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Everything posted by cloudzell91

  1. hi guyz.... this help is not in programming but somehow part of a study... am looking for help that knows what are the numerical equivalent interpretation of 1.00 - 1.80 1.81 - 2.60 2.61 - 3.40 3.41 - 4.20 4.21 - 5.00 ...what are the interpretation of each numerical equivalent result??... besides the poor,fairly,good,very good,excellent OR very unaccepted,unaccepted,fairly accepted,acceptable,very acceptable. .... ..will use the interpretation of each result for the Weighted Mean Interpretation for User Acceptance Test for program design... Thank you.....
  2. thanks for the reply..and advised...... i guess this thread is closed...
  3. hi there guyz... new on here.. ,,,, i want to look some advice of what will be a good thing to do in a THESIS.... ,,7-8 months is the time frame.. now is the planning time of what is a simple thesis to make in CS.. ,,,,,, ,,, to make use of ANDROID maybe game for android or a screen lock(is this a good choice?),, ..am still new n android programming and want to seek some advice of what is a good thing to do in a thesis project ... ...if you have other things in mind besides ANDROID that is easy and simple for thesis that fits for a CS .... sorry for my english
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