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  1. Makes sense. Oh, okay. So it's being warmed by the sun., but why doesn't the air lose all of its heat to the vacuum of space at night? Newton's Law of Cooling, right?
  2. If space is so cold, why is the Earth so warm?
  3. I think I am right, though. Where does the friction factor into that?
  4. Unless, of course, the original was checked and parts were obviously wrong. "Can you just write newtons third law as you understand it in your next post, please so we are all on the same page. " I just said what I think if means a couple of posts, and a few hours, ago.
  5. I hope the documentary, school, and college versions weren't different than the original.
  6. Every energy/momentum/force is supposed to create an equal and opposite energy/momentum/force when a collision occurs.
  7. The energy is secondary and is supposed to follow along with the momentum conservation and balance of forces explanation that Swansont gave, right? "Also, you will not get momentum conservation if you have external forces applying." Does that mean I'm right?
  8. Newton's third law of motion to me means a balance of energy (Swansont mentioned momentum). Foot hitting pavement or arm hitting a couch or bed frame makes the secondary object really warm, but walking or running for 30 entire minutes is only supposed to be about 140 calories.
  9. Also triangles hitting each other (non-symmetric orientation ,and they may have rubber on the opposite side. Mine was only done with a computer simulation in high school. Also, you have to track the heat during these collisions, and have different shapes, sizes, and masses.
  10. Have there been experiments for these claims in the given situations, or are we just guessing?
  11. Interesting, but I think that Newton might be wrong on more normal scales, too.
  12. I think it was a planet when I was in high school.
  13. Is Newton's third law of motion wrong? Could the other ones be? Perhaps the original energy doesn't disappear when something impacts something else. Perhaps extra energy is gained and then dissipated as heat. This would be when the two objects that hit each other are different shapes or maybe different sizes or maybe when they are of different springiness/hardness. I thought this one up or realized it about a month or two ago, but forgot, so I am posting it now. Examples of scenarios: two magnets/electromagnets Foot hitting pavement or arm hitting a couch or bed frame makes the secondary object really warm, but walking or running for 30 entire minutes is only supposed to be about 140 calories. Anything hitting a wall.
  14. If that really is Saturn or Venus in the western sky, I think it's 20 to 45 degrees off of the ecliptic. I mean, the sun sets more or less vertically. The only planet off of the ecliptic is supposed to be Pluto, but Pluto is not visible with the naked eye (I don't think it is).
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