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Everything posted by Bettina

  1. I'm just curious and not trying to start trouble, but, are you a sex offender? Bettina
  2. Bettina

    Abusive Neighbor

    My feeling exactly..... Bettina
  3. I'm me...
  4. In school, I have never heard a teacher, administrator, or the principal use vulgar language. None of our neighbors swear when talking to me or dad, and the kids I hang around with don't swear either. My dad doesn't use vulgar language, although I have heard him say some of the very mild ones when he breaks something. I don't swear and never have. I use "dang" as the word for everything that I think needs emphasis. I don't hang around with people that swear either, only because it makes me feel uncomforable, and the person firing swear words at me surely doesn't respect me or other people. I have heard kids swearing in an ice cream parlor when families are in the next booth. That is low. So, (IMO) I find that people who swear in mixed company or within earshot of people they don't know, show a lower intellegence than those mentioned in the beginning of my reply. Again, this is just my opinion. Bettina
  5. I love it......perfect. Bettina
  6. Is it possible to have some notification that someone is on your buddy list? For example, It would be nice if the box that contains the persons "name" where join date, location, and number of posts are, if there could be another symbol to denote that this person is on your buddy list. I don't know if this can be done or has any benefit. Right now, I have a typed list next to me of people who I consider my buddy. Bettina
  7. Geez...I don't know if I like me or not Your political compass Economic Left/Right: -5.25 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 0.10 Bettina
  8. So...what are the chances that earth would have another intellegent being capable of building machines. Bettina
  9. Bettina


    The Titanic was doing aprox 25 miles an hour when it hit the iceberg. I am looking at the mass of that ship, travelling 25 mph, and contacting an immovable object. IMO, I think the metal plates along each side of that ship would have ruptured and breached more bulkheads than just three. Also, I think the bulkheads were open on top, so water flowed to the others. I am interested now.......on other opinions....Interesting question. Bettina
  10. Bettina


  11. Bettina


  12. I notice Sayonara changed his avatar from a Stern fingerpointing Nixonian morph to.....ummmm....well a.....Dove? Geez....I know I said he was rigid and unemotional once.....but a Dove? I wish the original was back. Its not the same anymore. Bettina
  13. Does it make you seem more important when you do this? It doesn't really.
  14. The homepage in your profile..... Bettina
  15. After I read your entire "manual" I imagined us going out together. I also imagined that in the first five minutes I slapped you five times and called my dad to come pick me up. Throw away whatever your reading and start over. That is my unasked for advice. Bettina
  16. Thanks, but it never meant anything to me. I just like being neat. I hope not for your sake. When it comes to me, I can't even imagine what my dad and his friends are capable of. P.S.... Your web page is kool..... Bettina
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