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Everything posted by Sradac

  1. Read "The Fourth Dimension" I cant remember who it is by, but its a great theoretical physics read. We wouldnt actually go through the wall, but actually we would go "around" the wall in a higher dimension. amazon.com has the book I know i just dont remember the author and dont feel like looking it up lol.
  2. "For every action there is an opposite, and equal re-action" thats pretty much accepted worldwide as being true. as is einsteins general theory of relativity. so how do these two exist in the same world and are both accepted worldwide? where is the opposite and equal reaction in the general theory of relativity, of space or space/time pushing down on us? i say space or space/time because I dont believe in time. i never believed in gravity either long before i knew of einsteins theories and low and behold he pretty much proved me correct in not believing in gravity, therefore im pretty sure im right in not believing in "time" or at least as its perceived by the western world at the moment.
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