woke up and found that it was all a dream. I looked out my window and saw...
  2. Hi there honey!
  3. But it also wouldn't boot up so I smashed it on his head again...then a key fell out.
  4. I hit bill gates over the head with the prison laptop that I stole...that wouldn't boot up.
  5. But...wait! Theres a loose brick!
  6. and as I peered out the window, I saw the power pole crash to the ground in a hail of sparks.
  7. Bettina


    Wait awhile.....I'm afraid you will. Bettina
  8. Right now, I'm on page 67 of Brian Greenes "The fabric of the Cosmos", and although its 560 pages long, I already consider it the best science book I ever read. Those first 67 pages talk about the works of Newton, Mach, and Einstein. Geez, I would have given anything to work in Einsteins office as a floor sweeper just to watch him work. I have never found anyone else that interested me more than him. If you check out this Fred Hutchinson, you will see he has theist views of the universe, so his motive may be something else. Bettina
  9. Bettina


  10. Bettina


    Just remember, the president of Iran is a puppet controlled by religious fanatics which is far more dangerous. Iran is out to build a weapon and if I was Israel, I would never let that happen...no matter what. Bettina
  11. Hmm....I must be missing something. I would think the answer is unattainable. Order to Chaos....No matter how many times you shuffle the deck. Bettina
  12. Although your correct, I learned that the initial expansion of the universe was faster than c though it carried no information so I think that was the record....whatever that was. Bettina
  13. Ok...help me please. If a light beams top speed was 100mph (for example), and you were in a car traveling next to it at 50mph, when the driver looked at the light beam he would see light traveling at 100......not 50. This I understand. An observer on a mountain witnesses the race and sees the light beam travelling at 100mph and yet sees your car travelling at 50mph. I understand this too. I understand that the car driver doesn't feel any different. Everything in the car is normal to him....except he is confused. The observer on the mountain looks thru a telescope at the car and observes that both the car, you, and everything pertaining to the car is compressed in the forward plane.....I understand this too.... My question is what form is the driver in....slow motion or stopped. Logic tells me that time has slowed to a stop for the driver which is why he sees light at 100. This last part I'm having trouble seeing. Bettina
  14. Lisa Randall....I just love everything she says. Bettina
  15. Mike90 Mike, I can't help you from here. No one can. The fact that you don't have a profile doesn't help me much either. Fact is, that if I was sitting with you I know I could help you easily just by talking with you. Believe me when I say this....I was where you are now. When my mom left me at 10 because she never wanted kids, I blamed god, my dad, satan, but most of all, I blamed me. I couldn't understand what I did wrong. I was good, I said my prayers, and was never any trouble. When I was 12, I was still hearbroken and sometimes I would get depressed enough to wish I was really dead. Read my other threads and you will get the picture. I'm still not happy and would still give anything to have a mother, but I've got a loving dad and a doctor. I don't know if you have a family or what, but you need help. Find your best friend and tell him or her your troubles, but most of all you need to get to a doctor. Bettina
  16. Its new years eve, I'm home sick with a head cold and chills, I can't go out, so I come here for a look. Then, I see it appears he's been banned yet again before I got a chance to tell him his girlfriend was correct about....well.......everything she said to him. But.....I do find him entertaining. Forgive me....I'm sick. Bettina
  17. What does the "adapter" tab look like?...I don't think the default monitor is your problem.....its the adapter. Bettina. And, did you do what I told you before ?
  18. The only way that can happen is if your graphics driver has changed. Goto Start, settings, control panel, system, then click the hardware tab. Click on Device Manager, then the + sign on Display Adapters. Your card should be listed. Right click on it....and select Update Driver ...follow the instructions. If that fails, repeat the procedure only instead of Update, select delete and get rid of it and all other drivers in Display Adapters until nothing is left. Then reboot your computer. Windows will search for a new driver for your card and load it... Hope this helps you. Bettina
  19. No. Bettina
  20. Bettina

    New Idea

    I'm reading about this right now. I was always fascinated with what went thru Einsteins mind when he thought about riding on a beam of light....what would he have seen... Anyway, what swansont already said. Only the observer would notice the difference. You will still live a normal life. Good luck Bettina
  21. Bettina


    "Talk" is ok.....for most countries. For example, the US and Russia used to really threaten each other with words, and the cuban missile crisis proved that neither one was willing to risk a nuclear war. IMO both leaders had the brains to realize that no one would win with each side having a lot to lose. Iran, is much different. They are clerical fascists who think in a much different way. I believe they will sell weapons to whoever wants to blow up Israel in the name of allah, or use them themselves. They don't care what the rest of the world thinks. Going out on a limb, if I was Israel, I wouldn't wait. Bettina
  22. Bettina


    Iran is not harmless. You have a moron in charge that wants Israel removed any which way, and now he is building nukes. Something is flawed with your pov. Bettina
  23. Try this place. A friend of mine plays with those things. Look at the two toward the bottom. http://www.megatech.com/aircraft_categories.php Bettina
  24. Why don't you leave Daks the way it is, and just add the snowfall to it. Bettina
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