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Everything posted by Bettina
Thomas Kirby, from all your posts and especially this last one, I can conclude that your a sad individual who is against....well....almost everything. I think something has to change in your life and for starters it should be your attitude. Some parts of your posts interested me, but then it started getting dark fast. You should seek some help. I have a clock watching physco that isn't helping me, but maybe he can help you. You seem too smart a person to let your mind go to waste or say something that will get you some warnings. I would be interested in hearing more of what you have to say, but only after you have cleared your mind. Bettina
Me? I'm totally stunned, and blushed. Thank you anyway, but I don't deserve being up there with the others. I tend to be an emotional hip shooter and am wrong many times. If I had to name people, it would be all of you. I'm learning a lot here. Bettina
Well, I give up trying to get anything useful out of this thread. I thought it was going to have an intellegent outcome, but Thomas Kirby, you only condemn and criticize without giving (except for a few lines) any substantial idea about what could be done. And..since you obviously have a problem with any kind of authority, it makes you biased and that leads to a breakdown in credibility. I'm sorry, I really wanted to hear what your solutions would have been. Bettina
Bingo......This is one of the reasons I'm here looking for answers. This is what makes me sick sometimes. The other part of "becoming" what I'm observing is even scarier. So far, I'm still at a dead end. Bettina
I just did it again......what is wrong with you guys I can type curl if its the last word. If I type anything after it I can't post. Try it. I get around it like Sayo said by breaking the word up with a bold /bold statement like YT did. Bettina
I'm waiting for that answer too. I hope it's not an extensive dissertation. Bettina
Because it ties itself to other words like "occult, clairvoyance, psychic, and crystal ball". The people who don't have what I have are pretending they do and are making money bilking unbelievers. So, the "rose" is not as red and does not smell good at all. EDIT: Another thing that was mentioned here was the MRI. I said in an earlier post on another thread that this doctor wants me to have one, but I have repeatedly said no. I'm afraid of those things or what they may find. Maybe when I get older, I will be less afraid. Bettina
Well, about an hour because I wasted a lot of time cleaning out my computer, running a virus scanner, rebooting several times, then spybot because I was convinced I had a virus and I blamed everything but SFN After that, I retyped one paragraph, then previewed it. When that took, I started typing a little at a time, previewing each time until I came up against the offending word. Actually curl works ok as long as nothing comes after it, not even a space. Oh well, at least my computer is cleaned up. Bettina
I did it again this morning. If I use the two words curlup separately, I get an error. Is this my problem or SFN? Bettina
Me too. How would you protect girls like her. More than just murdered, she was tortured first..by a repeat offender like most are. Bettina Bettina
First, I have IE v6.0.2900.2180 xpsp_sp2 and with auto update on, I have the latest everything. I also have Firefox that I just recently downloaded. The thread in question fails in both browsers. I spent an hour retyping, cutting and pasting, and banging my mouse on the table in frustration but I finally found the culprit and its repeatable for as long as I want to type it. The "culprit" are two words that when used one after the other will cause the error message I showed you. It will fail in both browsers in either a reply or new message. The two words are: curl-and-up If I remove the -and- (dashes included) from the above two words, I can't send this message. What gives with these two words....Is it thinking I'm someone else? This is the thread.....See my last entry. I purposely put the two words together so I could send it. http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?p=198984#post198984 Bettina
This happended to me once before then went away. Now its back. I rebooted and used "enditall" to close any applications but it still happens. I'll try to post later... Bettina Forbidden You don't have permission to access /forums/newreply.php on this server. Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request. EDIT.....Well I tried several times more and gave up. I'll try again tommorrow. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Apache/1.3.33 Server at http://www.scienceforums.net Port 80
and your reply above bothers me and maybe you can clarify. A pedophile is a person who is sexually attracted to prepubescent children so my question to you is this. Do you believe the act of a person who rapes a child would be considered a monstrous act that should be dealt with severely? Bettina
I've been watching this thread for awhile, and I know for a fact there is something going on. I just don't know what it is, and though I keep looking, I keep coming up against quacks with quack answers. Which is why I dislike the word "Telepathy". Bettina
I think it will be catastrophic. Just upsetting the gravitational attraction alone. Just my opinion.....but what a great question! Bettina
It was Reagan... Edit.....I should have said that Reagan was the one I remember reading about that did that. Bettina
I believe you will see just that in less than 100 years. There will be offshoots due to cloning "accidents". We will accidentally do something that will create a "different human". I don't know, but I see this happening. Bettina
In case I was right...here is mine. What has a bear's nose, a giraffe's tail, a crocodile's stomach and a zebra's legs? Bettina
[hide]a bridge[/hide] Bettina
Could someone explain this to me? "Compulsory sexual morality" Bettina
^ agreed. Execute them. Bettina
Thats it exactly. Thus my major problem.
I only play two games. The Sims2 when I'm bored, or......when I want some excitement I play an online multiplayer game called Descent3 where you pilot your own ship. I play mostly at night...pilot name is Bettina, and I fly a Phoenix. The game is old, and sells for about $5 now. If you want to fight me, go buy it, then go here to play. http://d3.descent.cx/tracker.d3 Some highlights are here.. http://www.planetdescent.com/d3help/ P.S...be careful, I'm a Lieutenant. Bettina