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  1. Hello, my teacher gave me this question and seems like none of my classmates know the answer. I understand that first I have to find a compund that reacts with HCL to find the first letter "A" but how do I do that? Thank you in advance for the ones willing to help me Compound X was treated with Hydrochloric acid to give compound A, a primary substituted compound. Compound A was then treated with aqueous sodium hydroxide to give compound B and sodium chloride as products. Compound B was oxidized to compound C which was further oxidized to compound D. Compound D was found to have a formula of C3H6O2 and had a pH <7. Compounds B & D reacted with one another in the presence of an acid catalyst to give compound E (which had a strong odour) and water. Compound F was produced when compoundA was reacted with ammonia.
  2. Hello, my teacher gave me this question and seems like none of my classmates know the answer. I understand that first I have to find a compund that reacts with HCL to find the first letter "A" but how do I do that? Thank you in advance for the ones willing to help me Compound X was treated with Hydrochloric acid to give compound A, a primary substituted compound. Compound A was then treated with aqueous sodium hydroxide to give compound B and sodium chloride as products. Compound B was oxidized to compound C which was further oxidized to compound D. Compound D was found to have a formula of C3H6O2 and had a pH <7. Compounds B & D reacted with one another in the presence of an acid catalyst to give compound E (which had a strong odour) and water. Compound F was produced when compound A was reacted with ammonia.
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