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Everything posted by kleinwolf

  1. For me biking helped me to give up, because breathing was so difficult, I stopped since 1 year, but I had an accident with my bike. So I stopped biking and now the cigarette-envy strikes back, it's a pity.
  2. Oh, I'm sorry, I'm in the wrong section, I come from physics, and not medicine. I don't want to change my blood, I wondered if this could happen accidentally, by changing eating habits due to external factors (change the region, radioactivity induced mutations, aso). I see what you mean : you're doubting people use this for criminal activities and not be caught ? I wrote "possible to" and should write "possible that blood changes..."
  3. Sex is shame, because linked to secret and pain. This is what makes the thing interesting, due to competition too. Do you think the "brave new world" could be a goal for humanity ? : sterilize human at birth, so that reproduction becomes medically controlled, and even make genitalias-less people in order to have "real-worker" that do not always think about the "thing" (like social insect colonies casts) ?
  4. It's quite complicated for me to understand the last post. But another thing I do not understand is : sometimes it's said the singularity is a coordinate-singularity we used to describe space-time and not a singularity of space-time itself. Which then leads to the question to know if the singularity is real, what is reality in this context ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Physics was parabolic and has become hyperbolic (hyper=a lot bolic=luck) whereas medicine is an elliptic science (ellipse=not saying=secret).
  5. Is it possible to change the blood group by changing eating habits ?
  6. Prostitution or maybe other practices (exchange). But imagine you try to avoid prostitution, that break couples, by making unsatisfied wishes of your partner, then this could lead to disgust and separation too. So, in fact, there is no other way than accept the situation as it is, it seems.
  7. Probably...a weakness in the couples, but which is more probable : due to physical consideration (body parts or positions) or psychological ones (permanent psycho-terror or mental diminishing attacks)?
  8. Well, dumb question
  9. You mean for example if there are more f than m, this is solved by singles or other social structures ?
  10. Do you think prostitution could comes from unsatisfied sexual life of couples ? BTW, if the sex ratio locally is not 1:1 (number(female)=number(male)), how is this solved : a) if f>m=>polygyny b) m>f polyandry or singles ?
  11. There are so many coordinates system, that we could put any a priori symmetry conditions : I suppose using ellipsoidal coordinates is maybe describing an ellipsoidal mass but there are also bipolar coordinates, which implies 2 centers of circles, but I don't know exactly which symmetry conditions can be used for this fixed 2-body centers
  12. I don't think these will ever exist. At most statistical covariance between groups and climate maybe, but these are no explanation, this is just passive sampling. Evidence is only when a covariance is 100%, which never occurs in that kind of question, and hence this should end this conversation.
  13. Right..the formula used in Dirac's derivation is [math] E^2=m_0^2 c^4+p^2c^2 [/math] it's rest mass m0. Whereas for the charge, I suppose it has to do with a coupling to the electromagnetic field. In fact I do not really understand relativistic formalism, need more time.
  14. By chance ? But maybe blood groups have at least as much influence as skin color, but we do not see, just feel a kind of exclusion. For example, if I'm in Switzerland, it's more A group, and I feel rejected not well, because I'm O ? I should better go to Florida or California...Does this has any base in psycho or medical statistics ?
  15. I thought since O group is bigger, the group will ask for less new people. But in fact, O seems very wide groupe, and in southern america, so more hot blooded people, whereas A, much more seldom, is more in northern regions. Do you know if people of same blood groups integrate better, socially speaking ?
  16. Thx.
  17. Yes, I was doubting some medical secret, that in fact seem more racist than having any scientific bases. Maybe I have to find statistics on diseases or wealth depending on the blood type of the parents. BTW : I think O group contains the most human on earth. Can we deduce from this, that O group people should be psychologically colder towards meeting other people ?
  18. I read that the use of nuclear weapons during WW2 on civilian cities was decided by the thanatocracy What's this ? They only can decide of such physical End of Humanity, or diseases and hungriness due to overcrowded earth by humans. (for this we have a brave new world controlling some societies where all human are sterilized at birth and only few will be chosen for reproduction) But we could see a logical end of humanity : due to the evolution, the future humans will be so different, that the naming of them will change, and we will not call them humans, but another name like human are not anymore called monkey even if they, in some theories, evolve from them.
  19. Do you sometimes think about the psychodynamical interpretation of EBR like experiment : you meet sdy and think about a long time after, or consider the couple as an entity (the covariance <AB> would be unseparable under certain criteria, which are more psychological ones, since blood laws (blood groups should be the same), are a reasonable cause of separation of a couple) ?
  20. Does Polyploïdy mean that the genome is copied inside the nucleus, or that several nuclei appear ?
  21. Yes, people having used marijuana can have several symptoms (permanent weakness, energy loss, memory loss). Is there any treatment (regimes, aso)
  22. But if the parents are A and O, the baby turns out to sludge, due to the preceding texts. So how can genetics of blood exist, only a A can have babies with A (since if you mix O blood with A, the serum of O makes A coagulate). On the other hand if both are A, if for example A would be dominant, A and A could give O (if parents were AO AO ?). This test I didn't know, so, before you marry, you should check this, else it could be a cause of divorce, if the parents suddenly get the weird idea to have children. So in some sense, a couple should put their reproductive feeling in submission to this test, so that psychologically seen a couple can be breakable under medical consideration (in a psychopathic world, we could see this as a way to take women from other parts)
  23. Right, right. I've noticed this is a very protected area, so ancient and so prestigious.
  24. Anyhow 2-body problem is not solvable in GR (since the test mass is not taken into account, but it should curve space-time too)
  25. Speaking of crop-circle, does anybody know if there exists a formula to decide if a geometric object was made by humans or not ? (Like a measure of entropy or some dimension like in fractals ?)
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