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Everything posted by Dbaiba

  1. How can you say such a thing without even taking a close look at my provided link ? because if you did , you wouldn't have said what you just did Both my posts were to the point though ,because atheists like Dawkins always present science and evolution as the major "arguments " against religion ,while the scientific method itself and the discovery of evolution were the products of religious scientists ...ironically enough What are you afraid of ,just let my topic in question be the subject of open-minded serious debates and let the people decide for themselves what to think of it Come on , i thought this site was an open-minded one I hope i was not wrong Bye
  2. Hi there : I am not advertising the book : but i just use it to make my point . That book contains a lots of marxist ideas i absolutely do not agree with for example,so. P.S.: Would you, please , tell me where is my first topic concerning the scientific method under the same subject i just posted ? If you happened to remove it , would you, be kind enough to tell me why ? because i see no reason why it should be removed in the first place to begin with . Did you, at least , take a close look at the link i provided ? Why did you remove it without even taking a close look at it ? Weird Thanks , appreciate indeed .
  3. Well, Dawkins could indeed prove nothing against religion in that book of his ,that's why he just resorted to many judgements of value instead of facts ...a weird behaviour from a scientist . He's just a pissed off guy not able to deliver what he pretends to do against religion . I think that people should take a look at the following to broaden their horizon on the matter of religion and science : I wish i could send this to Dawkins and co. indeed : <link snipped> Thanks
  4. The Real Origin of The Scientific Method is Religious : Hi there : I am a new member in this great site . I hope to find some good friends here , some interesting debates , insights ... I really want to share the extremely interesting following with you , in the hope to trigger some serious debates about it . I am very interested in your opinions on the matter . <link snipped> Your new pal Dbaiba
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