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Everything posted by Bettina

  1. So, when I push that button, another girl is standing there but its not me. She's wearing my clothes too.... Mr. Luke and I are going to have a talk tommorrow for sure. Bettina
  2. I had a talk with my biology teacher today after class, and showed him what you guys wrote. I even pointed out the part where he was described. He looked at it awhile, laughed, and said "They called me a nut case?". I'm getting confused now. He did a lot of talking about things I didn't understand fully, so I'm not going to pick sides because my teacher now knows about this place. Hello Mr. Luke. His point of view hasn't changed because of the criteria I put in place to begin with. He says that the only difference is father10 marrying the sister of mother10 instead of mother10 herself. Everyone still has the same amount of children meaning that my "father" would still have married my mother who would only produce one daughter. Nobody dies. He says according to my rules, my mother cannot change and neither can her egg. Only the sperm changed because I now have a different father than I would have had. Her egg is the same one that produced me according to my rules. Since I was conceived at the same time, same day, with the same mother, and the same egg, he says that #2 is still a possibility. Go easy in case he's listening..... Bettina
  3. Thanks for the book link. I bought Flatland, Sphereland, Spaceland, and Geometry. (Actually it was dads credit card) I still have a hard time with the flat universe concept even though WMAP is now leaning toward it. Geez, it was only a year and a half ago that the sphere was still valid. I'm going to learn more about this. Bettina
  4. Ok....I'm still learning, but this is what I've learned so far. I know this is going off topic, but it still is related to the original question. Picture a Christmas tree ball that is round, thin and hollow. On the outside of the ball, take a small brush and paint galaxies, stars, planets, everything you see in the night sky, etc. Now looking at that ball, that is our universe. Nothing exists in the space outside of the surface of the ball, and nothing exists inside the ball. Nothing means just that. Nothing. No time, no matter, no space. You cannot go from one end of the ball to the other by passing thru the middle because there is nothing there. I was also told that the universe went from a pinpoint that appeared out of nothing, and inflated to the size it is today in a few nanoseconds. Much faster than the speed of light since light came after the initial inflation. The flat universe implies a sheet of paper instead of a ball, but all the rules still apply. I think this is correct Bettina
  5. Hmmm.... I showed this thread to my biology teacher who told me that #2, though highly unlikely, is still possible. I would look different, I may even be a boy, but the "soul" peering out of the person in front of the mirror, could still be me. A different me, but still me. Now I'm wondering all over again. Bettina
  6. Hmmm...... I wonder if it was a blue LED strobe.
  7. Blike.....Tsk Tsk Tsk.... If it's ok for my president....it's ok for me. Bettina
  8. That happens to me a lot. An example happened to me two years ago when my dad and I went to visit a friend of his in the next town. When we got to the towns center, I instantly recognized the feeling you describe. I gazed at the buildings and knew I was here before. I even pointed out a particular rotary with a white building in the rear. My dad said no. I was never here. Then about a year later, I was in a store at the mall in my town, and was stunned when I saw that exact scene on a postcard called "Our Town". I go to that mall all the time, so I may have glanced at that card at one time, and my brain remembered it and assumed I was really there. It was right out of a Stephen King book....creepy.....and yes my friends tried to scare the heck out of me with that. They won. Bettina
  9. Then it's #3.... I face the mirror, push the button, and in that moment I cease to exist. Another girl is there now. Bettina
  10. That's what I wanted to know. With all the generations I mentioned, and the scenario I presented, I would still be here, but a different person knowing nothing about the one I am now. My father would have still had a daughter, but it wouldn't be me. Is that correct? Bettina P.S. The chain scenario didnt work for me because it implies that someone was killed. I just wanted to exchange one of the links to a different one and see if the bottom link changed.
  11. I still need an answer to this. How far back can I really go. How many generations. Bettina
  12. I tried to search for this question, but didn't have any luck. How far back in my family tree do I have to go where a change would have kept me from being born. For example, someone got killed. Bettina
  13. Mine is me.... Bettina
  14. I go with no. Laws should apply to all companies, private or held. If the person can do the job and do it well, he should not be turned down because of his race. This kind of thing keeps discrimination alive, and it should be dead. I also would like to hear blikes reasoning.
  15. I never kiss and tell....actually I've never really kissed yet. Bettina
  16. For my 17th Birthday email and PM's This was my first ever BB Bday email. It meant a lot to me. Tonight I'm going out with Dad and his friend for supper, then some clothes shopping with the two of them and some of my friends. Sunday, I got a BIG gift certificate from the senior home where I sing. I was shocked....I really didn't expect that since I told them from the start that I wouldn't accept any money from them. My choir friends got certificates too. So, we went to the mall that night, and I got "SIMS2" for starters. I feel good Bettina
  17. I want to play a character...but I have to be good. Bettina
  18. Geez..... You guys are too cold. All you need is true love between a man and a women. Everything else is attainable. Bettina
  19. Someone told me that the reason the moon looked larger when low on the horizon was because of the warm air, smog, and pollutants. He said when combined, they produced one big magnifying effect. This made some sense to me especially that it doesn’t happen during winter months. Bettina
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